chore(deps): update dependency node to v22 #5

Xefir wants to merge 8 commits from renovate/node-22.x into main

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
node (source) major 20 -> 22

Release Notes

nodejs/node (node)

v22.11.0: 2024-10-29, Version 22.11.0 'Jod' (LTS), @​richardlau

Compare Source

Notable Changes

This release marks the transition of Node.js 22.x into Long Term Support (LTS)
with the codename 'Jod'. The 22.x release line now moves into "Active LTS"
and will remain so until October 2025. After that time, it will move into
"Maintenance" until end of life in April 2027.

Other than updating metadata, such as the process.release object, to reflect
that the release is LTS, no further changes from Node.js 22.10.0 are included.

OpenSSL 3.x

Official binaries for Node.js 22.x currently include OpenSSL 3.0.x (more
specifically, the quictls OpenSSL fork).
OpenSSL 3.0.x is the currently designated long term support version that is
scheduled to be supported until 7th September 2026, which is within the expected
lifetime of Node.js 22.x. We are expecting upstream OpenSSL to announce a
successor long term support version prior to that date and since OpenSSL now
follows a semantic versioning-like versioning scheme we expect to be able to
update to the next long term supported version of OpenSSL during the lifetime of
Node.js 22.x.

v22.10.0: 2024-10-16, Version 22.10.0 (Current), @​aduh95

Compare Source

Notable Changes
New "module-sync" exports condition

This release introduces a "module-sync" exports condition that's enabled when
require(esm) is enabled, so packages can supply a synchronous ES module to the
Node.js module loader, no matter if it's being required or imported. This is
similar to the "module" condition that bundlers have been using to support
require(esm) in Node.js, and allows dual-package authors to opt into ESM-first
only on newer versions of Node.js that supports require(esm) to avoid the
dual-package hazard.

  "type": "module",
  "exports": {
    "node": {
      // On new version of Node.js, both require() and import get
      // the ESM version
      "module-sync": "./index.js",
      // On older version of Node.js, where "module-sync" and require(esm) are
      // not supported, use the CJS version to avoid dual-package hazard.
      // When package authors think it's time to drop support for older versions of
      // Node.js, they can remove the exports conditions and just use "main": "index.js".
      "default": "./dist/index.cjs"
    // On any other environment, use the ESM version.
    "default": "./index.js"

Or if the package is only meant to be run on Node.js and wants to fallback to
CJS on older versions that don't have require(esm):

  "type": "module",
  "exports": {
    // On new version of Node.js, both require() and import get the ESM version
    "module-sync": "./index.js",
    // On older version of Node.js, where "module-sync" and require(esm) are
    // not supported, use the CJS version to avoid dual-package hazard.
    // When package authors think it's time to drop support for older versions of
    // Node.js, they can remove the exports conditions and just use "main": "index.js".
    "default": "./dist/index.cjs"

For package authors: this only serves as a feature-detection mechanism for
packages that wish to support both CJS and ESM users during the period when some
active Node.js LTS versions support require(esm) while some older ones don't.
When all active Node.js LTS lines support require(esm), packages can simplify
their distributions by bumping the major version, dropping their CJS exports,
and removing the module-sync exports condition (with only main or default
targetting the ESM exports). If the package needs to support both bundlers and
being run unbundled on Node.js during the transition period, use both
module-sync and module and point them to the same ESM file. If the package
already doesn't want to support older versions of Node.js that doesn't support
require(esm), don't use this export condition.

For bundlers/tools: they should avoid implementing this stop-gap condition.
Most existing bundlers implement the de-facto bundler standard
exports condition, and that should be enough to support users who want to bundle
ESM from CJS consumers. Users who want both bundlers and Node.js to recognize
the ESM exports can use both module/module-sync conditions during the
transition period, and can drop module-sync+module when they no longer need
to support older versions of Node.js. If tools do want to support this
condition, it's recommended to make the resolution rules in the graph pointed by
this condition match the Node.js native ESM rules to avoid divergence.

We ended up implementing a condition with a different name instead of reusing
"module", because existing code in the ecosystem using the "module"
condition sometimes also expect the module resolution for these ESM files to
work in CJS style, which is supported by bundlers, but the native Node.js loader
has intentionally made ESM resolution different from CJS resolution (e.g.
forbidding import './noext' or import './directory'), so it would be
breaking to implement a "module" condition without implementing the forbidden
ESM resolution rules. For now, this just implements a new condition as
semver-minor so it can be backported to older LTS.

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #​54648.

node --run is now stable

This CLI flag runs a specified command from a package.json's "scripts" object.

For the following package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "node --test-reporter junit --test ./test"

You can run node --run test and that would start the test suite.

Contributed by Yagiz Nizipli in #​53763.

Other notable changes
  • [f0b441230a] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add KeyObject.prototype.toCryptoKey (Filip Skokan) #​55262
  • [349d2ed07b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add Date fields for validTo and validFrom (Andrew Moon) #​54159
  • [bebc95ed58] - doc: add abmusse to collaborators (Abdirahim Musse) #​55086
  • [914db60159] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: expose nghttp2_option_set_stream_reset_rate_limit as an option (Maël Nison) #​54875
  • [f7c3b03759] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: propagate aborted state to dependent signals before firing events (jazelly) #​54826
  • [32261fc98a] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: support loading entrypoint as url (RedYetiDev) #​54933
  • [06957ff355] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: implement flushCompileCache() (Joyee Cheung) #​54971
  • [2dcf70c347] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: throw when invalid argument is passed to enableCompileCache() (Joyee Cheung) #​54971
  • [f9b19d7c44] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: write compile cache to temporary file and then rename it (Joyee Cheung) #​54971
  • [e95163b170] - (SEMVER-MINOR) process: add process.features.require_module (Joyee Cheung) #​55241
  • [4050f68e5d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) process: add process.features.typescript (Aviv Keller) #​54295
  • [86f7cb802d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: support custom arguments in run() (Aviv Keller) #​55126
  • [b62f2f8259] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add 'test:summary' event (Colin Ihrig) #​54851
  • [d7c708aec5] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add support for coverage via run() (Chemi Atlow) #​53937
  • [5fda4a1498] - (SEMVER-MINOR) worker: add markAsUncloneable api (Jason Zhang) #​55234

v22.9.0: 2024-09-17, Version 22.9.0 (Current), @​RafaelGSS

Compare Source

New API to retrieve execution Stack Trace

A new API getCallSite has been introduced to the util module. This API allows users
to retrieve the stacktrace of the current execution. Example:

const util = require('node:util');

function exampleFunction() {
  const callSites = util.getCallSite();

  console.log('Call Sites:');
  callSites.forEach((callSite, index) => {
    console.log(`CallSite ${index + 1}:`);
    console.log(`Function Name: ${callSite.functionName}`);
    console.log(`Script Name: ${callSite.scriptName}`);
    console.log(`Line Number: ${callSite.lineNumber}`);
    console.log(`Column Number: ${callSite.column}`);
  // CallSite 1:
  // Function Name: exampleFunction
  // Script Name: /home/example.js
  // Line Number: 5
  // Column Number: 26

  // CallSite 2:
  // Function Name: anotherFunction
  // Script Name: /home/example.js
  // Line Number: 22
  // Column Number: 3

  // ...

// A function to simulate another stack layer
function anotherFunction() {


Thanks to Rafael Gonzaga for making this work on #​54380.

Disable V8 Maglev

We have seen several crashes/unexpected JS behaviors with maglev on v22
(which ships V8 v12.4). The bugs lie in the codegen so it would be difficult for
users to work around them or even figure out where the bugs are coming from.
Some bugs are fixed in the upstream while some others probably remain.

As v22 will get stuck with V8 v12.4 as LTS, it will be increasingly difficult to
backport patches for them even if the bugs are fixed. So disable it by default
on v22 to reduce the churn and troubles for users.

Thanks to Joyee Cheung for making this work on #​54384

Exposes X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN to tls.createSecureContext

This releases introduces a new option to the API tls.createSecureContext. For
now on users can use tls.createSecureContext({ allowPartialTrustChain: true })
to treat intermediate (non-self-signed) certificates in the trust CA certificate
list as trusted.

Thanks to Anna Henningsen for making this work on #​54790

Other Notable Changes
  • [5c9599af5a] - src: create handle scope in FastInternalModuleStat (Joyee Cheung) #​54384
  • [e2307d87e8] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: relocate the status checking code in the onwritecomplete (YoonSoo_Shin) #​54032
  • [8433032948] - repl: doc-deprecate instantiating node:repl classes without new (Aviv Keller) #​54842
  • [8c4c85cf31] - zlib: deprecate instantiating classes without new (Yagiz Nizipli) #​54708

v22.8.0: 2024-09-03, Version 22.8.0 (Current), @​RafaelGSS

Compare Source

New JS API for compile cache

This release adds a new API module.enableCompileCache() that can be used to enable on-disk code caching of all modules loaded after this API is called.
Previously this could only be enabled by the NODE_COMPILE_CACHE environment variable, so it could only set by end-users.
This API allows tooling and library authors to enable caching of their own code.
This is a built-in alternative to the v8-compile-cache/v8-compile-cache-lib packages,
but have better performance and supports ESM.

Thanks to Joyee Cheung for working on this.

New option for vm.createContext() to create a context with a freezable globalThis

Node.js implements a flavor of vm.createContext() and friends that creates a context without contextifying its global
object when vm.constants.DONT_CONTEXTIFY is used. This is suitable when users want to freeze the context
(impossible when the global is contextified i.e. has interceptors installed) or speed up the global access if they
don't need the interceptor behavior.

Thanks to Joyee Cheung for working on this.

Support for coverage thresholds

Node.js now supports requiring code coverage to meet a specific threshold before the process exits successfully.
To use this feature, you need to enable the --experimental-test-coverage flag.

You can set thresholds for the following types of coverage:

  • Branch coverage: Use --test-coverage-branches=<threshold>
  • Function coverage: Use --test-coverage-functions=<threshold>
  • Line coverage: Use --test-coverage-lines=<threshold>

<threshold> should be an integer between 0 and 100. If an invalid value is provided, a TypeError will be thrown.

If the code coverage fails to meet the specified thresholds for any category, the process will exit with code 1.

For instance, to enforce a minimum of 80% line coverage and 60% branch coverage, you can run:

$ node --experimental-test-coverage --test-coverage-lines=80 --test-coverage-branches=60 example.js

Thanks Aviv Keller for working on this.

Other Notable Changes
  • [1f2cc2fa47] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src,lib: add performance.uvMetricsInfo (Rafael Gonzaga) #​54413
  • [1e01bdc0d0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: exclude ipv6 loopback addresses from server.listen (Giovanni Bucci) #​54264
  • [97fa075c2e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: support running tests in process (Colin Ihrig) #​53927
  • [858b583c88] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: defer inheriting hooks until run() (Colin Ihrig) #​53927

v22.7.0: 2024-08-22, Version 22.7.0 (Current), @​RafaelGSS

Compare Source

Experimental transform types support

With the new flag --experimental-transform-types it is possible to enable the
transformation of TypeScript-only syntax into JavaScript code.

This feature allows Node.js to support TypeScript syntax such as Enum and namespace.

Thanks to Marco Ippolito for making this work on #​54283.

Module syntax detection is now enabled by default.

Module syntax detection (the --experimental-detect-module flag) is now
enabled by default. Use --no-experimental-detect-module to disable it if

Syntax detection attempts to run ambiguous files as CommonJS, and if the module
fails to parse as CommonJS due to ES module syntax, Node.js tries again and runs
the file as an ES module.
Ambiguous files are those with a .js or no extension, where the nearest parent
package.json has no "type" field (either "type": "module" or
"type": "commonjs").
Syntax detection should have no performance impact on CommonJS modules, but it
incurs a slight performance penalty for ES modules; add "type": "module" to
the nearest parent package.json file to eliminate the performance cost.
A use case unlocked by this feature is the ability to use ES module syntax in
extensionless scripts with no nearby package.json.

Thanks to Geoffrey Booth for making this work on #​53619.

Performance Improvements to Buffer

Performance of Node.js Buffers have been optimized through multiple PR's with significant
improvements to the Buffer.copy and Buffer.write methods. These are used throughout
the codebase and should give a nice boost across the board.

Thanks to Robert Nagy for making this work on #​54311,
#​54324, and #​54087.

Other Notable Changes
  • [911de7dd6d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) inspector: support Network.loadingFailed event (Kohei Ueno) #​54246
  • [9ee4b16bd8] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: rewrite AsyncLocalStorage without async_hooks (Stephen Belanger) #​48528

v22.6.0: 2024-08-06, Version 22.6.0 (Current), @​RafaelGSS

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Experimental TypeScript support via strip types

Node.js introduces the --experimental-strip-types flag for initial TypeScript support.
This feature strips type annotations from .ts files, allowing them to run
without transforming TypeScript-specific syntax. Current limitations include:

  • Supports only inline type annotations, not features like enums or namespaces.
  • Requires explicit file extensions in import and require statements.
  • Enforces the use of the type keyword for type imports to avoid runtime errors.
  • Disabled for TypeScript in node_modules by default.

Thanks Marco Ippolito for working on this.

Experimental Network Inspection Support in Node.js

This update introduces the initial support for network inspection in Node.js.
Currently, this is an experimental feature, so you need to enable it using the --experimental-network-inspection flag.
With this feature enabled, you can inspect network activities occurring within a JavaScript application.

To use network inspection, start your Node.js application with the following command:

$ node --inspect-wait --experimental-network-inspection index.js

Please note that the network inspection capabilities are in active development.
We are actively working on enhancing this feature and will continue to expand its functionality in future updates.

Thanks Kohei Ueno for working on this.

Other Notable Changes

v22.5.1: 2024-07-19, Version 22.5.1 (Current), @​richardlau

Compare Source

Notable Changes

This release fixes a regression introduced in Node.js 22.5.0. The problem is known to display the following symptoms:

  • Crash with FATAL ERROR: v8::Object::GetCreationContextChecked No creation context available #​53902
  • npm errors with npm error Exit handler never called! npm/cli#7657
  • yarn hangs or outputs Usage Error: Couldn't find the node_modules state file - running an install might help (findPackageLocation) yarnpkg/berry#6398

v22.5.0: 2024-07-17, Version 22.5.0 (Current), @​RafaelGSS prepared by @​aduh95

Compare Source

Notable Changes

v22.4.1: 2024-07-08, Version 22.4.1 (Current), @​RafaelGSS

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This is a security release.

Notable Changes
  • CVE-2024-36138 - Bypass incomplete fix of CVE-2024-27980 (High)
  • CVE-2024-22020 - Bypass network import restriction via data URL (Medium)
  • CVE-2024-22018 - fs.lstat bypasses permission model (Low)
  • CVE-2024-36137 - fs.fchown/fchmod bypasses permission model (Low)
  • CVE-2024-37372 - Permission model improperly processes UNC paths (Low)

v22.4.0: 2024-07-02, Version 22.4.0 (Current), @​targos

Compare Source

Notable Changes
Experimental Web Storage API
  • [9e30724b53] - (SEMVER-MINOR) deps,lib,src: add experimental web storage (Colin Ihrig) #​52435
API stability updates
Other Notable Changes
  • [df4762722c] - doc: doc-only deprecate OpenSSL engine-based APIs (Richard Lau) #​53329
  • [ad5282e196] - inspector: fix disable async hooks on Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth (Joyee Cheung) #​53473
  • [e95af740fc] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add diagnostics_channel events to module loading (RafaelGSS) #​44340
  • [50733a1abe] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: support --no- for argument with boolean type for parseArgs (Zhenwei Jin) #​53107

v22.3.0: 2024-06-11, Version 22.3.0 (Current), @​RafaelGSS

Compare Source

Notable Changes

v22.2.0: 2024-05-15, Version 22.2.0 (Current), @​targos

Compare Source

Notable Changes
  • [fb85d38e80] - (SEMVER-MINOR) cli: allow running wasm in limited vmem with --disable-wasm-trap-handler (Joyee Cheung) #​52766
  • [23a0d3339f] - doc: add pimterry to collaborators (Tim Perry) #​52874
  • [7d7a762156] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: allow 'withFileTypes' to be used with globs (Aviv Keller) #​52837
  • [8748dd6477] - (SEMVER-MINOR) inspector: introduce the --inspect-wait flag (Kohei Ueno) #​52734
  • [9a7ae9b6c4] - lib,src: remove --experimental-policy (Rafael Gonzaga) #​52583
  • [1f7c2a93fc] - (SEMVER-MINOR) perf_hooks: add deliveryType and responseStatus fields (Matthew Aitken) #​51589
  • [2f59529dc5] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: support test plans (Colin Ihrig) #​52860
  • [6b4dac3eb5] - (SEMVER-MINOR) zlib: expose zlib.crc32() (Joyee Cheung) #​52692

v22.1.0: 2024-05-02, Version 22.1.0 (Current), @​targos prepared by @​aduh95

Compare Source

module: implement NODE_COMPILE_CACHE for automatic on-disk code caching

This patch implements automatic on-disk code caching that can be enabled
via an environment variable NODE_COMPILE_CACHE=/path/to/cache/dir.

When set, whenever Node.js compiles a CommonJS or a ECMAScript Module,
it will use on-disk V8 code cache
persisted in the specified directory
to speed up the compilation. This may slow down the first load of a
module graph, but subsequent loads of the same module graph may get
a significant speedup if the contents of the modules do not change.
Locally, this speeds up loading of test/fixtures/snapshot/typescript.js
from ~130ms to ~80ms.

To clean up the generated code cache, simply remove the directory.
It will be recreated the next time the same directory is used for

Compilation cache generated by one version of Node.js may not be used
by a different version of Node.js. Cache generated by different versions
of Node.js will be stored separately if the same directory is used
to persist the cache, so they can co-exist.

Caveat: currently when using this with V8 JavaScript code coverage, the
coverage being collected by V8 may be less precise in functions that are
deserialized from the code cache. It's recommended to turn this off when
running tests to generate precise coverage.

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #​52535.

Other Notable Changes
  • [44ee04cf9f] - buffer: improve base64 and base64url performance (Yagiz Nizipli) #​52428
  • [3c37ce5710] - (SEMVER-MINOR) dns: add order option and support ipv6first (Paolo Insogna) #​52492
  • [3026401be1] - events,doc: mark CustomEvent as stable (Daeyeon Jeong) #​52618
  • [64428dc1c9] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib, url: add a windows option to path parsing (Aviv Keller) #​52509
  • [d79ae74f71] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add CLI option for autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout (Paolo Insogna) #​52474
  • [43fa6a1a45] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add string_view overload to snapshot FromBlob (Anna Henningsen) #​52595
  • [c6fe433d42] - src,permission: throw async errors on async APIs (Rafael Gonzaga) #​52730
  • [e247a61d15] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add --test-skip-pattern cli option (Aviv Keller) #​52529
  • [9b18df9dcb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) url: implement parse method for safer URL parsing (Ali Hassan) #​52280

v22.0.0: 2024-04-24, Version 22.0.0 (Current), @​RafaelGSS and @​marco-ippolito

Compare Source

We're excited to announce the release of Node.js 22!
Highlights include require()ing ESM graphs, WebSocket client, updates of the V8 JavaScript engine, and more!
As a reminder, Node.js 22 will enter long-term support (LTS) in October, but until then, it will be the "Current" release for the next six months.
We encourage you to explore the new features and benefits offered by this latest release and evaluate their potential impact on your applications.

Other Notable Changes
Semver-Major Commits
Semver-Minor Commits
  • [128c60d906] - (SEMVER-MINOR) cli: implement node --run <script-in-package-json> (Yagiz Nizipli) #​52190
  • [f69946b905] - (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: update simdutf to 5.0.0 (Daniel Lemire) #​52138
  • [828ad42eee] - (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: update undici to 6.3.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #​51462
  • [05f8172188] - (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: update undici to 6.2.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #​51278
  • [a0c466810a] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate fs.Stats public constructor (Marco Ippolito) #​51879
  • [151d365ad1] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: expose glob and globSync (Moshe Atlow) #​51912
  • [5f7fad2605] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: support require()ing synchronous ESM graphs (Joyee Cheung) #​51977
  • [009665fb56] - (SEMVER-MINOR) report: add --report-exclude-network option (Ethan Arrowood) #​51645
  • [80f86e5d02] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add C++ ProcessEmitWarningSync() (Joyee Cheung) #​51977
  • [78be0d0f1c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add uv_get_available_memory to report and process (theanarkh) #​52023
  • [b34512e38e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: preload function for Environment (Cheng Zhao) #​51539
  • [7d258db1d7] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: support typed arrays (IlyasShabi) #​51866
  • [5276c0d5d4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add suite() (Colin Ihrig) #​52127
  • [84de97a61e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: support forced exit (Colin Ihrig) #​52038
  • [aac5ad901d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add test:complete event to reflect execution order (Moshe Atlow) #​51909
  • [9a1e01c4ce] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: support array of formats in util.styleText (Marco Ippolito) #​52040
  • [7f2d61f82a] - (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: implement v8.queryObjects() for memory leak regression testing (Joyee Cheung) #​51927
  • [d1d5da22e4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) vm: harden module type checks (Chengzhong Wu) #​52162
Semver-Patch Commits


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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Update | Change | |---|---|---| | [node]( ([source]( | major | `20` -> `22` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>nodejs/node (node)</summary> ### [`v22.11.0`]( 2024-10-29, Version 22.11.0 &#x27;Jod&#x27; (LTS), @&#8203;richardlau [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes This release marks the transition of Node.js 22.x into Long Term Support (LTS) with the codename 'Jod'. The 22.x release line now moves into "Active LTS" and will remain so until October 2025. After that time, it will move into "Maintenance" until end of life in April 2027. Other than updating metadata, such as the `process.release` object, to reflect that the release is LTS, no further changes from Node.js 22.10.0 are included. ##### OpenSSL 3.x Official binaries for Node.js 22.x currently include OpenSSL 3.0.x (more specifically, the [quictls OpenSSL fork]( OpenSSL 3.0.x is the currently designated long term support version that is scheduled to be supported until 7th September 2026, which is within the expected lifetime of Node.js 22.x. We are expecting upstream OpenSSL to announce a successor long term support version prior to that date and since OpenSSL now follows a semantic versioning-like versioning scheme we expect to be able to update to the next long term supported version of OpenSSL during the lifetime of Node.js 22.x. ### [`v22.10.0`]( 2024-10-16, Version 22.10.0 (Current), @&#8203;aduh95 [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes ##### New `"module-sync"` exports condition This release introduces a `"module-sync"` exports condition that's enabled when `require(esm)` is enabled, so packages can supply a synchronous ES module to the Node.js module loader, no matter if it's being required or imported. This is similar to the `"module"` condition that bundlers have been using to support `require(esm)` in Node.js, and allows dual-package authors to opt into ESM-first only on newer versions of Node.js that supports `require(esm)` to avoid the dual-package hazard. ```json { "type": "module", "exports": { "node": { // On new version of Node.js, both require() and import get // the ESM version "module-sync": "./index.js", // On older version of Node.js, where "module-sync" and require(esm) are // not supported, use the CJS version to avoid dual-package hazard. // When package authors think it's time to drop support for older versions of // Node.js, they can remove the exports conditions and just use "main": "index.js". "default": "./dist/index.cjs" }, // On any other environment, use the ESM version. "default": "./index.js" } } ``` Or if the package is only meant to be run on Node.js and wants to fallback to CJS on older versions that don't have `require(esm)`: ```json { "type": "module", "exports": { // On new version of Node.js, both require() and import get the ESM version "module-sync": "./index.js", // On older version of Node.js, where "module-sync" and require(esm) are // not supported, use the CJS version to avoid dual-package hazard. // When package authors think it's time to drop support for older versions of // Node.js, they can remove the exports conditions and just use "main": "index.js". "default": "./dist/index.cjs" } } ``` **For package authors**: this only serves as a feature-detection mechanism for packages that wish to support both CJS and ESM users during the period when some active Node.js LTS versions support `require(esm)` while some older ones don't. When all active Node.js LTS lines support `require(esm)`, packages can simplify their distributions by bumping the major version, dropping their CJS exports, and removing the `module-sync` exports condition (with only `main` or `default` targetting the ESM exports). If the package needs to support both bundlers and being run unbundled on Node.js during the transition period, use both `module-sync` and `module` and point them to the same ESM file. If the package already doesn't want to support older versions of Node.js that doesn't support `require(esm)`, don't use this export condition. **For bundlers/tools**: they should avoid implementing this stop-gap condition. Most existing bundlers implement the de-facto bundler standard [`module`]( exports condition, and that should be enough to support users who want to bundle ESM from CJS consumers. Users who want both bundlers and Node.js to recognize the ESM exports can use both `module`/`module-sync` conditions during the transition period, and can drop `module-sync`+`module` when they no longer need to support older versions of Node.js. If tools do want to support this condition, it's recommended to make the resolution rules in the graph pointed by this condition match the Node.js native ESM rules to avoid divergence. We ended up implementing a condition with a different name instead of reusing `"module"`, because existing code in the ecosystem using the `"module"` condition sometimes also expect the module resolution for these ESM files to work in CJS style, which is supported by bundlers, but the native Node.js loader has intentionally made ESM resolution different from CJS resolution (e.g. forbidding `import './noext'` or `import './directory'`), so it would be breaking to implement a `"module"` condition without implementing the forbidden ESM resolution rules. For now, this just implements a new condition as semver-minor so it can be backported to older LTS. Contributed by Joyee Cheung in [#&#8203;54648]( ##### `node --run` is now stable This CLI flag runs a specified command from a `package.json`'s `"scripts"` object. For the following `package.json`: ```json { "scripts": { "test": "node --test-reporter junit --test ./test" } } ``` You can run `node --run test` and that would start the test suite. Contributed by Yagiz Nizipli in [#&#8203;53763]( ##### Other notable changes - \[[`f0b441230a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add `KeyObject.prototype.toCryptoKey` (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;55262]( - \[[`349d2ed07b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add Date fields for `validTo` and `validFrom` (Andrew Moon) [#&#8203;54159]( - \[[`bebc95ed58`](] - **doc**: add abmusse to collaborators (Abdirahim Musse) [#&#8203;55086]( - \[[`914db60159`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http2**: expose `nghttp2_option_set_stream_reset_rate_limit` as an option (Maël Nison) [#&#8203;54875]( - \[[`f7c3b03759`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: propagate aborted state to dependent signals before firing events (jazelly) [#&#8203;54826]( - \[[`32261fc98a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: support loading entrypoint as url (RedYetiDev) [#&#8203;54933]( - \[[`06957ff355`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: implement `flushCompileCache()` (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54971]( - \[[`2dcf70c347`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: throw when invalid argument is passed to `enableCompileCache()` (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54971]( - \[[`f9b19d7c44`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: write compile cache to temporary file and then rename it (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54971]( - \[[`e95163b170`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add `process.features.require_module` (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;55241]( - \[[`4050f68e5d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add `process.features.typescript` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54295]( - \[[`86f7cb802d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support custom arguments in `run()` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55126]( - \[[`b62f2f8259`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add `'test:summary'` event (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54851]( - \[[`d7c708aec5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add support for coverage via `run()` (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;53937]( - \[[`5fda4a1498`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: add `markAsUncloneable` api (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;55234]( ##### Commits - \[[`e3619510c8`](] - **assert**: show the diff when deep comparing data with a custom message (Giovanni) [#&#8203;54759]( - \[[`39c7a9e70c`](] - **benchmark**: adjust config for deepEqual object (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;55254]( - \[[`263526d5d0`](] - **benchmark**: rewrite detect-esm-syntax benchmark (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;55238]( - \[[`cd0795fb00`](] - **benchmark**: add no-warnings to process.has bench (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;55159]( - \[[`4352d9cc31`](] - **benchmark**: create benchmark for typescript (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54904]( - \[[`452bc9b48d`](] - **benchmark**: add webstorage benchmark (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;55040]( - \[[`d4d5ba3a9b`](] - **benchmark**: include ascii to fs/readfile (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54988]( - \[[`23b628db65`](] - **benchmark**: add dotenv benchmark (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54278]( - \[[`b1ebb0d8ca`](] - **buffer**: coerce extrema to int in `blob.slice` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55141]( - \[[`3a6e72483f`](] - **buffer**: extract Blob's .arrayBuffer() & webidl changes (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;53372]( - \[[`d109f1c4ff`](] - **buffer**: use simdutf convert_latin1\_to_utf8\_safe (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54798]( - \[[`77f8a3f9c2`](] - **build**: fix notify-on-review-wanted action (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;55304]( - \[[`0d93b1ed0c`](] - **build**: fix not valid json in coverage (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;55179]( - \[[`f89664d890`](] - **build**: include `.nycrc` in coverage workflows (Wuli Zuo) [#&#8203;55210]( - \[[`d7a9df6417`](] - **build**: notify via slack when review-wanted (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;55102]( - \[[`68822cc861`](] - **build**: add more information to Makefile help (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53381]( - \[[`f3ca9c669b`](] - **build**: update ruff and add `lint-py-fix` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54410]( - \[[`d99ae548d7`](] - **build**: remove -v flag to reduce noise (iwuliz) [#&#8203;55025]( - \[[`d3dfbe7ff9`](] - **build**: display free disk space after build in the test-macOS workflow (iwuliz) [#&#8203;55025]( - \[[`3077f6a5b7`](] - **build**: support up to python 3.13 in android-configure (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54529]( - \[[`a929c71281`](] - **build**: add the option to generate compile_commands.json in vcbuild.bat (Segev Finer) [#&#8203;52279]( - \[[`a81f368b99`](] - **build**: fix eslint makefile target (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54999]( - \[[`c8b7a645ae`](] - ***Revert*** "**build**: upgrade clang-format to v18" (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54994]( - \[[`7861ca5dc3`](] - **build**: print `Running XYZ linter...` for py and yml (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54386]( - \[[`aaea3944e5`](] - **build,win**: add winget config to set up env (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;54729]( - \[[`30d47220bb`](] - **build,win**: float VS 17.11 compilation patch (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;54970]( - \[[`048a1ab350`](] - **cli**: ensure --run has proper pwd (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54949]( - \[[`a97841ee10`](] - **cli**: fix spacing for port range error (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54495]( - \[[`1dcc5eedff`](] - ***Revert*** "**console**: colorize console error and warn" (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54677]( - \[[`f0b441230a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add KeyObject.prototype.toCryptoKey (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;55262]( - \[[`d3f8c35320`](] - **crypto**: ensure invalid SubtleCrypto JWK data import results in DataError (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;55041]( - \[[`349d2ed07b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **crypto**: add Date fields for `validTo` and `validFrom` (Andrew Moon) [#&#8203;54159]( - \[[`34ca36a397`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.20.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;55329]( - \[[`f703652e84`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.9.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;55255]( - \[[`b533a51856`](] - **deps**: V8: backport [`0d5d6e7`]( (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;55115]( - \[[`2f65b3fd07`](] - **deps**: V8: partially cherry-pick [`8953e49`]( (Ben Noordhuis) [#&#8203;55274]( - \[[`bb9f77d53a`](] - **deps**: update archs files for openssl-3.0.15+quic1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;55184]( - \[[`63d51c82fe`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to quictls/openssl-3.0.15+quic1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;55184]( - \[[`29e6484f3c`](] - **deps**: update archs files for openssl-3.0.14+quic1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54336]( - \[[`283927ec88`](] - **deps**: upgrade openssl sources to quictls/openssl-3.0.14+quic1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54336]( - \[[`b0636a1e88`](] - **deps**: update timezone to 2024b (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;55056]( - \[[`173464d76f`](] - **deps**: update acorn-walk to 8.3.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54950]( - \[[`0d4536543b`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.29.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54845]( - \[[`1de5512383`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`217457d`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54883]( - \[[`1921d7a37c`](] - **doc**: add release key for aduh95 (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55349]( - \[[`d8e42be1b2`](] - **doc**: move `ERR_INVALID_PERFORMANCE_MARK` to legacy errors (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55247]( - \[[`5ea8aa183c`](] - **doc**: fix Markdown linter (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55344]( - \[[`873588888d`](] - ***Revert*** "**doc**: update test context.assert" (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55344]( - \[[`707e7cc702`](] - **doc**: add pmarchini to collaborators (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;55331]( - \[[`b03272b9a1`](] - **doc**: fix `events.once()` example using `AbortSignal` (Ivo Janssen) [#&#8203;55144]( - \[[`85b765953d`](] - **doc**: add onboarding details for ambassador program (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;55284]( - \[[`5d41b8a8b0`](] - **doc**: update `require(ESM)` history and stability status (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55199]( - \[[`195df659e9`](] - **doc**: move `ERR_NAPI_TSFN_START/STOP_IDLE_LOOP` to legacy errors (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55248]( - \[[`8eae0d3f3c`](] - **doc**: fix initial default value of autoSelectFamily (Ihor Rohovets) [#&#8203;55245]( - \[[`297cb0da5a`](] - **doc**: tweak onboarding instructions (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;55212]( - \[[`7ddbfe8c2b`](] - **doc**: update test context.assert (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;55186]( - \[[`8a57550d20`](] - **doc**: fix unordered error anchors (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55242]( - \[[`286ea4ed3d`](] - **doc**: mention addons to experimental permission (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;55166]( - \[[`7c9ceabf38`](] - **doc**: use correct dash in stability status (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55200]( - \[[`781ffd8ba1`](] - **doc**: fix link in `test/` (Livia Medeiros) [#&#8203;55165]( - \[[`61b9ed3bf2`](] - **doc**: add esm examples to node:net (Alfredo González) [#&#8203;55134]( - \[[`bb3499038d`](] - **doc**: remove outdated https import reference (Edigleysson Silva (Edy)) [#&#8203;55111]( - \[[`6cc49518c7`](] - **doc**: move the YAML changes element (sendoru) [#&#8203;55112]( - \[[`b12b4a23e4`](] - **doc**: remove random horizontal separators in `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55149]( - \[[`7186ede388`](] - **doc**: put --env-file-if-exists=config right under --env-file=config (Edigleysson Silva (Edy)) [#&#8203;55131]( - \[[`8ad0dfff10`](] - **doc**: fix the require resolve algorithm in `` (chirsz) [#&#8203;55117]( - \[[`fd40f0873f`](] - **doc**: update style guide (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53223]( - \[[`12c9d9780f`](] - **doc**: add missing `:` to `run()`'s `globPatterns` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55135]( - \[[`73b05cfb04`](] - **doc**: correct `cleanup` option in stream.(promises.)finished (René) [#&#8203;55043]( - \[[`bebc95ed58`](] - **doc**: add abmusse to collaborators (Abdirahim Musse) [#&#8203;55086]( - \[[`a97c80c6ae`](] - **doc**: add note about `--expose-internals` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52861]( - \[[`89aeae63bd`](] - **doc**: remove `parseREPLKeyword` from REPL documentation (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54749]( - \[[`b3e0490b8b`](] - **doc**: add missing EventSource docs to globals (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;55022]( - \[[`516c775fa5`](] - **doc**: cover --experimental-test-module-mocks flag (Jonathan Sharpe) [#&#8203;55021]( - \[[`4244f1a269`](] - **doc**: add more details for localStorage and sessionStorage (Batuhan Tomo) [#&#8203;53881]( - \[[`39a728c2e3`](] - **doc**: change backporting guide with updated info (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53746]( - \[[`3a5fe95ad7`](] - **doc**: add missing definitions to `` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53303]( - \[[`f2d74a26a3`](] - **doc**: fix history of `process.features` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54982]( - \[[`29866ca438`](] - **doc**: fix typo callsite.lineNumber (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54969]( - \[[`c1d73abd29`](] - **doc**: update documentation for externalizing deps (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54792]( - \[[`eca9668231`](] - **doc**: add documentation for process.features (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54897]( - \[[`0fb446e207`](] - **esm**: do not interpret `"main"` as a URL (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55003]( - \[[`be2fe4b249`](] - **events**: allow null/undefined eventInitDict (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;54643]( - \[[`cb47e169a0`](] - **events**: return `currentTarget` when dispatching (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;54642]( - \[[`dbfae3fe14`](] - **fs**: acknowledge `signal` option in `filehandle.createReadStream()` (Livia Medeiros) [#&#8203;55148]( - \[[`1c94725c07`](] - **fs**: check subdir correctly in cpSync (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;55033]( - \[[`79ffefab2a`](] - **fs**: convert to u8 string for filesystem path (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54653]( - \[[`914db60159`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http2**: expose nghttp2\_option_set_stream_reset_rate_limit as an option (Maël Nison) [#&#8203;54875]( - \[[`08b5e6c794`](] - **lib**: fix module print timing when specifier includes `"` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55150]( - \[[`bf7d7aef4b`](] - **lib**: fix typos (Nathan Baulch) [#&#8203;55065]( - \[[`d803355d92`](] - **lib**: prefer optional chaining (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55045]( - \[[`d4873bcd6d`](] - **lib**: remove lib/internal/idna.js (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;55050]( - \[[`f7c3b03759`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: propagate aborted state to dependent signals before firing events (jazelly) [#&#8203;54826]( - \[[`397ae418db`](] - **lib**: the REPL should survive deletion of Array.prototype methods (Jordan Harband) [#&#8203;31457]( - \[[`566179c9ec`](] - **lib, tools**: remove duplicate requires (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54987]( - \[[`c9a1bbbef2`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;55300]( - \[[`d7b73bbd1d`](] - **meta**: bump mozilla-actions/sccache-action from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;55225]( - \[[`0f4269faa9`](] - **meta**: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.7 to 4.2.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;55224]( - \[[`33be1990d8`](] - **meta**: bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;55223]( - \[[`f5b4ae5bf8`](] - **meta**: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 7.0.1 to 7.0.5 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;55219]( - \[[`1985d9016e`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for abmusse (Abdirahim Musse) [#&#8203;55182]( - \[[`93b215d5e6`](] - **meta**: add more information about nightly releases (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55084]( - \[[`aeae5973c3`](] - **meta**: add `linux` to OS labels in collaborator guide (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54986]( - \[[`4fb2c3baa8`](] - **meta**: remove never-used workflow trigger (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54983]( - \[[`e1f36d0da8`](] - **meta**: remove unneeded ignore rules from ruff (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54360]( - \[[`ce0d0c1ec8`](] - **meta**: remove `build-windows.yml` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54662]( - \[[`ca67c97f33`](] - **meta**: add links to alternative issue trackers (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54401]( - \[[`6fcac73738`](] - **module**: wrap swc error in ERR_INVALID_TYPESCRIPT_SYNTAX (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;55316]( - \[[`0412ac8bf3`](] - **module**: add internal type def for `flushCompileCache` (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;55226]( - \[[`32261fc98a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: support loading entrypoint as url (RedYetiDev) [#&#8203;54933]( - \[[`111261e245`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: implement the "module-sync" exports condition (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54648]( - \[[`b6fc9adf5b`](] - **module**: remove duplicated import (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54942]( - \[[`06957ff355`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: implement flushCompileCache() (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54971]( - \[[`2dcf70c347`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: throw when invalid argument is passed to enableCompileCache() (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54971]( - \[[`f9b19d7c44`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: write compile cache to temporary file and then rename it (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54971]( - \[[`1d169764db`](] - **module**: report unfinished TLA in ambiguous modules (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54980]( - \[[`c89c93496d`](] - **module**: refator ESM loader for adding future synchronous hooks (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54769]( - \[[`108cef22e6`](] - **module**: remove bogus assertion in CJS entrypoint handling with --import (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54592]( - \[[`67ecb10c78`](] - **module**: fix discrepancy between .ts and .js (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54461]( - \[[`3300d5990f`](] - **os**: use const with early return for path (Trivikram Kamat) [#&#8203;54959]( - \[[`90cce6ec7c`](] - **path**: remove repetitive conditional operator in `posix.resolve` (Wiyeong Seo) [#&#8203;54835]( - \[[`cbfc980f89`](] - **perf_hooks**: add missing type argument to getEntriesByName (Luke Taher) [#&#8203;54767]( - \[[`e95163b170`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add process.features.require_module (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;55241]( - \[[`0655d3a384`](] - **process**: fix `process.features.typescript` when Amaro is unavailable (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55323]( - \[[`4050f68e5d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add `process.features.typescript` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54295]( - \[[`75073c50ae`](] - **quic**: start adding in the internal quic js api (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53256]( - \[[`538b1eb5b0`](] - **repl**: catch `\v` and `\r` in new-line detection (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54512]( - \[[`57a9d3f15e`](] - **sqlite**: disable DQS misfeature by default (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;55297]( - \[[`c126543374`](] - **sqlite**: make sourceSQL and expandedSQL string-valued properties (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54721]( - \[[`67f5f46c56`](] - **sqlite**: enable foreign key constraints by default (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54777]( - \[[`09999491bf`](] - **src**: handle errors correctly in webstorage (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54544]( - \[[`295c17c4ea`](] - **src**: make minor tweaks to quic c++ for c++20 (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53256]( - \[[`b1d47d06f9`](] - **src**: apply getCallSite optimization (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;55174]( - \[[`d6bcc44829`](] - **src**: modernize likely/unlikely hints (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;55155]( - \[[`1af5ad61ca`](] - **src**: fixup Error.stackTraceLimit during snapshot building (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;55121]( - \[[`b229083235`](] - **src**: parse --stack-trace-limit and use it in --trace-\* flags (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;55121]( - \[[`942ad54e08`](] - **src**: move more key handling to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;55108]( - \[[`0bb5584288`](] - **src**: add receiver to fast api callback methods (Carlos Espa) [#&#8203;54408]( - \[[`706e9611f0`](] - **src**: fix typos (Nathan Baulch) [#&#8203;55064]( - \[[`a96d5d1bcc`](] - **src**: move more stuff over to use Maybe\<void> (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54831]( - \[[`ee0a98b5a2`](] - **src**: decode native error messages as UTF-8 (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;55024]( - \[[`1fc8edecf8`](] - **src**: update clang-tidy and focus on modernization (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53757]( - \[[`3a1485a1a3`](] - **src**: move evp stuff to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54911]( - \[[`9ae80e1e4d`](] - **src**: revert filesystem::path changes (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;55015]( - \[[`465d05018a`](] - **src**: mark node --run as stable (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53763]( - \[[`ef546c872c`](] - **src**: cleanup per env handles directly without a list (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54993]( - \[[`0876f78411`](] - **src**: add unistd.h import if node posix credentials is defined (Jonas) [#&#8203;54528]( - \[[`284db53866`](] - **src**: remove duplicate code setting AF_INET (He Yang) [#&#8203;54939]( - \[[`f332c4c4fc`](] - **src**: use `Maybe<void>` where bool isn't needed (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54575]( - \[[`c7ed2ff920`](] - **stream**: handle undefined chunks correctly in decode stream (devstone) [#&#8203;55153]( - \[[`a9675a0cbc`](] - **stream**: treat null asyncIterator as undefined (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;55119]( - \[[`bf69ae1406`](] - **stream**: set stream prototype to closest transferable superclass (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;55067]( - \[[`3273707a3a`](] - **test**: fix tests when Amaro is unavailable (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;55320]( - \[[`ff3cc3b2ab`](] - **test**: use more informative errors in `test-runner-cli` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55321]( - \[[`17d2f9de6d`](] - **test**: make `test-loaders-workers-spawned` less flaky (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55172]( - \[[`1b1104e69b`](] - **test**: add resource to internal module stat test (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;55157]( - \[[`b36f8c2146`](] - **test**: update multiple assert tests to use node:test (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54585]( - \[[`1b30f7fdd6`](] - **test**: move coverage source map tests to new file (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55123]( - \[[`ce67e7b5b3`](] - **test**: adding more tests for strip-types (Kevin Toshihiro Uehara) [#&#8203;54929]( - \[[`a57c8ba3ef`](] - **test**: update wpt test for encoding (devstone) [#&#8203;55151]( - \[[`65fbe94d45`](] - **test**: add `escapePOSIXShell` util (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55125]( - \[[`cc8838252e`](] - **test**: remove unnecessary `await` in test-watch-mode (Wuli) [#&#8203;55142]( - \[[`9aeba48bf0`](] - **test**: fix typos (Nathan Baulch) [#&#8203;55063]( - \[[`0999b5e493`](] - **test**: remove duplicated test descriptions (Christos Koutsiaris) [#&#8203;54140]( - \[[`e99d4a4cb8`](] - **test**: deflake test/pummel/test-timers.js (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;55098]( - \[[`fb8470afd7`](] - **test**: deflake test-http-remove-header-stays-removed (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;55004]( - \[[`e879c5edf2`](] - **test**: fix test-tls-junk-closes-server (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;55089]( - \[[`b885f0583c`](] - **test**: fix more tests that fail when path contains a space (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55088]( - \[[`85f1187942`](] - **test**: fix `assertSnapshot` when path contains a quote (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55087]( - \[[`fdae57f1e1`](] - **test**: fix some tests when path contains `%` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55082]( - \[[`36c9ea8912`](] - ***Revert*** "**test**: mark test-fs-watch-non-recursive flaky on Windows" (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;55079]( - \[[`80da5993cc`](] - **test**: remove interval and give more time to unsync (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;55006]( - \[[`93c23e74b3`](] - **test**: deflake test-inspector-strip-types (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;55058]( - \[[`43bbca2c08`](] - **test**: make `test-runner-assert` more robust (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55036]( - \[[`268f1ec08f`](] - **test**: update tls test to support OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;55030]( - \[[`a50dd21423`](] - **test**: do not assume `process.execPath` contains no spaces (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55028]( - \[[`c56e324cb8`](] - **test**: fix `test-vm-context-dont-contextify` when path contains a space (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55026]( - \[[`6d42e44264`](] - **test**: adjust tls-set-ciphers for OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;55016]( - \[[`22e601a76c`](] - **test**: add `util.stripVTControlCharacters` test (RedYetiDev) [#&#8203;54865]( - \[[`a6796696d7`](] - **test**: improve coverage for timer promises schedular (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53370]( - \[[`9506f77b3e`](] - **test**: remove `getCallSite` from common (RedYetiDev) [#&#8203;54947]( - \[[`20d3a806ea`](] - **test**: remove unused common utilities (RedYetiDev) [#&#8203;54825]( - \[[`341b6d9b94`](] - **test**: deflake test-http-header-overflow (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54978]( - \[[`1e53c10853`](] - **test**: fix `soucre` to `source` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55038]( - \[[`6843ca7e0d`](] - **test**: add asserts to validate test assumptions (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54997]( - \[[`98ff615c5e`](] - **test**: add runner watch mode isolation tests (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;54888]( - \[[`327a8f7b59`](] - **test**: fix invalid wasm test (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54935]( - \[[`5b012f544c`](] - **test**: move test-http-max-sockets to parallel (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54977]( - \[[`22b413910e`](] - **test**: remove test-http-max-sockets flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54976]( - \[[`62b8640550`](] - **test**: refactor test-whatwg-webstreams-encoding to be shorter (David Dong) [#&#8203;54569]( - \[[`1f11d68173`](] - **test**: adjust key sizes to support OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54972]( - \[[`90a87ca8f7`](] - **test**: update test to support OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54968]( - \[[`9b7834536a`](] - **test**: update DOM events web platform tests (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;54642]( - \[[`1c001550a2`](] - **test,crypto**: update WebCryptoAPI WPT (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;55029]( - \[[`800f7c44ed`](] - **test_runner**: throw on invalid source map (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55055]( - \[[`0f7e3f017f`](] - **test_runner**: assert entry is a valid object (Edigleysson Silva (Edy)) [#&#8203;55231]( - \[[`c308862d2e`](] - **test_runner**: avoid spread operator on arrays (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55143]( - \[[`12401972b7`](] - **test_runner**: support typescript files in default glob (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55081]( - \[[`19cfa3140f`](] - **test_runner**: close and flush destinations on forced exit (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;55099]( - \[[`86f7cb802d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support custom arguments in `run()` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55126]( - \[[`7eaeba499a`](] - **test_runner**: fix mocking modules with quote in their URL (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55083]( - \[[`8818c6c88a`](] - **test_runner**: report error on missing sourcemap source (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55037]( - \[[`b62f2f8259`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add 'test:summary' event (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54851]( - \[[`449dad0db0`](] - **test_runner**: use `test:` symbol on second print of parent test (RedYetiDev) [#&#8203;54956]( - \[[`4b962a78c7`](] - **test_runner**: replace ansi clear with ansi reset (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;55013]( - \[[`d7c708aec5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add support for coverage via run() (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;53937]( - \[[`93c6c90219`](] - **test_runner**: support typescript module mocking (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54878]( - \[[`1daec9a63f`](] - **test_runner**: avoid coverage report partial file names (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;54379]( - \[[`d51e5a8667`](] - **tools**: enforce errors to not be documented in legacy section (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;55218]( - \[[`6a7d201b80`](] - **tools**: update gyp-next to 0.18.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;55160]( - \[[`c988e7e2e5`](] - **tools**: bump the eslint group in /tools/eslint with 4 updates (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;55227]( - \[[`7982d3d4ed`](] - **tools**: only check teams on the default branch (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;55124]( - \[[`60a35eddb0`](] - **tools**: make `choco install` script more readable (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54002]( - \[[`b7b1fa6dd3`](] - **tools**: bump Rollup from 4.18.1 to 4.22.4 for `lint-md` (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;55093]( - \[[`3304bf387f`](] - **tools**: unlock versions of irrelevant DB deps (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;55042]( - \[[`65c376a819`](] - **tools**: remove redudant code from eslint require rule (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54892]( - \[[`295f684b69`](] - **tools**: update error message for ICU in license-builder (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54742]( - \[[`ce4b6e403d`](] - **tools**: refactor to use c++20 (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54849]( - \[[`31f0ef6ea3`](] - **tools**: bump the eslint group in /tools/eslint with 7 updates (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54821]( - \[[`676d0a09a0`](] - **tools**: update github_reporter to 1.7.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54951]( - \[[`0f01f38aea`](] - **tty**: fix links for terminal colors (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54596]( - \[[`d264639f5f`](] - **util**: update ansi regex (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54865]( - \[[`ea7aaf37bf`](] - **v8**: out of bounds copy (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;55261]( - \[[`fa695facf5`](] - **watch**: preserve output when gracefully restarted (Théo LUDWIG) [#&#8203;54323]( - \[[`5fda4a1498`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: add `markAsUncloneable` api (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;55234]( - \[[`d65334c454`](] - **worker**: throw InvalidStateError in postMessage after close (devstone) [#&#8203;55206]( - \[[`fc90d7c63a`](] - **worker**: handle `--input-type` more consistently (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54979]( - \[[`a9fa2da870`](] - **zlib**: throw brotli initialization error from c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54698]( - \[[`9abd1c7288`](] - **zlib**: remove prototype primordials usage (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54695]( ### [`v22.9.0`]( 2024-09-17, Version 22.9.0 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( ##### New API to retrieve execution Stack Trace A new API `getCallSite` has been introduced to the `util` module. This API allows users to retrieve the stacktrace of the current execution. Example: ```js const util = require('node:util'); function exampleFunction() { const callSites = util.getCallSite(); console.log('Call Sites:'); callSites.forEach((callSite, index) => { console.log(`CallSite ${index + 1}:`); console.log(`Function Name: ${callSite.functionName}`); console.log(`Script Name: ${callSite.scriptName}`); console.log(`Line Number: ${callSite.lineNumber}`); console.log(`Column Number: ${callSite.column}`); }); // CallSite 1: // Function Name: exampleFunction // Script Name: /home/example.js // Line Number: 5 // Column Number: 26 // CallSite 2: // Function Name: anotherFunction // Script Name: /home/example.js // Line Number: 22 // Column Number: 3 // ... } // A function to simulate another stack layer function anotherFunction() { exampleFunction(); } anotherFunction(); ``` Thanks to Rafael Gonzaga for making this work on [#&#8203;54380]( ##### Disable V8 Maglev We have seen several crashes/unexpected JS behaviors with maglev on v22 (which ships V8 v12.4). The bugs lie in the codegen so it would be difficult for users to work around them or even figure out where the bugs are coming from. Some bugs are fixed in the upstream while some others probably remain. As v22 will get stuck with V8 v12.4 as LTS, it will be increasingly difficult to backport patches for them even if the bugs are fixed. So disable it by default on v22 to reduce the churn and troubles for users. Thanks to Joyee Cheung for making this work on [#&#8203;54384]( ##### Exposes X509\_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN to tls.createSecureContext This releases introduces a new option to the API `tls.createSecureContext`. For now on users can use `tls.createSecureContext({ allowPartialTrustChain: true })` to treat intermediate (non-self-signed) certificates in the trust CA certificate list as trusted. Thanks to Anna Henningsen for making this work on [#&#8203;54790]( ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`5c9599af5a`](] - **src**: create handle scope in FastInternalModuleStat (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54384]( - \[[`e2307d87e8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: relocate the status checking code in the onwritecomplete (YoonSoo_Shin) [#&#8203;54032]( ##### Deprecations - \[[`8433032948`](] - **repl**: doc-deprecate instantiating `node:repl` classes without `new` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54842]( - \[[`8c4c85cf31`](] - **zlib**: deprecate instantiating classes without new (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54708]( ##### Commits - \[[`027b0ffe84`](] - **async_hooks**: add an InactiveAsyncContextFrame class (Bryan English) [#&#8203;54510]( - \[[`022767028e`](] - **benchmark**: --no-warnings to avoid DEP/ExpWarn log (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54928]( - \[[`af1988c147`](] - **benchmark**: add buffer.isAscii benchmark (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;54740]( - \[[`40c6849964`](] - **benchmark**: add buffer.isUtf8 bench (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;54740]( - \[[`237d7dfbde`](] - **benchmark**: add access async version to bench (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54747]( - \[[`ebe91db827`](] - **benchmark**: enhance dc publish benchmark (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54745]( - \[[`060164485b`](] - **benchmark**: add match and doesNotMatch bench (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;54734]( - \[[`2844180c7e`](] - **benchmark**: add rejects and doesNotReject bench (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;54734]( - \[[`af7689ed02`](] - **benchmark**: add throws and doesNotThrow bench (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;54734]( - \[[`456a1fe222`](] - **benchmark**: add strictEqual and notStrictEqual bench (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;54734]( - \[[`721c63c858`](] - **benchmark**: adds groups to better separate benchmarks (Giovanni Bucci) [#&#8203;54393]( - \[[`68e45b406e`](] - **benchmark,doc**: add CPU scaling governor to perf (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54723]( - \[[`d19efd7a50`](] - **benchmark,doc**: mention bar.R to the list of scripts (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54722]( - \[[`1fb67afa2f`](] - **buffer**: fix out of range for toString (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54553]( - \[[`85b5ed5d41`](] - **buffer**: re-enable Fast API for Buffer.write (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54526]( - \[[`9a075279ec`](] - **build**: upgrade clang-format to v18 (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53957]( - \[[`69ec9d8d2b`](] - **build**: fix conflicting V8 object print flags (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;54785]( - \[[`948bba396c`](] - **build**: do not build with code cache for core coverage collection (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54633]( - \[[`6200cf4fb6`](] - **build**: don't store eslint locally (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54231]( - \[[`3b5ed97fe9`](] - **build**: turn off `-Wrestrict` (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;54737]( - \[[`e38e305a35`](] - **build,win**: enable clang-cl compilation (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;54655]( - \[[`5bba0781b0`](] - **crypto**: reject dh,x25519,x448 in {Sign,Verify}Final (Huáng Jùnliàng) [#&#8203;53774]( - \[[`3981853c00`](] - **crypto**: return a clearer error when loading an unsupported pkcs12 (Tim Perry) [#&#8203;54485]( - \[[`02ac5376b9`](] - **crypto**: remove unused `kHashTypes` internal (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54627]( - \[[`323d9da3c9`](] - **deps**: update cjs-module-lexer to 1.4.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54846]( - \[[`bf4bf7cc6b`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.5.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54434]( - \[[`61047dd130`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.8.3 (npm team) [#&#8203;54619]( - \[[`2351da5034`](] - **deps**: update cjs-module-lexer to 1.4.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54713]( - \[[`0659516823`](] - **deps**: allow amaro to be externalizable (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54646]( - \[[`6a32645dbc`](] - **deps**: fix sign-compare warning in ncrypto (Cheng) [#&#8203;54624]( - \[[`8f62f19197`](] - **doc**: fix broken Android building link (Niklas Wenzel) [#&#8203;54922]( - \[[`440c256d76`](] - **doc**: add support link for aduh95 (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54866]( - \[[`56aca2a1ca`](] - **doc**: run license-builder (github-actions\[bot]) [#&#8203;54854]( - \[[`8931f569c6`](] - **doc**: experimental flag for global accessible APIs (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54330]( - \[[`6f8a6e9eb6`](] - **doc**: add `ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS` to `` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54661]( - \[[`c1b92e05e7`](] - **doc**: add support link for mcollina (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;54786]( - \[[`1def18122a`](] - **doc**: mark `--conditions` CLI flag as stable (Guy Bedford) [#&#8203;54209]( - \[[`b8ae36b6c3`](] - **doc**: fix typo in recognizing-contributors (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54822]( - \[[`2c2ae80924`](] - **doc**: clarify `--max-old-space-size` and `--max-semi-space-size` units (Alexandre ABRIOUX) [#&#8203;54477]( - \[[`5bd4be5ce7`](] - **doc**: replace --allow-fs-read by --allow-fs-write in related section (M1CK431) [#&#8203;54427]( - \[[`c0f3e4603f`](] - **doc**: add support link for marco-ippolito (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54789]( - \[[`dc69eb8276`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54794]( - \[[`de225f5db9`](] - **doc**: specify that preloaded modules affect subprocesses (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52939]( - \[[`62b0007cbe`](] - **doc**: clarify expandedSQL behavior (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54685]( - \[[`1c7bdf95db`](] - **doc**: render type references in SQLite docs (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54684]( - \[[`5555095531`](] - **doc**: fix typo (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54640]( - \[[`754baa4efa`](] - **doc**: fix AES-GCM backticks (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;54621]( - \[[`5bfb4bcf45`](] - **doc**: add documentation about os.tmpdir() overrides (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54613]( - \[[`22d873208e`](] - **doc, build**: fixup build docs (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54899]( - \[[`5e081a12b6`](] - **doc, child_process**: add esm snippets (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53616]( - \[[`2b68c30a26`](] - **doc, meta**: fix broken link in `` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54886]( - \[[`a624002fff`](] - **esm**: throw `ERR_REQUIRE_ESM` instead of `ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54868]( - \[[`31d4ef91ee`](] - **esm**: fix support for `URL` instances in `import.meta.resolve` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54690]( - \[[`40ba89e452`](] - **esm**: use Undici/`fetch` `data:` URL parser (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;54748]( - \[[`93116dd7b1`](] - **fs**: translate error code properly in cpSync (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54906]( - \[[`375cbb592e`](] - **fs**: refactor rimraf to avoid using primordials (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54834]( - \[[`ee89c3149e`](] - **fs**: respect dereference when copy symlink directory (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54732]( - \[[`7123bf7ca4`](] - **http**: reduce likelihood of race conditions on keep-alive timeout (jazelly) [#&#8203;54863]( - \[[`04ef3e4afd`](] - **https**: only use default ALPNProtocols when appropriate (Brian White) [#&#8203;54411]( - \[[`dc5593ba1e`](] - **lib**: remove unnecessary async (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54829]( - \[[`2b9a6373da`](] - **lib**: make WeakRef safe in abort_controller (jazelly) [#&#8203;54791]( - \[[`5f02e1b850`](] - **lib**: move `Symbol[Async]Dispose` polyfills to `internal/util` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54853]( - \[[`fc78ced7e4`](] - **lib**: convert signals to array before validation (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54714]( - \[[`21fef34a53`](] - **lib**: add note about removing `node:sys` module (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54743]( - \[[`a37d805489`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add util.getCallSite() API (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54380]( - \[[`2a1f56cce6`](] - **lib**: ensure no holey array in fixed_queue (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54537]( - \[[`540b1dbaf6`](] - **lib**: refactor SubtleCrypto experimental warnings (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;54620]( - \[[`b59c8b88c7`](] - **lib,src**: use built-in array buffer detach, transfer (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54837]( - \[[`c1cc046de9`](] - **meta**: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.1.0 to 7.0.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54820]( - \[[`82c08ef483`](] - **meta**: add `Windows ARM64` to flaky-tests list (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54693]( - \[[`df30e8efa1`](] - **meta**: ping [@&#8203;nodejs/performance]( on bench changes (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54752]( - \[[`bdd9fbb905`](] - **meta**: bump actions/setup-python from 5.1.1 to 5.2.0 (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;54691]( - \[[`19574a8403`](] - **meta**: update sccache to v0.8.1 (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54720]( - \[[`9ebcfb2b28`](] - **meta**: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54704]( - \[[`ea58feb959`](] - **meta**: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.4 to 4.4.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54703]( - \[[`c6bd9e443e`](] - **meta**: bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.15 to 3.26.6 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54702]( - \[[`79b358af2e`](] - **meta**: fix links in `` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54696]( - \[[`6c8a20d650`](] - **meta**: fix `contributing` codeowners (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54641]( - \[[`b7284ed099`](] - **module**: do not warn for typeless package.json when there isn't one (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54045]( - \[[`ddd24a6e63`](] - **node-api**: add external buffer creation benchmark (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54877]( - \[[`4a7576efae`](] - **node-api**: add support for UTF-8 and Latin-1 property keys (Mert Can Altin) [#&#8203;52984]( - \[[`461e523498`](] - **os**: improve `tmpdir` performance (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54709]( - \[[`94fb7ab2e7`](] - **path**: remove `StringPrototypeCharCodeAt` from `posix.extname` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54546]( - \[[`67b1d4cb45`](] - **repl**: avoid interpreting 'npm' as a command when errors are recoverable (Shima Ryuhei) [#&#8203;54848]( - \[[`8433032948`](] - **repl**: doc-deprecate instantiating `node:repl` classes without `new` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54842]( - \[[`7766349dd0`](] - **sqlite**: fix segfault in expandedSQL (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54687]( - \[[`4c1b98ba2b`](] - **sqlite**: remove unnecessary auto assignment (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54686]( - \[[`77d162adb6`](] - **src**: add `--env-file-if-exists` flag (Bosco Domingo) [#&#8203;53060]( - \[[`424bdc03b4`](] - **src**: add Cleanable class to Environment (Gabriel Schulhof) [#&#8203;54880]( - \[[`fbd08e3a9f`](] - **src**: switch crypto APIs to use Maybe\<void> (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54775]( - \[[`5e72bd3545`](] - **src**: eliminate ManagedEVPPkey (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54751]( - \[[`97cbcfbb43`](] - **src**: fix unhandled error in structuredClone (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;54764]( - \[[`b89cd8d19a`](] - **src**: move hkdf, scrypto, pbkdf2 impl to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54651]( - \[[`5c9599af5a`](] - **src**: create handle scope in FastInternalModuleStat (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54384]( - \[[`e2307d87e8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: relocate the status checking code in the onwritecomplete (YoonSoo_Shin) [#&#8203;54032]( - \[[`ff54cabef6`](] - **test**: adjust test-tls-junk-server for OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54926]( - \[[`23fb03beed`](] - **test**: remove duplicate skip AIX (Wuli) [#&#8203;54917]( - \[[`2b5e70816a`](] - **test**: adjust tls test for OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54909]( - \[[`cefa692dcb`](] - **test**: fix test-http2-socket-close.js (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;54900]( - \[[`097f6d3e7e`](] - **test**: improve test-internal-fs-syncwritestream (Sunghoon) [#&#8203;54671]( - \[[`ed736a689f`](] - **test**: deflake test-dns (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54902]( - \[[`bb4849f595`](] - **test**: fix test test-tls-dhe for OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54903]( - \[[`d9264bceca`](] - **test**: use correct file naming syntax for `util-parse-env` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53705]( - \[[`115a7ca42a`](] - **test**: add missing await (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54828]( - \[[`7a1d633d77`](] - **test**: move more url tests to `node:test` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54636]( - \[[`ee385d62b9`](] - **test**: strip color chars in `test-runner-run` (Giovanni Bucci) [#&#8203;54552]( - \[[`2efec6221c`](] - **test**: deflake test-http2-misbehaving-multiplex (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54872]( - \[[`b198a91404`](] - **test**: remove dead code in test-http2-misbehaving-multiplex (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54860]( - \[[`194cb83f39`](] - **test**: reduce test-esm-loader-hooks-inspect-wait flakiness (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54827]( - \[[`4b53558e8b`](] - **test**: reduce the allocation size in test-worker-arraybuffer-zerofill (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54839]( - \[[`c968d65d6d`](] - **test**: fix test-tls-client-mindhsize for OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54739]( - \[[`b998bb0933`](] - **test**: remove need to make fs call for zlib test (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54814]( - \[[`f084ea2e01`](] - **test**: use platform timeout (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54591]( - \[[`b10e434cf3`](] - **test**: add platform timeout support for riscv64 (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54591]( - \[[`b875f2d7de`](] - **test**: reduce stack size for test-error-serdes (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54840]( - \[[`d1a411480a`](] - **test**: reduce fs calls in test-fs-existssync-false (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54815]( - \[[`b96ee30a09`](] - **test**: use `node:test` in `test-cli-syntax.bad` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54513]( - \[[`5278b8b7a1`](] - **test**: move test-http-server-request-timeouts-mixed (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54841]( - \[[`8345a60d3a`](] - **test**: fix Windows async-context-frame memory failure (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;54823]( - \[[`cad404e1a1`](] - **test**: fix volatile for CauseSegfault with clang (Ivan Trubach) [#&#8203;54325]( - \[[`41682c7286`](] - **test**: set `test-http2-socket-close` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`1e1ac48711`](] - **test**: set `test-worker-arraybuffer-zerofill` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`56238debff`](] - **test**: set `test-runner-run-watch` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`8291de1540`](] - **test**: set `test-http-server-request-timeouts-mixed` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`32d340e6b3`](] - **test**: set `test-single-executable-application-empty` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`6a2da4c4ca`](] - **test**: set `test-macos-app-sandbox` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`2f408847a0`](] - **test**: set `test-fs-utimes` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`e3b7c40ffc`](] - **test**: set `test-runner-run-watch` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`d2ede46946`](] - **test**: set `test-sqlite-statement-sync` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`b9f3385808`](] - **test**: set `test-writewrap` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`d55fec8f40`](] - **test**: set `test-async-context-frame` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`3dfb525f3e`](] - **test**: set `test-esm-loader-hooks-inspect-wait` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`b0458a88b4`](] - **test**: set `test-http2-large-file` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`5f6f8757e5`](] - **test**: set `test-runner-watch-mode-complex` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`4231af336d`](] - **test**: set `test-performance-function` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`45ef2a868e`](] - **test**: set `test-debugger-heap-profiler` as flaky (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54802]( - \[[`b5137f6405`](] - **test**: fix `test-process-load-env-file` when path contains `'` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54511]( - \[[`960116905a`](] - **test**: refactor fs-watch tests due to macOS issue (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;54498]( - \[[`f074d74bf3`](] - **test**: refactor `test-esm-type-field-errors` (Giovanni Bucci) [#&#8203;54368]( - \[[`67e30deced`](] - **test**: move more zlib tests to node:test (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54609]( - \[[`fdb65111a3`](] - **test**: improve output of child process utilities (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54622]( - \[[`55a12a4190`](] - **test,crypto**: update WebCryptoAPI WPT (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;54925]( - \[[`de0f445a7f`](] - **test_runner**: reimplement `assert.ok` to allow stack parsing (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54776]( - \[[`a52c199d9d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: report coverage thresholds in `test:coverage` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54813]( - \[[`6552fddef5`](] - **test_runner**: update kPatterns (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;54728]( - \[[`3396a4954d`](] - **test_runner**: detect only tests when isolation is off (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54832]( - \[[`021f59b6bc`](] - **test_runner**: apply filtering when tests begin (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54832]( - \[[`36da793350`](] - **test_runner**: allow `--import` with no isolation (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54697]( - \[[`de73d1ee4b`](] - **test_runner**: improve code coverage cleanup (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54856]( - \[[`3d478728f2`](] - **timers**: avoid generating holey internal arrays (Gürgün Dayıoğlu) [#&#8203;54771]( - \[[`b3d567ae0f`](] - **timers**: document ref option for scheduler.wait (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;54605]( - \[[`c2bf0134ce`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **tls**: add `allowPartialTrustChain` flag (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;54790]( - \[[`608a611132`](] - **tools**: add readability/fn_size to filter (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54744]( - \[[`93fab49099`](] - **tools**: add util scripts to land and rebase PRs (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54656]( - \[[`d6df542ff8`](] - **tools**: remove readability/fn_size rule (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54663]( - \[[`689d127ee7`](] - **typings**: fix TypedArray to a global type (1ilsang) [#&#8203;54063]( - \[[`071dff1d34`](] - **typings**: correct param type of `SafePromisePrototypeFinally` (Wuli) [#&#8203;54727]( - \[[`5243e3240c`](] - ***Revert*** "**v8**: enable maglev on supported architectures" (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54384]( - \[[`ade9da5b3a`](] - **vm**: add vm proto property lookup test (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54606]( - \[[`8385958b60`](] - **zlib**: add typings for better dx (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54699]( - \[[`8c4c85cf31`](] - **zlib**: deprecate instantiating classes without new (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54708]( ### [`v22.8.0`]( 2024-09-03, Version 22.8.0 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( ##### New JS API for compile cache This release adds a new API `module.enableCompileCache()` that can be used to enable on-disk code caching of all modules loaded after this API is called. Previously this could only be enabled by the `NODE_COMPILE_CACHE` environment variable, so it could only set by end-users. This API allows tooling and library authors to enable caching of their own code. This is a built-in alternative to the [v8-compile-cache]([v8-compile-cache-lib ]( packages, but have [better performance]( and supports ESM. Thanks to Joyee Cheung for working on this. ##### New option for vm.createContext() to create a context with a freezable globalThis Node.js implements a flavor of `vm.createContext()` and friends that creates a context without contextifying its global object when vm.constants.DONT_CONTEXTIFY is used. This is suitable when users want to freeze the context (impossible when the global is contextified i.e. has interceptors installed) or speed up the global access if they don't need the interceptor behavior. Thanks to Joyee Cheung for working on this. ##### Support for coverage thresholds Node.js now supports requiring code coverage to meet a specific threshold before the process exits successfully. To use this feature, you need to enable the `--experimental-test-coverage` flag. You can set thresholds for the following types of coverage: - **Branch coverage**: Use `--test-coverage-branches=<threshold>` - **Function coverage**: Use `--test-coverage-functions=<threshold>` - **Line coverage**: Use `--test-coverage-lines=<threshold>` `<threshold>` should be an integer between 0 and 100. If an invalid value is provided, a `TypeError` will be thrown. If the code coverage fails to meet the specified thresholds for any category, the process will exit with code `1`. For instance, to enforce a minimum of 80% line coverage and 60% branch coverage, you can run: ```console $ node --experimental-test-coverage --test-coverage-lines=80 --test-coverage-branches=60 example.js ``` Thanks Aviv Keller for working on this. ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`1f2cc2fa47`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src,lib**: add performance.uvMetricsInfo (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54413]( - \[[`1e01bdc0d0`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: exclude ipv6 loopback addresses from server.listen (Giovanni Bucci) [#&#8203;54264]( - \[[`97fa075c2e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support running tests in process (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53927]( - \[[`858b583c88`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: defer inheriting hooks until run() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53927]( ##### Commits - \[[`94985df9d6`](] - **benchmark**: fix benchmark for file path and URL conversion (Early Riser) [#&#8203;54190]( - \[[`ac178b094b`](] - **buffer**: truncate instead of throw when writing beyond buffer (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54524]( - \[[`afd8c1eb4f`](] - **buffer**: allow invalid encoding in from (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54533]( - \[[`6f0cf35cd3`](] - **build**: reclaim disk space on macOS GHA runner (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54658]( - \[[`467ac3aec4`](] - **build**: don't clean directory if it doesn't exist (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54337]( - \[[`71fdf961df`](] - **build**: update required python version to 3.8 (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54358]( - \[[`73604cf1c5`](] - **deps**: update nghttp2 to 1.63.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54589]( - \[[`b00c087285`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`e74d0f4`]( (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54279]( - \[[`33a6b3c7a9`](] - **deps**: backport ICU-22787 to fix ClangCL on Windows (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;54502]( - \[[`fe56949cbb`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.33.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54549]( - \[[`290f6ce619`](] - **deps**: update amaro to 0.1.8 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54520]( - \[[`b5843568b4`](] - **deps**: update amaro to 0.1.7 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54473]( - \[[`9c709209b4`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.19.8 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54456]( - \[[`a5ce24181b`](] - **deps**: sqlite: fix Windows compilation (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54433]( - \[[`3caf29ea88`](] - **deps**: update sqlite to 3.46.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54433]( - \[[`68758d4b08`](] - **doc**: add support me link for anonrig (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54611]( - \[[`f5c5529266`](] - **doc**: add alert on REPL from TCP socket (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54594]( - \[[`bf824483cd`](] - **doc**: fix typo in styleText description (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54616]( - \[[`825d933fd4`](] - **doc**: add getHeapStatistics() property descriptions (Benji Marinacci) [#&#8203;54584]( - \[[`80e5150160`](] - **doc**: fix module compile cache description (沈鸿飞) [#&#8203;54625]( - \[[`7fd033fe56`](] - **doc**: run license-builder (github-actions\[bot]) [#&#8203;54562]( - \[[`c499913732`](] - **doc**: fix information about including coverage files (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54527]( - \[[`c3dc83befc`](] - **doc**: support collaborators - talk amplification (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54508]( - \[[`fc57beaad3`](] - **doc**: add note about shasum generation failure (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54487]( - \[[`1800a58f49`](] - **doc**: update websocket flag description to reflect stable API status (Yelim Koo) [#&#8203;54482]( - \[[`61affd77a7`](] - **doc**: fix capitalization in (shallow-beach) [#&#8203;54488]( - \[[`25419915c7`](] - **doc**: add esm examples to node:https (Alfredo González) [#&#8203;54399]( - \[[`83b5efeb54`](] - **doc**: reserve ABI 130 for Electron 33 (Calvin) [#&#8203;54383]( - \[[`6ccbd32ae8`](] - **doc, meta**: add missing `,` to `` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54409]( - \[[`fc08a9b0cd`](] - **fs**: refactor handleTimestampsAndMode to remove redundant call (HEESEUNG) [#&#8203;54369]( - \[[`4a664b5fcb`](] - **lib**: respect terminal capabilities on styleText (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54389]( - \[[`a9ce2b6a28`](] - **lib**: fix emit warning for debuglog.time when disabled (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;54275]( - \[[`b5a23c9783`](] - **meta**: remind users to use a supported version in bug reports (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54481]( - \[[`0d7171d8e9`](] - **meta**: add more labels to dep-updaters (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54454]( - \[[`c4996c189f`](] - **meta**: run coverage-windows when `vcbuild.bat` updated (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54412]( - \[[`3cf645768e`](] - **module**: use amaro default transform values (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54517]( - \[[`336496b90e`](] - **module**: add sourceURL magic comment hinting generated source (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54402]( - \[[`04f83b50ad`](] - ***Revert*** "**net**: validate host name for server listen" (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54554]( - \[[`1e01bdc0d0`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: exclude ipv6 loopback addresses from server.listen (Giovanni Bucci) [#&#8203;54264]( - \[[`3cd10a3f40`](] - **node-api**: remove RefBase and CallbackWrapper (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;53590]( - \[[`72c554abab`](] - **sqlite**: return results with null prototype (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54350]( - \[[`e071651bb2`](] - **src**: disable fast methods for `buffer.write` (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54565]( - \[[`f8cbbc685a`](] - **src**: use v8::Isolate::GetDefaultLocale() to compute navigator.language (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54279]( - \[[`4baf4637eb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add JS APIs for compile cache and NODE_DISABLE_COMPILE_CACHE (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54501]( - \[[`101e299656`](] - **src**: move more code to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54459]( - \[[`e6e1f4e8bd`](] - **src**: remove redundant AESCipherMode (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54438]( - \[[`1ff3f63f5e`](] - **src**: handle errors correctly in `` (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54541]( - \[[`4938188682`](] - **src**: return `v8::Object` from error constructors (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54541]( - \[[`4578e9485b`](] - **src**: use better return types in KVStore (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54539]( - \[[`7d9e994791`](] - **src**: change SetEncodedValue to return Maybe\<void> (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54443]( - \[[`eef303028f`](] - **src**: remove cached data tag from snapshot metadata (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54122]( - \[[`3a74c400d5`](] - **src**: improve `buffer.transcode` performance (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54153]( - \[[`909c5320fd`](] - **src**: move more crypto code to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54320]( - \[[`9ba75faf5f`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src,lib**: add performance.uvMetricsInfo (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54413]( - \[[`fffc300c6d`](] - **stream**: change stream to use index instead of `for...of` (Wiyeong Seo) [#&#8203;54474]( - \[[`a4a6ef8d29`](] - **test**: fix test-tls-client-auth test for OpenSSL32 (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54610]( - \[[`76345a5d7c`](] - **test**: update TLS test for OpenSSL 3.2 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;54612]( - \[[`522d5a359d`](] - **test**: run V8 Fast API tests in release mode too (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54570]( - \[[`edbecf5209`](] - **test**: increase key size for ca2-cert.pem (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54599]( - \[[`bc976cfc93`](] - **test**: update test-abortsignal-cloneable to use node:test (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54581]( - \[[`9f1ce732a8`](] - **test**: update test-assert-typedarray-deepequal to use node:test (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54585]( - \[[`c74f2aeb92`](] - **test**: update test-assert to use node:test (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54585]( - \[[`a0be95e4cc`](] - **test**: merge ongc and gcutil into gc.js (tannal) [#&#8203;54355]( - \[[`c10aff665e`](] - **test**: move a couple of tests over to using node:test (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54582]( - \[[`dbbc790949`](] - **test**: update test-aborted-util to use node:test (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54578]( - \[[`64442fce6b`](] - **test**: refactor test-abortcontroller to use node:test (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54574]( - \[[`72345dee1c`](] - **test**: fix embedding test for Windows (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;53659]( - \[[`846e2b2896`](] - **test**: refactor test_runner tests to change default reporter (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54547]( - \[[`b5eb24c86a`](] - **test**: force spec reporter in test-runner-watch-mode.mjs (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54538]( - \[[`66ae9f4c0a`](] - **test**: use valid hostnames (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54556]( - \[[`02d664b75f`](] - **test**: fix improper path to URL conversion (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54509]( - \[[`8a4f8a9eff`](] - **test**: add tests for runner coverage with different stdout column widths (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;54494]( - \[[`b0ed8dbb2f`](] - **test**: prevent V8 from writing into the system's tmpdir (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54395]( - \[[`5ee234a5a6`](] - **test,crypto**: update WebCryptoAPI WPT (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;54593]( - \[[`a4bebf8559`](] - **test_runner**: ensure test watcher picks up new test files (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;54225]( - \[[`d4310fe9c1`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add support for coverage thresholds (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54429]( - \[[`0cf78aa24b`](] - **test_runner**: refactor `mock_loader` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54223]( - \[[`97fa075c2e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support running tests in process (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53927]( - \[[`858b583c88`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: defer inheriting hooks until run() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53927]( - \[[`45b0250692`](] - **test_runner**: account for newline in source maps (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54444]( - \[[`1c29e74d30`](] - **test_runner**: make `mock.module`'s `specifier` consistent with `import()` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54416]( - \[[`cbe30a02a3`](] - **test_runner**: finish build phase before running tests (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54423]( - \[[`8a4b26f00c`](] - **timers**: fix validation (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;54404]( - \[[`38798140c4`](] - **tools**: remove unused python files (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53928]( - \[[`da6c61def8`](] - **tools**: add swc license (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54462]( - \[[`16d4c437e1`](] - **typings**: provide internal types for wasi bindings (Andrew Moon) [#&#8203;54119]( - \[[`fe5666f006`](] - **vm**: return all own names and symbols in property enumerator interceptor (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54522]( - \[[`db80eac496`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **vm**: introduce vanilla contexts via vm.constants.DONT_CONTEXTIFY (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54394]( - \[[`8ffdd1e2b2`](] - **zlib**: simplify validators (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;54442]( ### [`v22.7.0`]( 2024-08-22, Version 22.7.0 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( ##### Experimental transform types support With the new flag `--experimental-transform-types` it is possible to enable the transformation of TypeScript-only syntax into JavaScript code. This feature allows Node.js to support TypeScript syntax such as `Enum` and `namespace`. Thanks to Marco Ippolito for making this work on [#&#8203;54283]( ##### Module syntax detection is now enabled by default. Module syntax detection (the `--experimental-detect-module` flag) is now enabled by default. Use `--no-experimental-detect-module` to disable it if needed. Syntax detection attempts to run ambiguous files as CommonJS, and if the module fails to parse as CommonJS due to ES module syntax, Node.js tries again and runs the file as an ES module. Ambiguous files are those with a `.js` or no extension, where the nearest parent `package.json` has no `"type"` field (either `"type": "module"` or `"type": "commonjs"`). Syntax detection should have no performance impact on CommonJS modules, but it incurs a slight performance penalty for ES modules; add `"type": "module"` to the nearest parent `package.json` file to eliminate the performance cost. A use case unlocked by this feature is the ability to use ES module syntax in extensionless scripts with no nearby `package.json`. Thanks to Geoffrey Booth for making this work on [#&#8203;53619]( ##### Performance Improvements to Buffer Performance of Node.js Buffers have been optimized through multiple PR's with significant improvements to the `Buffer.copy` and `Buffer.write` methods. These are used throughout the codebase and should give a nice boost across the board. Thanks to Robert Nagy for making this work on [#&#8203;54311](, [#&#8203;54324](, and [#&#8203;54087]( ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`911de7dd6d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **inspector**: support `Network.loadingFailed` event (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;54246]( - \[[`9ee4b16bd8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: rewrite AsyncLocalStorage without async_hooks (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;48528]( ##### Commits - \[[`c6544ff5a6`](] - **benchmark**: use assert.ok searchparams (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54334]( - \[[`51b8576897`](] - **benchmark**: add stream.compose benchmark (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54308]( - \[[`c166036515`](] - **benchmark**: rename count to n (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54271]( - \[[`1be0ee76ef`](] - **benchmark**: change assert() to assert.ok() (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54254]( - \[[`4dd229f546`](] - **benchmark**: support --help in CLI (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53358]( - \[[`a5a320cd5b`](] - **benchmark**: remove force option as force defaults to true (Yelim Koo) [#&#8203;54203]( - \[[`db0a80a0eb`](] - **benchmark**: use assert.ok instead of assert (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54176]( - \[[`8ba53ae7b7`](] - **buffer**: properly apply dst offset and src length on fast path (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54391]( - \[[`a5a60e6823`](] - **buffer**: use fast API for writing one-byte strings (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54311]( - \[[`7b641bc2bd`](] - **buffer**: optimize byteLength for short strings (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54345]( - \[[`28ca678f81`](] - **buffer**: optimize byteLength for common encodings (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54342]( - \[[`12785559be`](] - **buffer**: optimize createFromString (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54324]( - \[[`f7f7b0c498`](] - **buffer**: optimize for common encodings (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54319]( - \[[`37631f826b`](] - **buffer**: add JSDoc to blob bytes method (Roberto Simonini) [#&#8203;54117]( - \[[`ab6fae9dbf`](] - **buffer**: faster type check (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54088]( - \[[`9f8f26eb2f`](] - **buffer**: use native copy impl (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54087]( - \[[`019ebf03c1`](] - **buffer**: use faster integer argument check (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;54089]( - \[[`c640a2f24c`](] - **build**: always disable strict aliasing (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54339]( - \[[`6aa1d9e855`](] - **build**: update `ruff` to `0.5.2` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53909]( - \[[`350e699443`](] - **build**: support `lint-js-fix` in `vcbuild.bat` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53695]( - \[[`98fed763f7`](] - **build**: add `--without-amaro` build flag (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54136]( - \[[`1ca598c5ce`](] - **cli**: allow `--test-[name/skip]-pattern` in `NODE_OPTIONS` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53001]( - \[[`37960a67ae`](] - **console**: use validateOneOf for colorMode validation (HEESEUNG) [#&#8203;54245]( - \[[`d52f515bab`](] - **crypto**: include NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS in all secure contexts by default (Eric Bickle) [#&#8203;44529]( - \[[`b6a3e61353`](] - **deps**: update amaro to 0.1.6 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54374]( - \[[`0d716ad3f3`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.3.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54312]( - \[[`18bfea5f33`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53464]( - \[[`d0c23f332f`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53464]( - \[[`e7db63972c`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53464]( - \[[`713ae95555`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53464]( - \[[`758c9df36e`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53464]( - \[[`fe7e6c9563`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53464]( - \[[`35722b7bca`](] - **deps**: update simdjson to 3.10.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54197]( - \[[`a2a41557db`](] - **deps**: fix GN build warning in ncrypto (Cheng) [#&#8203;54222]( - \[[`869da204d7`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.33.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54198]( - \[[`e0d503a715`](] - **deps**: update nbytes to 0.1.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54277]( - \[[`b0c768dae1`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.19.7 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54286]( - \[[`ef9a950cb9`](] - **deps**: update acorn to 8.12.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53465]( - \[[`1597a1139a`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.19.5 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54076]( - \[[`103e4db3e0`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.3.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54196]( - \[[`9f115ba9e9`](] - **doc**: fix error description of the max header size (Egawa Ryo) [#&#8203;54125]( - \[[`f967ab3810`](] - **doc**: add git node security --cleanup (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54381]( - \[[`8883c01afa`](] - **doc**: add note on weakness of permission model (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;54268]( - \[[`824bd58bc5`](] - **doc**: add versions when `--watch-preserve-output` was added (Théo LUDWIG) [#&#8203;54328]( - \[[`33795cfd49`](] - **doc**: replace v19 mention in Current release (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54361]( - \[[`aa6e770ea5`](] - **doc**: correct peformance entry types (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54263]( - \[[`4b099ce1bd`](] - **doc**: fix typo in method name in the sea doc (Eliyah Sundström) [#&#8203;54027]( - \[[`8a8d1d2281`](] - **doc**: mark process.nextTick legacy (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;51280]( - \[[`6f4b5d998e`](] - **doc**: add esm examples to node:http2 (Alfredo González) [#&#8203;54292]( - \[[`1535469c12`](] - **doc**: explicitly mention node:fs module restriction (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54269]( - \[[`26c37f7910`](] - **doc**: remove module-based permission doc (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54266]( - \[[`971b9f31f5`](] - **doc**: update `buffer.constants.MAX_LENGTH` size (Samuli Asmala) [#&#8203;54207]( - \[[`3106149965`](] - **doc**: warn for windows build bug (Jason Zhang) [#&#8203;54217]( - \[[`55f8ac3e89`](] - **doc**: make some parameters optional in `tracingChannel.traceCallback` (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;54068]( - \[[`e3e2f22cab`](] - **doc**: add esm examples to node:dns (Alfredo González) [#&#8203;54172]( - \[[`0429b1eb9d`](] - **doc**: add KevinEady as a triager (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54179]( - \[[`4bfa7d8e54`](] - **doc**: add esm examples to node:console (Alfredo González) [#&#8203;54108]( - \[[`2f5309fc22`](] - **doc**: fix sea assets example (Sadzurami) [#&#8203;54192]( - \[[`88aef5a39d`](] - **doc**: add links to security steward companies (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52981]( - \[[`5175903c23`](] - **doc**: move `onread` option from `socket.connect()` to `new net.socket()` (sendoru) [#&#8203;54194]( - \[[`144637e845`](] - **doc**: move release key for Myles Borins (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;54059]( - \[[`358fdacec6`](] - **doc**: refresh instructions for building node from source (Liran Tal) [#&#8203;53768]( - \[[`11fdaa6ad2`](] - **doc**: add documentation for blob.bytes() method (jaexxin) [#&#8203;54114]( - \[[`db3b0df42c`](] - **doc**: add missing new lines to custom test reporter examples (Eddie Abbondanzio) [#&#8203;54152]( - \[[`1cafefd2cf`](] - **doc**: fix worker threadId/destination typo (Thomas Hunter II) [#&#8203;53933]( - \[[`7772b46038`](] - **doc**: update list of Triagers on the `` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54138]( - \[[`af99ba3dc9`](] - **doc**: remove unused imports from (Yelim Koo) [#&#8203;54147]( - \[[`826edc4341`](] - **doc**: expand troubleshooting section (Liran Tal) [#&#8203;53808]( - \[[`923195b624`](] - **doc**: clarify `useCodeCache` setting for cross-platform SEA generation (Yelim Koo) [#&#8203;53994]( - \[[`7c305a4900`](] - **doc, meta**: replace command with link to keys (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53745]( - \[[`6f986e0ee6`](] - **doc, test**: simplify test README table (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53971]( - \[[`112228c15a`](] - **fs**: remove unnecessary option argument validation (Jonas) [#&#8203;53958]( - \[[`911de7dd6d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **inspector**: support `Network.loadingFailed` event (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;54246]( - \[[`1e825915d5`](] - **inspector**: provide detailed info to fix DevTools frontend errors (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;54156]( - \[[`417120a3a3`](] - **lib**: replace spread operator with primordials function (YoonSoo_Shin) [#&#8203;54053]( - \[[`09f411e6f6`](] - **lib**: avoid for of loop and remove unnecessary variable in zlib (YoonSoo_Shin) [#&#8203;54258]( - \[[`b8970570b0`](] - **lib**: improve async_context_frame structure (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;54239]( - \[[`783322fa16`](] - **lib**: fix unhandled errors in webstream adapters (Fedor Indutny) [#&#8203;54206]( - \[[`425b9562b9`](] - **lib**: fix typos in comments within internal/streams (YoonSoo_Shin) [#&#8203;54093]( - \[[`9ee4b16bd8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: rewrite AsyncLocalStorage without async_hooks (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;48528]( - \[[`8c9a4ae12b`](] - **lib,permission**: support Buffer to permission.has (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54104]( - \[[`c8e358c96c`](] - **meta**: add test-permission-\* CODEOWNERS (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54267]( - \[[`581c155cf8`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54210]( - \[[`3f0d7344e3`](] - **meta**: add module label for the lib/internal/modules folder (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52858]( - \[[`0157ec6bbd`](] - **meta**: bump `actions/upload-artifact` from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54166]( - \[[`7fa95d2360`](] - **meta**: bump `actions/download-artifact` from 4.1.7 to 4.1.8 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54167]( - \[[`acc5b9a0c5`](] - **meta**: bump actions/setup-python from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54165]( - \[[`dede30a8d0`](] - **meta**: bump `step-security/harden-runner` from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54169]( - \[[`b733854eac`](] - **meta**: bump `actions/setup-node` from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54170]( - \[[`6a9f168cc6`](] - **meta**: bump `github/codeql-action` from 3.25.11 to 3.25.15 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54168]( - \[[`9bbd85e4fe`](] - **meta**: bump `ossf/scorecard-action` from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;54171]( - \[[`33633eebd9`](] - **meta**: add typescript team to codeowners (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54101]( - \[[`240d9296c1`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: add --experimental-transform-types flag (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54283]( - \[[`66dcb2a571`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: unflag detect-module (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;53619]( - \[[`100225fbe1`](] - **module**: do not attempt to strip type when there's no source (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54287]( - \[[`1ba2000703`](] - **module**: refactor ts parser loading (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54243]( - \[[`13cc480030`](] - **module**: remove outdated comment (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54118]( - \[[`e676d98435`](] - **module,win**: fix long path resolve (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;53294]( - \[[`9aec536083`](] - **path**: change `posix.join` to use array (Wiyeong Seo) [#&#8203;54331]( - \[[`8a770cf5c9`](] - **path**: fix relative on Windows (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;53991]( - \[[`267cd7f361`](] - **path**: use the correct name in `validateString` (Benjamin Pasero) [#&#8203;53669]( - \[[`31adeea855`](] - **sea**: don't set code cache flags when snapshot is used (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54120]( - \[[`7f1bf1ce24`](] - **sqlite**: split up large test file (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54014]( - \[[`94e2ea6f5c`](] - **sqlite**: ensure statement finalization on db close (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54014]( - \[[`e077ff1f38`](] - **src**: update compile cache storage structure (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54291]( - \[[`4e4d1def7e`](] - **src**: refactor http parser binding initialization (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;54276]( - \[[`409d9eb09b`](] - **src**: shift even moar x509 to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54340]( - \[[`f87aa27274`](] - **src**: don't match after `--` in `Dotenv::GetPathFromArgs` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54237]( - \[[`b6927dd981`](] - **src**: move some X509Certificate stuff to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54241]( - \[[`a394219fa5`](] - **src**: skip inspector wait in internal workers (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54219]( - \[[`8daeccfe92`](] - **src**: shift more crypto impl details to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54028]( - \[[`e619133ac9`](] - **src**: move spkac methods to ncrypto (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53985]( - \[[`b52c2fff75`](] - **src**: account for OpenSSL unexpected version (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;54038]( - \[[`0b16af1689`](] - **src,test**: track `URL.canParse` fast API calls (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54356]( - \[[`2be78b03c3`](] - **src,test**: ensure that V8 fast APIs are called (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54317]( - \[[`9297d29cdb`](] - **stream**: make checking pendingcb on WritableStream backward compatible (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54142]( - \[[`2a6a12e493`](] - **stream**: throw TypeError when criteria fulfilled in getIterator (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53825]( - \[[`7f68cc0f7f`](] - **test**: make snapshot comparison more flexible (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;54375]( - \[[`3df7938832`](] - **test**: make sure current run result is pushed and reset (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54332]( - \[[`3e25be7b28`](] - **test**: use relative paths in test-cli-permission tests (sendoru) [#&#8203;54188]( - \[[`f49f1bb3e9`](] - **test**: unmark test-sqlite as flaky (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54014]( - \[[`2f68a74702`](] - **test**: fix timeout not being cleared (Isaac-yz-Liu) [#&#8203;54242]( - \[[`f5cfa4454e`](] - **test**: refactor `test-runner-module-mocking` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54233]( - \[[`b85b13b418`](] - **test**: use assert.{s,deepS}trictEqual() (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;54208]( - \[[`6bcbfcd7bc`](] - **test**: add subtests to test-node-run (sungpaks) [#&#8203;54204]( - \[[`dafe97548f`](] - **test**: set test-structuredclone-jstransferable non-flaky (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;54115]( - \[[`be61793db5`](] - **test**: update wpt test for streams (devstone) [#&#8203;54129]( - \[[`670c796449`](] - **test**: fix typo in test (Sonny) [#&#8203;54137]( - \[[`1a15f3f613`](] - **test**: add initial pull delay and prototype pollution prevention tests (Sonny) [#&#8203;54061]( - \[[`5dbff81b71`](] - **test**: add coverage for webstorage quota (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53964]( - \[[`141e9fe7cc`](] - **test_runner**: use validateStringArray for `timers.enable()` (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;49534]( - \[[`e70711e190`](] - **test_runner**: report failures in filtered suites (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54387]( - \[[`7766c1dc9b`](] - **test_runner**: remove parseCommandLine() from test.js (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54353]( - \[[`961cbf0be0`](] - **test_runner**: refactor hook creation (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54353]( - \[[`69c78ca2f5`](] - **test_runner**: return setup() from parseCommandLine() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54353]( - \[[`ed1ede8c26`](] - **test_runner**: pass global options to createTestTree() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54353]( - \[[`1e88045a69`](] - **test_runner**: pass harness object as option to root test (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54353]( - \[[`e3378f0679`](] - **test_runner**: use run() argument names in parseCommandLine() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54353]( - \[[`676bbd5c09`](] - **test_runner**: fix delete test file cause dependency file not watched (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53533]( - \[[`fe793a6103`](] - **test_runner**: do not expose internal loader (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;54106]( - \[[`7fad771bbf`](] - **test_runner**: fix erroneous diagnostic warning when only: false (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;54116]( - \[[`dc465736fb`](] - **test_runner**: make mock_loader not confuse CJS and ESM resolution (Sung Ye In) [#&#8203;53846]( - \[[`5a1afb2139`](] - **test_runner**: remove outdated comment (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54146]( - \[[`20a01fcc39`](] - **test_runner**: run after hooks even if test is aborted (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54151]( - \[[`df428adb6c`](] - **tools**: remove header from c-ares license (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;54335]( - \[[`b659fc0f2b`](] - **tools**: add find pyenv path on windows (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54314]( - \[[`b93c6d9f38`](] - **tools**: make undici updater build wasm from src (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54128]( - \[[`3835131559`](] - **tools**: add workflow to ensure `README` lists are in sync with gh teams (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53901]( - \[[`e218b7ca8a`](] - **tools**: add strip-types to label system (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54185]( - \[[`8b35f0e601`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 9.8.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54073]( - \[[`d83421fbe5`](] - **tty**: initialize winSize array with values (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;54281]( - \[[`a4768374f2`](] - **typings**: add util.styleText type definition (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;54252]( - \[[`a4aecd2755`](] - **typings**: add missing binding function `writeFileUtf8()` (Jungku Lee) [#&#8203;54110]( - \[[`0bed600df9`](] - **url**: modify pathToFileURL to handle extended UNC path (Early Riser) [#&#8203;54262]( - \[[`037672f15d`](] - **url**: improve resolveObject with ObjectAssign (Early Riser) [#&#8203;54092]( - \[[`4d8b53e475`](] - **watch**: reload changes in contents of --env-file (Marek Piechut) [#&#8203;54109]( ### [`v22.6.0`]( 2024-08-06, Version 22.6.0 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( ##### Experimental TypeScript support via strip types Node.js introduces the `--experimental-strip-types` flag for initial TypeScript support. This feature strips type annotations from .ts files, allowing them to run without transforming TypeScript-specific syntax. Current limitations include: - Supports only inline type annotations, not features like `enums` or `namespaces`. - Requires explicit file extensions in import and require statements. - Enforces the use of the type keyword for type imports to avoid runtime errors. - Disabled for TypeScript in *node_modules* by default. Thanks [Marco Ippolito]( for working on this. ##### Experimental Network Inspection Support in Node.js This update introduces the initial support for network inspection in Node.js. Currently, this is an experimental feature, so you need to enable it using the `--experimental-network-inspection` flag. With this feature enabled, you can inspect network activities occurring within a JavaScript application. To use network inspection, start your Node.js application with the following command: ```console $ node --inspect-wait --experimental-network-inspection index.js ``` Please note that the network inspection capabilities are in active development. We are actively working on enhancing this feature and will continue to expand its functionality in future updates. - Network inspection is limited to the `http` and `https` modules only. - The Network tab in Chrome DevTools will not be available until the [feature request on the Chrome DevTools side]( is addressed. Thanks [Kohei Ueno]( for working on this. ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`15a94e67b1`](] - **lib,src**: drop --experimental-network-imports (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53822]( - \[[`68e444d2d8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add diagnostics channel `http.client.request.error` (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;54054]( - \[[`2d982d3dee`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: V8: backport [`7857eb3`]( (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;53997]( - \[[`15816bd0dd`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: expose DuplexPair API (Austin Wright) [#&#8203;34111]( - \[[`893c864542`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: fix support watch with run(), add globPatterns option (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;53866]( - \[[`048d421ad1`](] - **meta**: add jake to collaborators (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54004]( - \[[`6ad6e01bf3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: refactor snapshots to get file from context (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53853]( - \[[`698e44f8e7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add context.filePath (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53853]( ##### Commits - \[[`063f46dc2a`](] - **assert**: use isError instead of instanceof in innerOk (Pietro Marchini) [#&#8203;53980]( - \[[`10bea42f81`](] - **build**: update gcovr to 7.2 and codecov config (Benjamin E. Coe) [#&#8203;54019]( - \[[`7c417c6cf4`](] - **build**: avoid compiling with VS v17.10 (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;53863]( - \[[`ee97c045b4`](] - **build**: ensure v8\_pointer_compression_sandbox is enabled on 64bit (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;53884]( - \[[`bfbed0afd5`](] - **build**: fix conflict gyp configs (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53605]( - \[[`0f1fe63e32`](] - **build**: trigger coverage ci when updating codecov (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53929]( - \[[`ad62b945f0`](] - **build**: update codecov coverage build count (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53929]( - \[[`3c40868fd3`](] - **build**: disable test-asan workflow (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53844]( - \[[`2a62d6ca57`](] - **build, tools**: drop leading `/` from `r2dir` (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53951]( - \[[`9c7b009f47`](] - **build,tools**: simplify upload of shasum signatures (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53892]( - \[[`057bd44f9f`](] - **child_process**: fix incomplete prototype pollution hardening (Liran Tal) [#&#8203;53781]( - \[[`66f7c595c7`](] - **cli**: document `--inspect` port `0` behavior (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53782]( - \[[`fad3e74b47`](] - **console**: fix issues with frozen intrinsics (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;54070]( - \[[`e685ecd7ae`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.29.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54072]( - \[[`e5f7250e6d`](] - **deps**: update amaro to 0.0.6 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54199]( - \[[`2c1e9082e8`](] - **deps**: update amaro to 0.0.5 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54199]( - \[[`2d982d3dee`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: V8: backport [`7857eb3`]( (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;53997]( - \[[`1061898462`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.32.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;54020]( - \[[`f4a7ac5e18`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`35888fe`]( (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53728]( - \[[`1176310226`](] - **deps**: add gn build files for ncrypto (Cheng) [#&#8203;53940]( - \[[`7a1d5a4f84`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.32.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53865]( - \[[`66f6a2aec9`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`9812cb4`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53966]( - \[[`8e66a18ef0`](] - **deps**: start working on ncrypto dep (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53803]( - \[[`c114082b12`](] - **deps**: fix include_dirs of nbytes (Cheng) [#&#8203;53862]( - \[[`b7315281be`](] - **doc**: move numCPUs require to top of file in cluster CJS example (Alfredo González) [#&#8203;53932]( - \[[`8e7c30c2a4`](] - **doc**: update security-release process to automated one (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53877]( - \[[`52a4206be2`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (YoonSoo_Shin) [#&#8203;54094]( - \[[`30e18a04a3`](] - **doc**: fix typo in diagnostic tooling support tiers document (Taejin Kim) [#&#8203;54058]( - \[[`58aebfd31e`](] - **doc**: move GeoffreyBooth to TSC regular member (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;54047]( - \[[`c1634c7213`](] - **doc**: correct typescript stdin support (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54036]( - \[[`64812d5c22`](] - **doc**: fix typo in recognizing-contributors (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;53990]( - \[[`6b35994b6f`](] - **doc**: fix documentation for `--run` (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53976]( - \[[`04d203a233`](] - **doc**: update boxstarter README (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53785]( - \[[`86fa46db1c`](] - **doc**: add info about prefix-only modules to `module.builtinModules` (Grigory) [#&#8203;53954]( - \[[`defdc3c568`](] - **doc**: remove `scroll-behavior: smooth;` (Cloyd Lau) [#&#8203;53942]( - \[[`e907236dd9`](] - **doc**: move --test-coverage-{ex,in}clude to proper location (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53926]( - \[[`8bf9960b98`](] - **doc**: add `--experimental-sqlite` note (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53907]( - \[[`d7615004d8`](] - **doc**: update `api_assets` README for new files (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53676]( - \[[`63cf715aa0`](] - **doc**: add MattiasBuelens to collaborators (Mattias Buelens) [#&#8203;53895]( - \[[`5b8dd78112`](] - **doc**: fix release date for 22.5.0 (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53889]( - \[[`dd2c0f349a`](] - **doc**: fix casing of GitHub handle for two collaborators (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53857]( - \[[`b47c2308e1`](] - **doc**: update release-post script (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53762]( - \[[`88539527d5`](] - **doc, test**: tracing channel hasSubscribers getter (Thomas Hunter II) [#&#8203;52908]( - \[[`44a08f75b0`](] - **doc,tools**: enforce use of `node:` prefix (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53950]( - \[[`87bab76df2`](] - **doc,tty**: add documentation for ReadStream and WriteStream (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53567]( - \[[`dcca9ba560`](] - **esm**: refactor `get_format` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53872]( - \[[`5e03c17aae`](] - **fs**: optimize `fs.cpSync` js calls (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53614]( - \[[`e0054ee0a7`](] - **fs**: ensure consistency for mkdtemp in both fs and fs/promises (YieldRay) [#&#8203;53776]( - \[[`8086337ea9`](] - **fs**: remove unnecessary option argument validation (Jonas) [#&#8203;53861]( - \[[`b377b93a3f`](] - **fs**: correctly pass dirent to exclude `withFileTypes` (RedYetiDev) [#&#8203;53823]( - \[[`68e444d2d8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: add diagnostics channel `http.client.request.error` (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;54054]( - \[[`de1fbc292f`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **inspector**: add initial support for network inspection (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;53593]( - \[[`744df0be24`](] - **lib**: support dynamic trace events on debugWithTimer (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;53913]( - \[[`546dab29c1`](] - **lib**: optimize copyError with ObjectAssign in primordials (HEESEUNG) [#&#8203;53999]( - \[[`494df9835a`](] - **lib**: improve cluster/primary code (Ehsan Khakifirooz) [#&#8203;53756]( - \[[`03f353293b`](] - **lib**: improve error message when index not found on cjs (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;53859]( - \[[`d8375d6236`](] - **lib**: decorate async stack trace in source maps (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53860]( - \[[`15a94e67b1`](] - **lib,src**: drop --experimental-network-imports (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53822]( - \[[`a6eedc401d`](] - **meta**: add `sqlite` to js subsystems (Alex Yang) [#&#8203;53911]( - \[[`21098856de`](] - **meta**: move tsc member to emeritus (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;54029]( - \[[`048d421ad1`](] - **meta**: add jake to collaborators (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;54004]( - \[[`20a8c96c41`](] - **meta**: remove license for hljs (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53970]( - \[[`2fd4ac4859`](] - **meta**: make more bug-report information required (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53718]( - \[[`b312ec0b0c`](] - **meta**: reword linter messages (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53949]( - \[[`d2526126a9`](] - **meta**: store actions secrets in environment (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53930]( - \[[`1688f00dce`](] - **meta**: move anonrig to tsc voting members (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53888]( - \[[`c20e8418de`](] - **module**: fix strip-types interaction with detect-module (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54164]( - \[[`ab1f0b415f`](] - **module**: fix extensionless typescript in cjs loader (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;54062]( - \[[`92439fc160`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: add --experimental-strip-types (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;53725]( - \[[`f755d31bec`](] - **node-api**: add property keys benchmark (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;54012]( - \[[`7382eefae5`](] - **node-api**: rename nogc to basic (Gabriel Schulhof) [#&#8203;53830]( - \[[`2c4470625b`](] - **process**: unify experimental warning messages (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53704]( - \[[`98a7ad2e0d`](] - **src**: expose LookupAndCompile with parameters (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;53886]( - \[[`dd3c66be0a`](] - **src**: simplify AESCipherTraits::AdditionalConfig (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53890]( - \[[`ee82f224ff`](] - **src**: remove redundant RsaPointer (use RSAPointer) (James M Snell) [#&#8203;54003]( - \[[`2d77bd2929`](] - **src**: fix -Wshadow warning (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;53885]( - \[[`bd4a9ffe8c`](] - **src**: start using ncrypto for CSPRNG calls (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53984]( - \[[`3fdcf7a47d`](] - **src**: return `undefined` if no rows are returned in SQLite (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;53981]( - \[[`ca6854443d`](] - **src**: fix slice of slice of file-backed Blob (Josh Lee) [#&#8203;53972]( - \[[`c457f9ed5a`](] - **src**: cache invariant code motion (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53879]( - \[[`fd0da6c2cf`](] - **src**: avoid strcmp in ImportJWKAsymmetricKey (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53813]( - \[[`fbf74bcf99`](] - **src**: switch from ToLocalChecked to ToLocal in node_webstorage (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53959]( - \[[`04bb6778e5`](] - **src**: move `ToNamespacedPath` call of webstorage (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53875]( - \[[`9ffaf763e9`](] - **src**: use Maybe\<void> in SecureContext (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53883]( - \[[`a94c3ae06f`](] - **src**: replace ToLocalChecked uses with ToLocal in node-file (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53869]( - \[[`55461be05f`](] - **src**: refactor webstorage implementation (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53876]( - \[[`c53cf449a6`](] - **src**: fix env-file flag to ignore spaces before quotes (Mohit Malhotra) [#&#8203;53786]( - \[[`bac3a485f6`](] - **src**: fix potential segmentation fault in SQLite (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53850]( - \[[`df5083e5f9`](] - **src,lib**: expose getCategoryEnabledBuffer to use on node.http (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;53602]( - \[[`8664b9ad60`](] - **src,test**: disallow unsafe integer coercion in SQLite (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53851]( - \[[`15816bd0dd`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: expose DuplexPair API (Austin Wright) [#&#8203;34111]( - \[[`718f6bc78c`](] - **test**: do not swallow uncaughtException errors in exit code tests (Meghan Denny) [#&#8203;54039]( - \[[`c6656c9251`](] - **test**: move shared module to `test/common` (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;54042]( - \[[`e471e32d46`](] - **test**: skip sea tests with more accurate available disk space estimation (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53996]( - \[[`61971ec929`](] - **test**: remove unnecessary console log (KAYYY) [#&#8203;53812]( - \[[`1344bd2d6f`](] - **test**: add comments and rename test for timer robustness (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;54008]( - \[[`da3573409c`](] - **test**: add test for one arg timers to increase coverage (Carlos Espa) [#&#8203;54007]( - \[[`fc67abd97e`](] - **test**: mark 'test/parallel/test-sqlite.js' as flaky (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54031]( - \[[`aa0ac3b57c`](] - **test**: mark test-pipe-file-to-http as flaky (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53751]( - \[[`52bc8ec360`](] - **test**: compare paths on Windows without considering case (Early Riser) [#&#8203;53993]( - \[[`7e8a609579`](] - **test**: skip sea tests in large debug builds (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53918]( - \[[`30a94ca0c4`](] - **test**: skip --title check on IBM i (Abdirahim Musse) [#&#8203;53952]( - \[[`5cea7ed706`](] - **test**: reduce flakiness of `test-assert-esm-cjs-message-verify` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53967]( - \[[`58cb0dd8a6`](] - **test**: use `PYTHON` executable from env in `assertSnapshot` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53938]( - \[[`c247582591`](] - **test**: deflake test-blob-file-backed (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;53920]( - \[[`3999021653`](] - **test_runner**: switched to internal readline interface (Emil Tayeb) [#&#8203;54000]( - \[[`3fb97a90ee`](] - **test_runner**: remove redundant bootstrap boolean (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;54013]( - \[[`edd80e2bdc`](] - **test_runner**: do not throw on mocked clearTimeout() (Aksinya Bykova) [#&#8203;54005]( - \[[`893c864542`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: fix support watch with run(), add globPatterns option (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;53866]( - \[[`4887213f2e`](] - **test_runner**: added colors to dot reporter (Giovanni) [#&#8203;53450]( - \[[`c4848c53e6`](] - **test_runner**: cleanup global event listeners after run (Eddie Abbondanzio) [#&#8203;53878]( - \[[`876e7b3226`](] - **test_runner**: refactor coverage to pass in config options (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53931]( - \[[`f45edb4b5e`](] - **test_runner**: refactor and simplify internals (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53921]( - \[[`6ad6e01bf3`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: refactor snapshots to get file from context (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53853]( - \[[`698e44f8e7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add context.filePath (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53853]( - \[[`97da7ca11b`](] - **test_runner**: consolidate option parsing (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53849]( - \[[`43afcbf9dd`](] - **tools**: fix `SLACK_TITLE` in invalid commit workflow (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53912]( - \[[`eed0963391`](] - **typings**: apply lint (1ilsang) [#&#8203;54065]( - \[[`e8ea49b256`](] - **typings**: fix typo on quic onSessionDatagram (1ilsang) [#&#8203;54064]( ### [`v22.5.1`]( 2024-07-19, Version 22.5.1 (Current), @&#8203;richardlau [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes This release fixes a regression introduced in Node.js 22.5.0. The problem is known to display the following symptoms: - Crash with `FATAL ERROR: v8::Object::GetCreationContextChecked No creation context available` [#&#8203;53902]( - npm errors with `npm error Exit handler never called!` [npm/cli#7657]( - yarn hangs or outputs `Usage Error: Couldn't find the node_modules state file - running an install might help (findPackageLocation)` [yarnpkg/berry#6398]( ##### Commits - \[[`e2deeedc6e`](] - ***Revert*** "**fs**: add v8 fast api to closeSync" (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53904]( ### [`v22.5.0`]( 2024-07-17, Version 22.5.0 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS prepared by @&#8203;aduh95 [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - \[[`1367c5558e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: expose websockets (Natalia Venditto) [#&#8203;53721]( - \[[`b31394920d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add `node:sqlite` module (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53752]( - \[[`aa7df9551d`](] - **module**: add `__esModule` to `require()`'d ESM (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52166]( - \[[`8743c4d65a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **path**: add `matchesGlob` method (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52881]( - \[[`77936c3d24`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: port on-exit-leak-free to core (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;53239]( - \[[`82d88a83f8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: pipeline wait for close before calling the callback (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53462]( - \[[`3a0fcbb17a`](] - **test_runner**: support glob matching coverage files (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53553]( - \[[`22ca334090`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: add `postMessageToThread` (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;53682]( ##### Commits - \[[`eb4e370933`](] - **benchmark**: add require-esm benchmark (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52166]( - \[[`4d4a8338db`](] - **benchmark**: add cpSync benchmark (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53612]( - \[[`3d60b38afa`](] - **build**: fix build warning of c-ares under GN build (Cheng) [#&#8203;53750]( - \[[`a45c801048`](] - **build**: fix build error in sqlite under GN build (Cheng) [#&#8203;53686]( - \[[`40032eb623`](] - **build**: add gn files for deps/nbytes (Cheng) [#&#8203;53685]( - \[[`082799debb`](] - **build**: fix mac build error of c-ares under GN (Cheng) [#&#8203;53687]( - \[[`b05394ea6a`](] - **build**: add version-specific library path for AIX (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53585]( - \[[`6237172eaf`](] - **cli**: update `node.1` to reflect Atom's sunset (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53734]( - \[[`5697938cb7`](] - **crypto**: avoid std::function (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53683]( - \[[`3cc01aa314`](] - **crypto**: make deriveBits length parameter optional and nullable (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;53601]( - \[[`f82e20fdea`](] - **crypto**: avoid taking ownership of OpenSSL objects (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53460]( - \[[`ad1e5610ec`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`4b21f1a`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53842]( - \[[`d285d610a0`](] - **deps**: update minimatch to 10.0.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53841]( - \[[`70f5209c9f`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.29.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53838]( - \[[`4930e12a45`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.3.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53837]( - \[[`d346833364`](] - **deps**: update ada to 2.9.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53748]( - \[[`ab8abb5367`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.8.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;53799]( - \[[`1ad664905a`](] - **deps**: update nbytes and add update script (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53790]( - \[[`a66f11e798`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`34ad51b`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53157]( - \[[`9bf61d6a0d`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`305e5a2`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53157]( - \[[`8542ace488`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`9ebca66`]( (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53755]( - \[[`29a734c21d`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`e061cf9`]( (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53755]( - \[[`c7624af44a`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.32.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53753]( - \[[`bbcec9e129`](] - **deps**: update minimatch to 9.0.5 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53646]( - \[[`76032fd980`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.32.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53722]( - \[[`26386046ad`](] - **doc**: move MylesBorins to emeritus (Myles Borins) [#&#8203;53760]( - \[[`362875bda0`](] - **doc**: add Rafael to the last security release (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53769]( - \[[`a1a5ad848d`](] - **doc**: use mock.callCount() in examples (Sébastien Règne) [#&#8203;53754]( - \[[`bb960c5471`](] - **doc**: clarify authenticity of plaintexts in update (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53784]( - \[[`5dd3018eb4`](] - **doc**: add option to have support me link (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53312]( - \[[`0f95ad3d7d`](] - **doc**: add OpenSSL security level to TLS docs (Afanasii Kurakin) [#&#8203;53647]( - \[[`2d92ec2831`](] - **doc**: update `scroll-padding-top` to 4rem (Cloyd Lau) [#&#8203;53662]( - \[[`933359a786`](] - **doc**: mention v8.setFlagsFromString to pm (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53731]( - \[[`e17c2618e3`](] - **doc**: remove the last \<pre> tag (Claudio W) [#&#8203;53741]( - \[[`7f18a5f47a`](] - **doc**: exclude voting and regular TSC from spotlight (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53694]( - \[[`df3dcd1bd1`](] - **doc**: fix releases guide for recent Git versions (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53709]( - \[[`50987ea833`](] - **doc**: require `node:process` in assert doc examples (Alfredo González) [#&#8203;53702]( - \[[`fa58d01497`](] - **doc**: add additional explanation to the wildcard section in permissions (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53664]( - \[[`28bf1e48ef`](] - **doc**: mark NODE_MODULE_VERSION for Node.js 22.0.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53650]( - \[[`1cc0b41f00`](] - **doc**: include node.module_timer on available categories (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;53638]( - \[[`d224e9eab5`](] - **doc**: fix module customization hook examples (Elliot Goodrich) [#&#8203;53637]( - \[[`2cf60964e6`](] - **doc**: fix doc for correct usage with plan & TestContext (Emil Tayeb) [#&#8203;53615]( - \[[`6df86ae056`](] - **doc**: remove some news issues that are no longer (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53608]( - \[[`42b9408f3e`](] - **doc**: add issue for news from ambassadors (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53607]( - \[[`2d1ff91953`](] - **doc**: add esm example for os (Leonardo Peixoto) [#&#8203;53604]( - \[[`de99d69d75`](] - **doc**: clarify usage of coverage reporters (Eliphaz Bouye) [#&#8203;53523]( - \[[`519c328dcf`](] - **doc**: document addition testing options (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53569]( - \[[`c6166cdfe4`](] - **doc**: clarify that fs.exists() may return false for existing symlink (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53566]( - \[[`9139ab2848`](] - **doc**: note http.closeAllConnections excludes upgraded sockets (Rob Hogan) [#&#8203;53560]( - \[[`19b3718ee1`](] - **doc, meta**: add PTAL to glossary (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53770]( - \[[`80c1f5ce8a`](] - **doc, typings**: events.once accepts symbol event type (René) [#&#8203;53542]( - \[[`1a21e0f61e`](] - **esm**: improve `defaultResolve` performance (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53711]( - \[[`262f2cb3b6`](] - **esm**: remove unnecessary toNamespacedPath calls (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53656]( - \[[`e29c9453a9`](] - **esm**: move hooks test with others (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;53558]( - \[[`8368555289`](] - **fs**: add v8 fast api to closeSync (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53627]( - \[[`628a539810`](] - **fs**: reduce throwing unnecessary errors on glob (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53632]( - \[[`076e82ca40`](] - **fs**: move `ToNamespacedPath` dir calls to c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53630]( - \[[`128e514d81`](] - **fs**: improve error performance of `fs.dir` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53667]( - \[[`603c2c5c08`](] - **fs**: fix typings (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53626]( - \[[`1367c5558e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **http**: expose websockets (Natalia Venditto) [#&#8203;53721]( - \[[`7debb6c36e`](] - **http**: remove prototype primordials (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53698]( - \[[`b13aea5698`](] - **http, readline**: replace sort with toSorted (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;53623]( - \[[`1397f5d9f4`](] - **http2**: remove prototype primordials (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53696]( - \[[`f57d3cee2c`](] - **lib**: make navigator not runtime-lookup process.version/arch/platform (Jordan Harband) [#&#8203;53765]( - \[[`0a01abbd45`](] - **lib**: refactor `platform` utility methods (Daniel Bayley) [#&#8203;53817]( - \[[`afe7f4f819`](] - **lib**: remove path.resolve from permissions.js (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53729]( - \[[`cbe77b30ca`](] - **lib**: move `ToNamespacedPath` call to c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53654]( - \[[`0f146aac2c`](] - **lib**: make navigator properties lazy (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53649]( - \[[`0540308bd7`](] - **lib**: add toJSON to PerformanceMeasure (theanarkh) [#&#8203;53603]( - \[[`b31394920d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib,src,test,doc**: add node:sqlite module (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53752]( - \[[`1a7c2dc5ea`](] - **meta**: remove redudant logging from dep updaters (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53783]( - \[[`ac5d7b709d`](] - **meta**: change email address of anonrig (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53829]( - \[[`085ec5533c`](] - **meta**: add `node_sqlite.c` to PR label config (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53797]( - \[[`c68d873e99`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53758]( - \[[`5ae8ea489d`](] - **meta**: use HTML entities in commit-queue comment (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53744]( - \[[`ecd8fceb68`](] - **meta**: move regular TSC member to emeritus (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53693]( - \[[`05058f9809`](] - **meta**: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.1 to 4.5.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53675]( - \[[`e272ffa3d6`](] - **meta**: bump mozilla-actions/sccache-action from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53674]( - \[[`a39407560c`](] - **meta**: bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.7 to 3.25.11 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53673]( - \[[`e4ce92ee31`](] - **meta**: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53672]( - \[[`4cf98febe7`](] - **meta**: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.5 to 6.1.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53671]( - \[[`c28af95bf5`](] - **meta**: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53670]( - \[[`dd2157bc83`](] - **meta**: move member from TSC regular to emeriti (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53599]( - \[[`508abfe178`](] - **meta**: warnings bypass deprecation cycle (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;53513]( - \[[`3c5ec839e3`](] - **meta**: prevent constant references to issues in versioning (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53564]( - \[[`aa7df9551d`](] - **module**: add \__esModule to require()'d ESM (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52166]( - \[[`8743c4d65a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **path**: add `matchesGlob` method (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52881]( - \[[`77936c3d24`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: port on-exit-leak-free to core (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;53239]( - \[[`5e4ca9fbb6`](] - **src**: update outdated references to spec sections (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53832]( - \[[`c22d9d5167`](] - **src**: use Maybe\<void> in ManagedEVPPKey (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53811]( - \[[`d41ed44f49`](] - **src**: move `loadEnvFile` toNamespacedPath call (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53658]( - \[[`dc99dd391f`](] - **src**: fix error handling in ExportJWKAsymmetricKey (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53767]( - \[[`ab1e03e8cd`](] - **src**: use Maybe\<void> in node::crypto::error (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53766]( - \[[`9bde9b254d`](] - **src**: fix implementation of `PropertySetterCallback` (Igor Sheludko) [#&#8203;53576]( - \[[`021e2cf40f`](] - **src**: remove unused ContextifyContext::WeakCallback (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53517]( - \[[`87121a17c4`](] - **src**: fix typo in node.h (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;53759]( - \[[`94c7054c8d`](] - **src**: document the Node.js context embedder data (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53611]( - \[[`c181940e83`](] - **src**: zero-initialize data that are copied into the snapshot (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53563]( - \[[`8cda2db64c`](] - ***Revert*** "**src**: make sure that memcpy-ed structs in snapshot have no padding" (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53563]( - \[[`81767f6089`](] - **src**: fix Worker termination when '--inspect-brk' is passed (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;53724]( - \[[`a9db553935`](] - **src**: refactor embedded entrypoint loading (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53573]( - \[[`3ab8aba478`](] - **src**: do not get string_view from temp string (Cheng) [#&#8203;53688]( - \[[`664bf6c28f`](] - **src**: replace `kPathSeparator` with std::filesystem (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53063]( - \[[`cc1f49751a`](] - **src**: move `FromNamespacedPath` to (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53540]( - \[[`e43a4e07ec`](] - **src**: use `starts_with` in (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53539]( - \[[`19488fd4ce`](] - **src,test**: further cleanup references to osx (Daniel Bayley) [#&#8203;53820]( - \[[`4bf62f6cbd`](] - **stream**: improve inspector ergonomics (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;53800]( - \[[`82d88a83f8`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: pipeline wait for close before calling the callback (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53462]( - \[[`53a7dd7790`](] - **test**: update wpt test (Mert Can Altin) [#&#8203;53814]( - \[[`bc480902ab`](] - **test**: update WPT WebIDL interfaces (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;53720]( - \[[`d13153d90f`](] - **test**: un-set inspector-async-hook-setup-at-inspect-brk as flaky (Abdirahim Musse) [#&#8203;53692]( - \[[`ac9c2e6bf2`](] - **test**: use python3 instead of python in pummel test (Mathis Wiehl) [#&#8203;53057]( - \[[`bac28678e6`](] - **test**: do not assume cwd in snapshot tests (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53146]( - \[[`41e106c0c6`](] - **test**: use `Set.difference()` (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53597]( - \[[`8aab680f66`](] - **test**: fix OpenSSL version checks (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53503]( - \[[`6aa4f0f266`](] - **test**: refactor, add assertion to http-request-end (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53411]( - \[[`fbc5cbb617`](] - **test_runner**: remove plan option from run() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53834]( - \[[`c590828ad8`](] - **test_runner**: fix escaping in snapshot tests (Julian Kniephoff) [#&#8203;53833]( - \[[`3a0fcbb17a`](] - **test_runner**: support glob matching coverage files (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53553]( - \[[`e6a1eeb73d`](] - **test_runner**: support module detection in module mocks (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;53642]( - \[[`4d777de7d4`](] - **tls**: add setKeyCert() to tls.Socket (Brian White) [#&#8203;53636]( - \[[`ab9adfc42a`](] - **tls**: remove prototype primordials (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53699]( - \[[`03d378ffb9`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53840]( - \[[`06377b1b11`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 9.7.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53839]( - \[[`d6629a2d84`](] - **tools**: use v8\_features.json to populate config.gypi (Cheng) [#&#8203;53749]( - \[[`d3653fe8ac`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 9.6.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53645]( - \[[`1e930e93d4`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to unified@11.0.5 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53555]( - \[[`317a13b30f`](] - **tools**: replace reference to NodeMainInstance with SnapshotBuilder (codediverdev) [#&#8203;53544]( - \[[`0e25faea0a`](] - **typings**: add `fs_dir` types (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53631]( - \[[`7637f291be`](] - **url**: fix typo (KAYYY) [#&#8203;53827]( - \[[`2c6548afd1`](] - **url**: reduce unnecessary string copies (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53628]( - \[[`0f2b57d1bc`](] - **url**: make URL.parse enumerable (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;53720]( - \[[`1300169f80`](] - **url**: add missing documentation for `URL.parse()` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53733]( - \[[`c55e72ed8b`](] - **util**: fix crashing when emitting new Buffer() deprecation warning [#&#8203;53075]( (Aras Abbasi) [#&#8203;53089]( - \[[`5aa216320e`](] - **v8**: move `ToNamespacedPath` to c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53655]( - \[[`9fd976b09d`](] - **vm,src**: add property query interceptors (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53517]( - \[[`22ca334090`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: add postMessageToThread (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;53682]( - \[[`5aecbefbd5`](] - **worker**: allow copied NODE_OPTIONS in the env setting (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53596]( ### [`v22.4.1`]( 2024-07-08, Version 22.4.1 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( This is a security release. ##### Notable Changes - CVE-2024-36138 - Bypass incomplete fix of CVE-2024-27980 (High) - CVE-2024-22020 - Bypass network import restriction via data URL (Medium) - CVE-2024-22018 - fs.lstat bypasses permission model (Low) - CVE-2024-36137 - fs.fchown/fchmod bypasses permission model (Low) - CVE-2024-37372 - Permission model improperly processes UNC paths (Low) ##### Commits - \[[`110902ff5e`](] - **lib,esm**: handle bypass network-import via data: (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#522]( - \[[`0a0de3d491`](] - **lib,permission**: support fs.lstat (RafaelGSS) - \[[`93574335ff`](] - **lib,permission**: disable fchmod/fchown when pm enabled (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#584]( - \[[`09899e6302`](] - **src**: handle permissive extension on cmd check (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#596]( - \[[`5d9c811634`](] - **src,permission**: fix UNC path resolution (RafaelGSS) [nodejs-private/node-private#581]( ### [`v22.4.0`]( 2024-07-02, Version 22.4.0 (Current), @&#8203;targos [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes ##### Experimental Web Storage API - \[[`9e30724b53`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps,lib,src**: add experimental web storage (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52435]( ##### API stability updates - \[[`201266706b`](] - **doc**: move `node --run` stability to rc (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53433]( - \[[`16c0884d48`](] - **doc**: mark WebSocket as stable (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;53352]( - \[[`cf375e73c1`](] - **doc**: mark --heap-prof and related flags stable (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53343]( - \[[`0160745057`](] - **doc**: mark --cpu-prof and related flags stable (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53343]( ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`df4762722c`](] - **doc**: doc-only deprecate OpenSSL engine-based APIs (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53329]( - \[[`ad5282e196`](] - **inspector**: fix disable async hooks on `Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth` (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53473]( - \[[`e95af740fc`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add diagnostics_channel events to module loading (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;44340]( - \[[`50733a1abe`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: support `--no-` for argument with boolean type for parseArgs (Zhenwei Jin) [#&#8203;53107]( ##### Commits - \[[`9f32002397`](] - **assert,util**: correct comparison when both contain same reference (Daniel Lemire) [#&#8203;53431]( - \[[`dfdc062111`](] - **buffer**: make indexOf(byte) faster (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53455]( - \[[`1de437527e`](] - **build**: configure with shared sqlite3 (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53519]( - \[[`c7d44ba1f3`](] - **build**: find version of Clang installed on Windows (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;53228]( - \[[`36aad8b204`](] - **build**: fix spacing before NINJA_ARGS (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53181]( - \[[`82092cdaa3`](] - **crypto**: improve GetECGroupBits signature (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53364]( - \[[`073c231607`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.31.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53554]( - \[[`977beab729`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: sqlite: fix Windows compilation (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52435]( - \[[`e69b8d202c`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.19.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53468]( - \[[`c4a7e051c8`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.19.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53468]( - \[[`fa34f8fcf0`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.19.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53468]( - \[[`0b40bfad43`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.19.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53468]( - \[[`1877f22a79`](] - **deps**: update simdjson to 3.9.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53467]( - \[[`1b84964b8d`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53470]( - \[[`6acadeb59b`](] - **deps**: update acorn-walk to 8.3.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53466]( - \[[`7a7f438841`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53156]( - \[[`bf891bf64c`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to v1.30.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53416]( - \[[`bd68888261`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`a3cc852`]( (kxxt) [#&#8203;53412]( - \[[`2defaaf771`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`6ea594f`]( (kxxt) [#&#8203;53412]( - \[[`9e30724b53`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps,lib,src**: add experimental web storage (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52435]( - \[[`608cc05de1`](] - **doc**: recommend not using libuv node-api function (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53521]( - \[[`30858eca59`](] - **doc**: add additional guidance for PRs to deps (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;53499]( - \[[`a5852cc710`](] - **doc**: only apply content-visibility on all.html (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;53510]( - \[[`befabe5c58`](] - **doc**: update the description of the return type for options.filter (Zhenwei Jin) [#&#8203;52742]( - \[[`5ed1a036ba`](] - **doc**: remove first timer badge (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53338]( - \[[`201266706b`](] - **doc**: move `node --run` stability to rc (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53433]( - \[[`46a7681cc4`](] - **doc**: add Buffer.from(string) to functions that use buffer pool (Christian Bates-White) [#&#8203;52801]( - \[[`ec5364f6de`](] - **doc**: add initial text for ambassadors program (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52857]( - \[[`fa113b8fc7`](] - **doc**: fix typo (EhsanKhaki) [#&#8203;53397]( - \[[`d9182d0086`](] - **doc**: define more cases for stream event emissions (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53317]( - \[[`923d24b6f2`](] - **doc**: remove mentions of policy model from security info (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53249]( - \[[`48f78cd31b`](] - **doc**: fix mistakes in the module `load` hook api (István Donkó) [#&#8203;53349]( - \[[`16c0884d48`](] - **doc**: mark WebSocket as stable (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;53352]( - \[[`df4762722c`](] - **doc**: doc-only deprecate OpenSSL engine-based APIs (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53329]( - \[[`cf375e73c1`](] - **doc**: mark --heap-prof and related flags stable (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53343]( - \[[`0160745057`](] - **doc**: mark --cpu-prof and related flags stable (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53343]( - \[[`6e12d9f049`](] - **doc**: remove IRC from man page (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53344]( - \[[`24c7a9415b`](] - **doc, http**: add `rejectNonStandardBodyWrites` option, clear its behaviour (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53396]( - \[[`ec38f3dc6a`](] - **doc, meta**: organize contributing to Node-API guide (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53243]( - \[[`cf5a973c42`](] - **doc, meta**: use markdown rather than HTML in (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53235]( - \[[`105b006fd2`](] - **fs**: move `ToNamespacedPath` to c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52135]( - \[[`568377f7f0`](] - **fs**: do not crash if the watched file is removed while setting up watch (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;53452]( - \[[`fad179307c`](] - **fs**: add fast api for `InternalModuleStat` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;51344]( - \[[`41100b65f6`](] - **http2**: reject failed http2.connect when used with promisify (ehsankhfr) [#&#8203;53475]( - \[[`ad5282e196`](] - **inspector**: fix disable async hooks on Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53473]( - \[[`b5fc227344`](] - **lib**: fix typo in comment (codediverdev) [#&#8203;53543]( - \[[`e95af740fc`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add diagnostics_channel events to module loading (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;44340]( - \[[`123910f1de`](] - **lib**: remove the unused code (theanarkh) [#&#8203;53463]( - \[[`452011b719`](] - **lib**: speed up MessageEvent creation internally (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;52951]( - \[[`710cf7758c`](] - **lib**: reduce amount of caught URL errors (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52658]( - \[[`45b59e58d1`](] - **lib**: fix naming convention of `Symbol` (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;53387]( - \[[`515dd24ee7`](] - **lib**: fix timer leak (theanarkh) [#&#8203;53337]( - \[[`77166137be`](] - **meta**: use correct source for workflow in PR (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53490]( - \[[`d1c10fee53`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53480]( - \[[`a5026386bf`](] - **meta**: fix typo in dependency updates (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53471]( - \[[`0b9191da99`](] - **meta**: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.7.1 to 2.8.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53245]( - \[[`49cfb9d001`](] - **src**: reset `process.versions` during pre-execution (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53444]( - \[[`15df4edd22`](] - **src**: use `args.This()` instead of `Holder` (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53474]( - \[[`e16a04e852`](] - **src**: fix dynamically linked OpenSSL version (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53456]( - \[[`5961253824`](] - **src**: remove `base64` from `process.versions` (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53442]( - \[[`11dd15c0b5`](] - **src**: remove `SetEncoding` from StringEncoder (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53441]( - \[[`0c7e69acd2`](] - **src**: simplify `size() == 0` checks (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53440]( - \[[`f077afafda`](] - **src**: add utilities to help debugging reproducibility of snapshots (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;50983]( - \[[`004b9ea4c4`](] - **src**: make sure that memcpy-ed structs in snapshot have no padding (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;50983]( - \[[`bfc5236423`](] - **src**: return non-empty data in context data serializer (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;50983]( - \[[`955454ba4d`](] - **src**: fix typo in (EhsanKhaki) [#&#8203;53418]( - \[[`7d8787768c`](] - **src**: avoid strcmp in favor of operator== (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53439]( - \[[`599e7c3d8e`](] - **src**: remove ArrayBufferAllocator::Reallocate override (Shu-yu Guo) [#&#8203;52910]( - \[[`f9075ff38e`](] - **src**: print v8::OOMDetails::detail when it's available (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53360]( - \[[`4704270443`](] - **src**: fix IsIPAddress for IPv6 (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;53400]( - \[[`63f62d76de`](] - **src**: fix permission inspector crash (theanarkh) [#&#8203;53389]( - \[[`70bbc02dac`](] - **src, deps**: add nbytes library (James M Snell) [#&#8203;53507]( - \[[`8b877099d0`](] - **stream**: update outdated highwatermark doc (Jay Kim) [#&#8203;53494]( - \[[`eded1e9768`](] - **stream**: support dispose in writable (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;48547]( - \[[`b3372a8b0e`](] - **stream**: callback should be called when pendingcb is 0 (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53438]( - \[[`f4efb7f625`](] - **stream**: make sure \_destroy is called (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53213]( - \[[`7dde37591c`](] - **stream**: prevent stream unexpected pause when highWaterMark set to 0 (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53261]( - \[[`6e66d9763f`](] - **test**: mark `test-benchmark-crypto` as flaky (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52955]( - \[[`1eebcbf9bf`](] - **test**: skip reproducible snapshot test on 32-bit (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53592]( - \[[`91b2850303`](] - **test**: extend env for `test-node-output-errors` (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53535]( - \[[`bcad560726`](] - **test**: update `compression` web-platform tests (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53478]( - \[[`b8f436c755`](] - **test**: update encoding web-platform tests (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53477]( - \[[`d2c169a4f6`](] - **test**: update `url` web-platform tests (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53472]( - \[[`513e6aa4c7`](] - **test**: check against run-time OpenSSL version (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53456]( - \[[`602b9d63c4`](] - **test**: update tests for OpenSSL 3.0.14 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53373]( - \[[`4a3525bb08`](] - **test**: fix test-http-server-keepalive-req-gc (Etienne Pierre-doray) [#&#8203;53292]( - \[[`7349edb28b`](] - **test**: update TLS tests for OpenSSL 3.2 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53384]( - \[[`a11a05763d`](] - **tls**: check result of SSL_CTX_set_\*\_proto_version (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53459]( - \[[`4b47f89eb2`](] - **tls**: avoid taking ownership of OpenSSL objects (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53436]( - \[[`ac8adeb99f`](] - **tls**: use SSL_get_peer_tmp_key (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53366]( - \[[`d5c380bb09`](] - **tools**: lock versions of irrelevant DB deps (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53546]( - \[[`71321bb249`](] - **tools**: fix skip detection of test runner output (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53545]( - \[[`ca198f4125`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 9.5.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53515]( - \[[`30fdd482a1`](] - **tools**: move ESLint to tools/eslint (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53413]( - \[[`fe85e05ba9`](] - **tools**: fix c-ares update script (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;53414]( - \[[`8eb7bdf81b`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53158]( - \[[`9ece63d415`](] - **tools**: do not run Corepack code before it's reviewed (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53405]( - \[[`ab2021492b`](] - **tools**: move ESLint tools to tools/eslint (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53393]( - \[[`78a9037a6d`](] - **tools**: use Ubuntu 24.04 and Clang on GitHub actions (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53212]( - \[[`855eb25dad`](] - **tools**: add stream label on PR when related files being changed in lib (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53269]( - \[[`50733a1abe`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: support `--no-` for argument with boolean type for parseArgs (Zhenwei Jin) [#&#8203;53107]( ### [`v22.3.0`]( 2024-06-11, Version 22.3.0 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - \[[`5a41bcf9ca`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: traverse parent folders while running `--run` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53154]( - \[[`1d5934524b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **buffer**: add .bytes() method to Blob (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;53221]( - \[[`75e5612fae`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src,permission**: --allow-wasi & prevent WASI exec (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53124]( - \[[`b5c30e2f5e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: print amount of load time of a cjs module (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;52213]( - \[[`8c6dffc269`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add snapshot testing (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53169]( - \[[`048478d351`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: add context.assert docs (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53169]( - \[[`f6d2af8ee7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add context.fullName (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53169]( - \[[`a0766bdf0e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add new net.server.listen tracing channel (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;53136]( - \[[`374743cd4e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add process.getBuiltinModule(id) (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52762]( - \[[`1eb55f3550`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: improve explanation about built-in modules (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52762]( - \[[`6165894774`](] - **fs**: mark recursive cp methods as stable (Théo LUDWIG) [#&#8203;53127]( - \[[`db5dd0c6df`](] - **doc**: add StefanStojanovic to collaborators (StefanStojanovic) [#&#8203;53118]( - \[[`cfcde78513`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: add `NODE_RUN_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH` env (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53058]( - \[[`7a67ecf161`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support module mocking (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52848]( - \[[`ee56aecced`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add EventSource Client (Aras Abbasi) [#&#8203;51575]( - \[[`6413769bc7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: replace MessageEvent with undici's (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;52370]( - \[[`c70b2f7a76`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: add `NODE_RUN_SCRIPT_NAME` env to `node --run` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53032]( - \[[`badec0c38b`](] - **doc**: add Marco Ippolito to TSC (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53008]( ##### Commits - \[[`feb0ba2860`](] - **benchmark**: fix napi/ref addon (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53233]( - \[[`bb844de4e1`](] - **benchmark**: fix api restriction for the permission category (Ryan Tsien) [#&#8203;51528]( - \[[`1d5934524b`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **buffer**: add .bytes() method to Blob (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;53221]( - \[[`d87f9af5aa`](] - **buffer**: make compare/equals faster (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52993]( - \[[`ec83431d71`](] - **build**: generate binlog in out directories (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53325]( - \[[`0976439417`](] - **build**: fix --v8-lite-mode build (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;52725]( - \[[`350c733ae6`](] - **build**: support python 3.13 (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53190]( - \[[`74cefa55a2`](] - **build**: update ruff to v0.4.5 (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53180]( - \[[`33242ff042`](] - **build**: add `--skip-tests` to `test-ci-js` target (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53105]( - \[[`edcadf7f8a`](] - **build**: fix building embedtest in GN build (Cheng) [#&#8203;53145]( - \[[`d711942fce`](] - **build**: use broader detection for 'help' (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53045]( - \[[`ca655b61a7`](] - **build**: fix -j propagation to ninja (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53088]( - \[[`5fba67ff9f`](] - **build**: exit on unsupported host OS for Android (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;52882]( - \[[`b7d7e9a084`](] - **build**: fix `--enable-d8` builds (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53106]( - \[[`14547c5d32`](] - **build**: fix ./configure --help format error (Zhenwei Jin) [#&#8203;53066]( - \[[`f9490806d3`](] - **build**: set "clang" in config.gypi in GN build (Cheng) [#&#8203;53004]( - \[[`638b510ce7`](] - **cli**: add `--expose-gc` flag available to `NODE_OPTIONS` (Juan José) [#&#8203;53078]( - \[[`cfcde78513`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: add `NODE_RUN_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH` env (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53058]( - \[[`c70b2f7a76`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: add `NODE_RUN_SCRIPT_NAME` env to `node --run` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53032]( - \[[`34f20983fd`](] - **crypto**: fix propagation of "memory limit exceeded" (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53300]( - \[[`fef067f4f4`](] - **deps**: update nghttp2 to 1.62.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52966]( - \[[`fc949928ac`](] - **deps**: update nghttp2 to 1.62.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52966]( - \[[`4a17dda8dc`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.18.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53255]( - \[[`e45cc2a551`](] - **deps**: update ada to 2.8.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53254]( - \[[`77907a2619`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.28.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53253]( - \[[`b688050778`](] - **deps**: update simdjson to 3.9.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53252]( - \[[`6303f19cbe`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53159]( - \[[`257004c68f`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to 1.29.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53155]( - \[[`0b375a3e36`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.8.1 (npm team) [#&#8203;53207]( - \[[`728c861b1c`](] - **deps**: fix FP16 bitcasts.h (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;53134]( - \[[`52a78737b1`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53094]( - \[[`4d27b32e58`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.18.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53073]( - \[[`b94199240b`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.18.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53073]( - \[[`793af1b3e7`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.17.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53034]( - \[[`fe00becc03`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.16.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52948]( - \[[`96f72ae54f`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.15.0 (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;52763]( - \[[`af60fbb12b`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`33af80a`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53053]( - \[[`7b929df489`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53054]( - \[[`626037c0fc`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53052]( - \[[`6d8589e558`](] - **deps**: patch V8 to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52980]( - \[[`fd91eaab34`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.8.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;53014]( - \[[`133cae0732`](] - **doc**: fix broken link in `` (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53345]( - \[[`7bc5f964fd`](] - **doc**: indicate requirement on VS 17.6 or newer (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;53301]( - \[[`8c71522ced`](] - **doc**: remove cases for keys not containing "\*" in PATTERN_KEY_COMPARE (Maarten Zuidhoorn) [#&#8203;53215]( - \[[`718a3ab1ab`](] - **doc**: add err param to fs.cp callback (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;53234]( - \[[`d89bde26ff`](] - **doc**: add `err` param to fs.copyFile callback (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;53234]( - \[[`91971ee344`](] - **doc**: reserve 128 for Electron 32 (Keeley Hammond) [#&#8203;53203]( - \[[`812f0e9e14`](] - **doc**: add note to ninjia build for macOS using -jn flag (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53187]( - \[[`048478d351`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: add context.assert docs (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53169]( - \[[`c391923445`](] - **doc**: include ESM import for HTTP (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53165]( - \[[`1eb55f3550`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: improve explanation about built-in modules (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52762]( - \[[`67a766f7d4`](] - **doc**: fix minor grammar and style issues in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;53168]( - \[[`afbfe8922a`](] - **doc**: mention pm is not enforced when using fd (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53125]( - \[[`1702d2632e`](] - **doc**: fix format in `` (Pop Moore) [#&#8203;53170]( - \[[`070577e7d7`](] - **doc**: fix wrong variable name in example of `timers.tick()` (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;53147]( - \[[`7147c1df1f`](] - **doc**: fix wrong function name in example of `context.plan()` (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;53140]( - \[[`cf47384148`](] - **doc**: add note for windows users and symlinks (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53117]( - \[[`088dff1074`](] - **doc**: move all TLS-PSK documentation to its section (Alba Mendez) [#&#8203;35717]( - \[[`db5dd0c6df`](] - **doc**: add StefanStojanovic to collaborators (StefanStojanovic) [#&#8203;53118]( - \[[`0f0bc98ad7`](] - **doc**: improve ninja build for --built-in-modules-path (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53007]( - \[[`4c65c52d30`](] - **doc**: avoid hiding by navigation bar in anchor jumping (Cloyd Lau) [#&#8203;45131]( - \[[`63fcbcfd62`](] - **doc**: remove unavailable youtube link in pull requests (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;52982]( - \[[`77fd504636`](] - **doc**: add missing supported timer values in `timers.enable()` (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;52969]( - \[[`6708536b03`](] - **fs**: fix cp dir/non-dir mismatch error messages (Mathis Wiehl) [#&#8203;53150]( - \[[`6165894774`](] - **fs**: mark recursive cp methods as stable (Théo LUDWIG) [#&#8203;53127]( - \[[`7940db7be1`](] - **fs**: remove basename in favor of std::filesystem (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53062]( - \[[`505e9a425b`](] - **lib**: fix misleading argument of validateUint32 (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53307]( - \[[`98ae1ebdd6`](] - **lib**: fix the name of the fetch global function (Gabriel Bota) [#&#8203;53227]( - \[[`fe007cd1b4`](] - **lib**: allow CJS source map cache to be reclaimed (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;51711]( - \[[`040be4a7b4`](] - **lib**: do not call callback if socket is closed (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52829]( - \[[`ee56aecced`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add EventSource Client (Aras Abbasi) [#&#8203;51575]( - \[[`6413769bc7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: replace MessageEvent with undici's (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;52370]( - \[[`879679e5a3`](] - **lib,doc**: replace references to import assertions (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52998]( - \[[`062a0c6f67`](] - **meta**: bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.3.1 to 2.3.3 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53248]( - \[[`e59b744b30`](] - **meta**: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.4 to 4.1.6 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53247]( - \[[`96924f48a0`](] - **meta**: bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.3 to 3.25.7 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53246]( - \[[`b7f5662dee`](] - **meta**: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.3.1 to 4.4.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;53244]( - \[[`e079967eb4`](] - **meta**: remove `initializeCommand` from devcontainer (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53137]( - \[[`3afeced572`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53065]( - \[[`4b9cdea8a6`](] - ***Revert*** "**module**: have a single hooks thread for all workers" (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;53183]( - \[[`b5c30e2f5e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: print amount of load time of a cjs module (Vinicius Lourenço) [#&#8203;52213]( - \[[`4cdb05a7a2`](] - **module**: do not set CJS variables for Worker eval (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53050]( - \[[`a0766bdf0e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add new net.server.listen tracing channel (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;53136]( - \[[`374743cd4e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add process.getBuiltinModule(id) (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52762]( - \[[`e66eb376a0`](] - **repl**: fix await object patterns without values (Luke Haas) [#&#8203;53331]( - \[[`cb1329a8cf`](] - **src**: use v8::(Des|S)erializeInternalFieldsCallback (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53217]( - \[[`1886fe99af`](] - **src**: use \__FUNCSIG\_\_ on Windows in backtrace (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;53135]( - \[[`3bfce6c816`](] - **src**: use new V8 API to define stream accessor (Igor Sheludko) [#&#8203;53084]( - \[[`11f790d911`](] - **src**: do not use deprecated V8 API (ishell) [#&#8203;53084]( - \[[`6b1731cbcc`](] - **src**: convert all endian checks to constexpr (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52974]( - \[[`7aa9519ad4`](] - **src**: fix external module env and kDisableNodeOptionsEnv (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52905]( - \[[`838fe59787`](] - **src**: fix execArgv in worker (theanarkh) [#&#8203;53029]( - \[[`4a2c6ff05d`](] - **src**: reduce unnecessary `GetCwd` calls (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53064]( - \[[`ec44965b49`](] - **src**: simplify node modules traverse path (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53061]( - \[[`190129b48e`](] - **src**: remove unused `base64_table_url` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;53040]( - \[[`d750a3c5c4`](] - **src**: remove calls to recently deprecated V8 APIs (Adam Klein) [#&#8203;52996]( - \[[`f1890abb18`](] - **src**: replace deprecated GetImportAssertions V8 API (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52997]( - \[[`4347bd2acb`](] - **src**: improve node::Dotenv declarations (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52973]( - \[[`e26166f30b`](] - **src,permission**: handle process.chdir on pm (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53175]( - \[[`75e5612fae`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src,permission**: --allow-wasi & prevent WASI exec (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;53124]( - \[[`7c66b27407`](] - **stream**: micro-optimize writable condition (Orgad Shaneh) [#&#8203;53189]( - \[[`a656cf6bc8`](] - **stream**: fix memory usage regression in writable (Orgad Shaneh) [#&#8203;53188]( - \[[`0e85a84fdc`](] - **test**: fix test when compiled without engine support (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53232]( - \[[`cebbd83e47`](] - **test**: update TLS trace tests for OpenSSL >= 3.2 (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;53229]( - \[[`45c1eb19f1`](] - ***Revert*** "**test**: skip v8-updates/test-linux-perf-logger" (Luke Albao) [#&#8203;52869]( - \[[`c1138db3c1`](] - **test**: unskip v8-updates/test-linux-perf-logger (Luke Albao) [#&#8203;52869]( - \[[`65b64cf0f1`](] - **test**: fix Windows native test suites (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;53173]( - \[[`9a47792cd1`](] - **test**: skip `test-setproctitle` when `ps` is not available (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53104]( - \[[`a371dea699`](] - **test**: increase allocation so it fails for the test (Adam Majer) [#&#8203;53099]( - \[[`3ce7a9a1b5`](] - **test**: remove timers from test-tls-socket-close (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;53019]( - \[[`494fa542af`](] - **test**: replace `.substr` with `.slice` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53070]( - \[[`3f7d55b7db`](] - **test**: add AbortController to knownGlobals (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;53020]( - \[[`c61f909ab6`](] - **test,doc**: enable running embedtest for Windows (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;52646]( - \[[`2d1ecbf827`](] - **test_runner**: calculate executed lines using source map (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;53315]( - \[[`d4f5f80f6c`](] - **test_runner**: handle file rename and deletion under watch mode (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53114]( - \[[`07c601e32f`](] - **test_runner**: refactor to use min/max of `validateInteger` (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;53148]( - \[[`8c6dffc269`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add snapshot testing (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53169]( - \[[`f6d2af8ee7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add context.fullName (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53169]( - \[[`7a67ecf161`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support module mocking (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52848]( - \[[`3ff174f2bf`](] - **test_runner**: fix t.assert methods (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;53049]( - \[[`e2211a07c2`](] - **test_runner**: avoid error when coverage line not found (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;53000]( - \[[`c249289121`](] - **test_runner,doc**: align documentation with actual stdout/stderr behavior (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;53131]( - \[[`5110b19a07`](] - **tls**: fix negative sessionTimeout handling (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;53002]( - \[[`0ecb770331`](] - **tools**: remove no-goma arg from make-v8 script (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;53336]( - \[[`e7f3a3c296`](] - **tools**: use sccache Github action (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;53316]( - \[[`98cc094bc5`](] - **tools**: update eslint to 9.4.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53298]( - \[[`6409b1fe65`](] - **tools**: update gyp-next to 0.18.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;53251]( - \[[`86e80dcb9b`](] - **tools**: move webcrypto into no-restricted-properties (Zihong Qu) [#&#8203;53023]( - \[[`6022346f0e`](] - **tools**: update error message for Type Error (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;53047]( - \[[`c1b3e0ed6f`](] - ***Revert*** "**tools**: add --certify-safe to nci-ci" (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;53098]( - \[[`9f764a873c`](] - **tools**: update ESLint to v9 and use flat config (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52780]( - \[[`2859f4c027`](] - **watch**: fix variable naming (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;53101]( ### [`v22.2.0`]( 2024-05-15, Version 22.2.0 (Current), @&#8203;targos [Compare Source]( ##### Notable Changes - \[[`fb85d38e80`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: allow running wasm in limited vmem with --disable-wasm-trap-handler (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52766]( - \[[`23a0d3339f`](] - **doc**: add pimterry to collaborators (Tim Perry) [#&#8203;52874]( - \[[`7d7a762156`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: allow 'withFileTypes' to be used with globs (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52837]( - \[[`8748dd6477`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **inspector**: introduce the `--inspect-wait` flag (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;52734]( - \[[`9a7ae9b6c4`](] - **lib,src**: remove --experimental-policy (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52583]( - \[[`1f7c2a93fc`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **perf_hooks**: add `deliveryType` and `responseStatus` fields (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;51589]( - \[[`2f59529dc5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support test plans (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52860]( - \[[`6b4dac3eb5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **zlib**: expose zlib.crc32() (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52692]( ##### Commits - \[[`0f5716c364`](] - **assert**: add deep equal check for more Error type (Zhenwei Jin) [#&#8203;51805]( - \[[`2c7d7caa8a`](] - **benchmark**: filter non-present deps from `start-cli-version` (Adam Majer) [#&#8203;51746]( - \[[`5db4c54bd6`](] - **bootstrap**: print `--help` message using `console.log` (Jacob Hummer) [#&#8203;51463]( - \[[`67fcb6b85e`](] - **buffer**: even faster atob (Daniel Lemire) [#&#8203;52443]( - \[[`a5d63f9052`](] - **buffer**: use size_t instead of uint32\_t to avoid segmentation fault (Xavier Stouder) [#&#8203;48033]( - \[[`f1bc994826`](] - **buffer**: remove lines setting indexes to integer value (Zhenwei Jin) [#&#8203;52588]( - \[[`a97ff753ab`](] - **build**: add option to enable clang-cl on Windows (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52870]( - \[[`f96466a92c`](] - **build**: enable building with shared uvwasi lib (Pooja D P) [#&#8203;43987]( - \[[`b463385aa8`](] - **build**: remove deprecated calls for argument groups (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;52913]( - \[[`daeb7dbb3e`](] - **build**: sync V8 warning cflags with (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52873]( - \[[`eed967430d`](] - **build**: harmonize Clang checks (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52873]( - \[[`e4b187433d`](] - **build**: compile with C++20 support (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52838]( - \[[`aea6ca25ba`](] - **build**: drop base64 dep in GN build (Cheng) [#&#8203;52856]( - \[[`7f866a8225`](] - **build**: make simdjson a public dep in GN build (Cheng) [#&#8203;52755]( - \[[`e1bd53c098`](] - **build**: define `NOMINMAX` in common.gypi (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;52794]( - \[[`18c530f8f7`](] - **build, tools**: copy release assets to staging R2 bucket once built (flakey5) [#&#8203;51394]( - \[[`fb85d38e80`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: allow running wasm in limited vmem with --disable-wasm-trap-handler (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52766]( - \[[`11e978916f`](] - **cluster**: replace `forEach` with `for-of` loop (Jérôme Benoit) [#&#8203;50317]( - \[[`db76c58d68`](] - **console**: colorize console error and warn (Jithil P Ponnan) [#&#8203;51629]( - \[[`0d040a3035`](] - **crypto**: fix duplicated switch-case return values (Mustafa Ateş UZUN) [#&#8203;49030]( - \[[`ab7219f0b2`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`fa6de7f`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52949]( - \[[`4ab096eccc`](] - **deps**: update simdjson to 3.9.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52947]( - \[[`89f275b1df`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.28.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52946]( - \[[`fc568b4b42`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.2.8 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52727]( - \[[`e399360182`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.2.6 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52727]( - \[[`232831f013`](] - **deps**: enable unbundling of simdjson, simdutf, ada (Daniel Lemire) [#&#8203;52924]( - \[[`7ca83a5abc`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`2d16ed0`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`3b15eb5911`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`d83fee1`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`4190d70035`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`5a37b51`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`7a166a2871`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`5197b1a`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`812dbd749f`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`eff443c`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`cb3ae4b9ef`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`c231e6f`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`d97317aaa1`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`e4fdb87`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`ad8ca1259f`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`5df0241`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`828f0d7096`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`b75ecf1`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`3b60dbcf7b`](] - **deps**: update googletest to [`4565741`]( (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51657]( - \[[`37098eb880`](] - **deps**: update simdjson to 3.9.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52397]( - \[[`a13cf1c049`](] - **deps**: update uvwasi to 0.0.21 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52863]( - \[[`faf8ada719`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`f6bef09`]( (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;52802]( - \[[`8e5844c2a4`](] - **doc**: remove reference to AUTHORS file (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52960]( - \[[`1f3634e30f`](] - **doc**: update hljs with the latest styles (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52911]( - \[[`9102255749`](] - **doc**: mention quicker way to build docs (Alex Crawford) [#&#8203;52937]( - \[[`15db3ef5fb`](] - **doc**: mention push.followTags config (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52906]( - \[[`80fa675af2`](] - **doc**: document pipeline with `end` option (Alois Klink) [#&#8203;48970]( - \[[`c0000f4118`](] - **doc**: add example for `execFileSync` method and ref to stdio (Evan Shortiss) [#&#8203;39412]( - \[[`e0148e2653`](] - **doc**: add examples and notes to http server.close et al (mary marchini) [#&#8203;49091]( - \[[`030f56ee6d`](] - **doc**: fix `dns.lookup` family `0` and `all` descriptions (Adam Jones) [#&#8203;51653]( - \[[`a6d624cd5a`](] - **doc**: update `fs.realpath` documentation (sinkhaha) [#&#8203;48170]( - \[[`5dab187ca8`](] - **doc**: update fs read documentation for clarity (Mert Can Altin) [#&#8203;52453]( - \[[`5d3ee7205d`](] - **doc**: watermark string behavior (Benjamin Gruenbaum) [#&#8203;52842]( - \[[`2dd8f092a8`](] - **doc**: exclude commits with baking-for-lts (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52896]( - \[[`0c2539b913`](] - **doc**: add names next to release key bash commands (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52878]( - \[[`23a0d3339f`](] - **doc**: add pimterry to collaborators (Tim Perry) [#&#8203;52874]( - \[[`15aad62e0c`](] - **doc**: update previous versions links (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52852]( - \[[`f770a993d4`](] - **doc**: add more definitions to (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52798]( - \[[`f35b838a65`](] - **doc**: make docs more welcoming and descriptive for newcomers (Serkan Özel) [#&#8203;38056]( - \[[`562a019a14`](] - **doc**: add OpenSSL errors to API docs (John Lamp) [#&#8203;34213]( - \[[`0cb7cf7aa9`](] - **doc**: fix grammatical mistake (codershiba) [#&#8203;52808]( - \[[`a0147ff8d0`](] - **doc**: simplify copy-pasting of `branch-diff` commands (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52757]( - \[[`fce31fc829`](] - **doc**: add test_runner to subsystem (Raz Luvaton) [#&#8203;52774]( - \[[`ca5607bbc8`](] - **events**: update MaxListenersExceededWarning message log (sinkhaha) [#&#8203;51921]( - \[[`96566fc696`](] - **events**: add stop propagation flag to `Event.stopImmediatePropagation` (Mickael Meausoone) [#&#8203;39463]( - \[[`5ee69243ed`](] - **events**: replace NodeCustomEvent with CustomEvent (Feng Yu) [#&#8203;43876]( - \[[`f076e721cb`](] - **fs**: keep fs.promises.readFile read until EOF is reached (Zhenwei Jin) [#&#8203;52178]( - \[[`7d7a762156`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: allow 'withFileTypes' to be used with globs (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52837]( - \[[`ad9c4bddb1`](] - **http**: correctly translate HTTP method (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52701]( - \[[`8748dd6477`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **inspector**: introduce the `--inspect-wait` flag (Kohei Ueno) [#&#8203;52734]( - \[[`9a7ae9b6c4`](] - **lib,src**: remove --experimental-policy (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52583]( - \[[`a850219600`](] - **meta**: move `@anonrig` to TSC regular member (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52932]( - \[[`4dc8a387b3`](] - **meta**: add mailmap entry for legendecas (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;52795]( - \[[`d10182d81d`](] - **meta**: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.4 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52787]( - \[[`48d0ac0665`](] - **meta**: bump github/codeql-action from 3.24.9 to 3.25.3 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52786]( - \[[`7c7a25150e`](] - **meta**: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52785]( - \[[`d9abf18342`](] - **meta**: bump actions/download-artifact from 4.1.4 to 4.1.7 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52784]( - \[[`590e5c6c45`](] - **meta**: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.1 to 4.3.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52783]( - \[[`b3d1720515`](] - **meta**: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52782]( - \[[`f74beb53de`](] - **module**: cache synchronous module jobs before linking (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52868]( - \[[`8fbf6628d6`](] - **module**: have a single hooks thread for all workers (Gabriel Bota) [#&#8203;52706]( - \[[`609d90bb4b`](] - **path**: fix toNamespacedPath on Windows (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;52915]( - \[[`1f7c2a93fc`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **perf_hooks**: add `deliveryType` and `responseStatus` fields (Matthew Aitken) [#&#8203;51589]( - \[[`0bbc62c42a`](] - **process**: improve event-loop (Aras Abbasi) [#&#8203;52108]( - \[[`619ac79abb`](] - **quic**: address coverity warning (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52824]( - \[[`04de5766ee`](] - **repl**: fix disruptive autocomplete without inspector (Nitzan Uziely) [#&#8203;40661]( - \[[`663bb973ab`](] - **src**: fix Worker termination in `inspector.waitForDebugger` (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;52527]( - \[[`fca38b2d6e`](] - **src**: use `S_ISDIR` to check if the file is a directory (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52164]( - \[[`b228db579f`](] - **src**: allow preventing debug signal handler start (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;46681]( - \[[`ace65a9aac`](] - **src**: make sure pass the `argv` to worker threads (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52827]( - \[[`75004d32ab`](] - **src**: fix typo Unabled -> Unable (Simon Siefke) [#&#8203;52820]( - \[[`c40a8273ef`](] - **src**: avoid unused variable 'error' warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52886]( - \[[`d169d0f181`](] - **src**: fix positional args in task runner (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52810]( - \[[`9c76c95c10`](] - **src**: only apply fix in main thread (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52702]( - \[[`e1cba97df3`](] - **src**: fix test local edge case (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52702]( - \[[`dc41c135d7`](] - **src**: reduce unnecessary serialization of CLI options in C++ (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52451]( - \[[`fb24c4475c`](] - **src**: rewrite task runner in c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52609]( - \[[`323f95de9e`](] - **src**: migrate to new V8 interceptors API (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52745]( - \[[`850ff02931`](] - **src,permission**: resolve path on fs_permission (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52761]( - \[[`8d3b0b7ade`](] - **stream**: use `ByteLengthQueuingStrategy` when not in `objectMode` (Jason) [#&#8203;48847]( - \[[`fa715437b0`](] - **stream**: fix util.inspect for compression/decompressionStream (Mert Can Altin) [#&#8203;52283]( - \[[`b0e6a6b3d5`](] - **string_decoder**: throw an error when writing a too long buffer (zhenweijin) [#&#8203;52215]( - \[[`e016e952e6`](] - **test**: add `Debugger.setInstrumentationBreakpoint` known issue (Konstantin Ulitin) [#&#8203;31137]( - \[[`a589de0886`](] - **test**: use `for-of` instead of `forEach` (Gibby Free) [#&#8203;49790]( - \[[`578868ddf8`](] - **test**: verify request payload is uploaded consistently (Austin Wright) [#&#8203;34066]( - \[[`c676e522e6`](] - **test**: add fuzzer for native/js string conversion (Adam Korczynski) [#&#8203;51120]( - \[[`5f6415b41d`](] - **test**: add fuzzer for `ClientHelloParser` (AdamKorcz) [#&#8203;51088]( - \[[`4d50d51a5e`](] - **test**: fix broken env fuzzer by initializing process (AdamKorcz) [#&#8203;51080]( - \[[`cd00cdcbc8`](] - **test**: replace `forEach()` in `test-stream-pipe-unpipe-stream` (Dario) [#&#8203;50786]( - \[[`5469adf458`](] - **test**: test pipeline `end` on transform streams (Alois Klink) [#&#8203;48970]( - \[[`ea6070b0e8`](] - **test**: improve coverage of lib/readline.js (Rongjian Zhang) [#&#8203;38646]( - \[[`4f96b00307`](] - **test**: updated for each to for of in test file (lyannel) [#&#8203;50308]( - \[[`5d91cf1976`](] - **test**: move `test-http-server-request-timeouts-mixed` to sequential (Madhuri) [#&#8203;45722]( - \[[`f47e8fccbb`](] - **test**: fix DNS cancel tests (Szymon Marczak) [#&#8203;44432]( - \[[`0b073f885a`](] - **test**: add http agent to `executionAsyncResource` (psj-tar-gz) [#&#8203;34966]( - \[[`fbce3178ba`](] - **test**: reduce memory usage of test-worker-stdio (Adam Majer) [#&#8203;37769]( - \[[`1f8eaec454`](] - **test**: add common.expectRequiredModule() (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52868]( - \[[`5e731da572`](] - **test**: skip unstable shadow realm gc tests (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;52855]( - \[[`30a35ae522`](] - **test**: crypto-rsa-dsa testing for dynamic openssl (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52781]( - \[[`968fe6a8b1`](] - **test**: skip some console tests on dumb terminal (Adam Majer) [#&#8203;37770]( - \[[`1448959e0d`](] - **test**: skip v8-updates/test-linux-perf-logger (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52821]( - \[[`30a4248b48`](] - **test**: add env variable test for --run (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52811]( - \[[`edb4ed3bc9`](] - **test**: drop test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52751]( - \[[`944ae598b5`](] - **test, crypto**: use correct object on assert (响马) [#&#8203;51820]( - \[[`a814e720fa`](] - **test_runner**: fix watch mode race condition (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52954]( - \[[`2f59529dc5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support test plans (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52860]( - \[[`3267b3c063`](] - **test_runner**: display failed test stack trace with dot reporter (Mihir Bhansali) [#&#8203;52655]( - \[[`b96868b4e7`](] - **test_runner**: preserve hook promise when executed twice (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52791]( - \[[`74341ba3c9`](] - **tools**: fix v8-update workflow (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52957]( - \[[`afe39ed0df`](] - **tools**: add --certify-safe to nci-ci (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;52940]( - \[[`bb97e1ccdd`](] - **tools**: fix doc update action (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52890]( - \[[`c6043fe6c8`](] - **tools**: fix get_asan_state() in tools/ (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52766]( - \[[`6e71accc5f`](] - **tools**: support max_virtual_memory test configuration (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52766]( - \[[`1600bdac60`](] - **tools**: support != in test status files (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52766]( - \[[`8ce23dc9f3`](] - **tools**: update gyp-next to 0.18.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52835]( - \[[`c5f832adc0`](] - **tools**: update gyp-next to 0.17.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52835]( - \[[`646a094782`](] - **tools**: prepare custom rules for ESLint v9 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52889]( - \[[`505566347d`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.17.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52836]( - \[[`466e0c1321`](] - **tools**: update `gr2m/create-or-update-pull-request-action` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52843]( - \[[`ce7a751ad1`](] - **tools**: use sccache GitHub action (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52839]( - \[[`1ee38a5ec1`](] - **tools**: specify a commit-message for V8 update workflow (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52844]( - \[[`317998a1e8`](] - **tools**: fix V8 update workflow (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52822]( - \[[`ef6a2101e2`](] - **url,tools,benchmark**: replace deprecated `substr()` (Jungku Lee) [#&#8203;51546]( - \[[`0deef2d2b1`](] - **util**: fix `%s` format behavior with `Symbol.toPrimitive` (Chenyu Yang) [#&#8203;50992]( - \[[`a42b93b9aa`](] - **util**: improve `isInsideNodeModules` (uzlopak) [#&#8203;52147]( - \[[`d71e16154a`](] - **watch**: allow listening for grouped changes (Matthieu Sieben) [#&#8203;52722]( - \[[`e895f7cf32`](] - **watch**: enable passthrough ipc in watch mode (Zack) [#&#8203;50890]( - \[[`f5d925706a`](] - **watch**: fix arguments parsing (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52760]( - \[[`6b4dac3eb5`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **zlib**: expose zlib.crc32() (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52692]( ### [`v22.1.0`]( 2024-05-02, Version 22.1.0 (Current), @&#8203;targos prepared by @&#8203;aduh95 [Compare Source]( ##### module: implement `NODE_COMPILE_CACHE` for automatic on-disk code caching This patch implements automatic on-disk code caching that can be enabled via an environment variable `NODE_COMPILE_CACHE=/path/to/cache/dir`. When set, whenever Node.js compiles a CommonJS or a ECMAScript Module, it will use on-disk [V8 code cache]( persisted in the specified directory to speed up the compilation. This may slow down the first load of a module graph, but subsequent loads of the same module graph may get a significant speedup if the contents of the modules do not change. Locally, this speeds up loading of `test/fixtures/snapshot/typescript.js` from ~130ms to ~80ms. To clean up the generated code cache, simply remove the directory. It will be recreated the next time the same directory is used for `NODE_COMPILE_CACHE`. Compilation cache generated by one version of Node.js may not be used by a different version of Node.js. Cache generated by different versions of Node.js will be stored separately if the same directory is used to persist the cache, so they can co-exist. Caveat: currently when using this with V8 JavaScript code coverage, the coverage being collected by V8 may be less precise in functions that are deserialized from the code cache. It's recommended to turn this off when running tests to generate precise coverage. Contributed by Joyee Cheung in [#&#8203;52535]( ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`44ee04cf9f`](] - **buffer**: improve `base64` and `base64url` performance (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52428]( - \[[`3c37ce5710`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **dns**: add order option and support ipv6first (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52492]( - \[[`3026401be1`](] - **events,doc**: mark CustomEvent as stable (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;52618]( - \[[`64428dc1c9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib, url**: add a `windows` option to path parsing (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52509]( - \[[`d79ae74f71`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add CLI option for autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52474]( - \[[`43fa6a1a45`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add `string_view` overload to snapshot FromBlob (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;52595]( - \[[`c6fe433d42`](] - **src,permission**: throw async errors on async APIs (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52730]( - \[[`e247a61d15`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add --test-skip-pattern cli option (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52529]( - \[[`9b18df9dcb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **url**: implement parse method for safer URL parsing (Ali Hassan) [#&#8203;52280]( ##### Commits - \[[`35643c18c0`](] - **benchmark**: reduce the buffer size for blob (Debadree Chatterjee) [#&#8203;52548]( - \[[`7cdfe8a3fc`](] - **benchmark**: inherit stdio/stderr instead of pipe (Ali Hassan) [#&#8203;52456]( - \[[`7b82c17f22`](] - **benchmark**: add ipc support to spawn stdio config (Ali Hassan) [#&#8203;52456]( - \[[`dfda6fed61`](] - **buffer**: add missing ARG_TYPE(ArrayBuffer) for isUtf8 (Jungku Lee) [#&#8203;52477]( - \[[`44ee04cf9f`](] - **buffer**: improve `base64` and `base64url` performance (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52428]( - \[[`c64a1a3b89`](] - **build**: fix typo in node.gyp (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52719]( - \[[`4f713fbc2e`](] - **build**: fix headers install for shared mode on Win (Segev Finer) [#&#8203;52442]( - \[[`4baeb7b21d`](] - **build**: fix arm64 cross-compilation bug on non-arm machines (Mahdi Sharifi) [#&#8203;52559]( - \[[`d5cd468ce8`](] - **build,tools,node-api**: fix building node-api tests for Windows Debug (Vladimir Morozov) [#&#8203;52632]( - \[[`910533fcfd`](] - **crypto**: simplify assertions in Safe\*Print (David Benjamin) [#&#8203;49709]( - \[[`61e1ac0b8c`](] - **crypto**: enable NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS with BoringSSL (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;52217]( - \[[`6e98eee256`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.7.0 (npm team) [#&#8203;52767]( - \[[`27a5f9418c`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`500de8b`]( (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;52676]( - \[[`3b422ddcea`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.28.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52616]( - \[[`d40e4d4c42`](] - **deps**: update ada to 2.7.8 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52517]( - \[[`5b52a4870a`](] - **deps**: update icu to 75.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52573]( - \[[`80cbe72c1f`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.13.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52493]( - \[[`9a44059055`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52516]( - \[[`d67a9a5360`](] - **deps**: update minimatch to 9.0.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52524]( - \[[`8738b89971`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.5.2 (npm team) [#&#8203;52458]( - \[[`8e4fd2842b`](] - **deps,src**: simplify base64 encoding (Daniel Lemire) [#&#8203;52714]( - \[[`3c37ce5710`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **dns**: add order option and support ipv6first (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52492]( - \[[`3987a28a9e`](] - **doc**: update process.versions properties (ishabi) [#&#8203;52736]( - \[[`c0b58e07f1`](] - **doc**: remove mold use on mac for speeding up build (Cong Zhang) [#&#8203;52252]( - \[[`9a032cf6e2`](] - **doc**: remove relative limitation to pm (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52648]( - \[[`90c6e77238`](] - **doc**: fix info string causing duplicated code blocks (Mathieu Leenhardt) [#&#8203;52660]( - \[[`4d577fa048`](] - **doc**: add .gitattributes for md files (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;52161]( - \[[`04c8e110e5`](] - **doc**: run license-builder (github-actions\[bot]) [#&#8203;52631]( - \[[`3552829594`](] - **doc**: add info on contributor spotlight program (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52598]( - \[[`eeb80ad836`](] - **doc**: correct unsafe URL example in http docs (Malte Legenhausen) [#&#8203;52555]( - \[[`c83526a688`](] - **doc**: replace U+00A0 with U+0020 (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;52590]( - \[[`31831e9db8`](] - **doc**: sort options alphabetically (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;52589]( - \[[`a93f5d4aaa`](] - **doc**: correct stream.finished changes (KaKa) [#&#8203;52551]( - \[[`27ffa35540`](] - **doc**: add RedYetiDev to triage team (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52556]( - \[[`63cc2b870e`](] - **doc**: fix issue detected in markdown lint update (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;52566]( - \[[`7e93c4892b`](] - **doc**: update test runner coverage limitations (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52515]( - \[[`3026401be1`](] - **events,doc**: mark CustomEvent as stable (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;52618]( - \[[`c6e0fe2f22`](] - **fs**: allow setting Stat date properties (Nicolò Ribaudo) [#&#8203;52708]( - \[[`f23fa1de72`](] - **fs**: fix read / readSync positional offset types (Ruy Adorno) [#&#8203;52603]( - \[[`a7e03d301a`](] - **fs**: fixes recursive crash on Linux when deleting files (Matteo Collina) [#&#8203;52349]( - \[[`d5ecb6cd00`](] - **http2**: fix excessive CPU usage when using `allowHTTP1=true` (Eugene) [#&#8203;52713]( - \[[`d1adc9b140`](] - **lib**: enforce ASCII order in error code imports (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52625]( - \[[`9ffdcade37`](] - **lib**: use predefined variable instead of bit operation (Deokjin Kim) [#&#8203;52580]( - \[[`fdcde845ee`](] - **lib**: refactor lazy loading of undici for fetch method (Victor Chen) [#&#8203;52275]( - \[[`f6145aa2ca`](] - **lib**: convert WeakMaps in cjs loader with private symbol properties (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;52095]( - \[[`014bf01efc`](] - **lib**: replace string prototype usage with alternatives (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52440]( - \[[`dc399ddd03`](] - **lib, doc**: rename to (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52471]( - \[[`64428dc1c9`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib, url**: add a `windows` option to path parsing (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52509]( - \[[`9b2b6abb62`](] - **lib,src**: iterate module requests of a module wrap in JS (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;52058]( - \[[`896a80e366`](] - **meta**: standardize regex (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52693]( - \[[`20c07e922e`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52633]( - \[[`e70d8a4fa9`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52457]( - \[[`20ab8f2a88`](] - **module**: support ESM detection in the CJS loader (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52047]( - \[[`544c602b75`](] - **module**: skip NODE_COMPILE_CACHE when policy is enabled (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52577]( - \[[`3df3afc284`](] - **module**: detect ESM syntax by trying to recompile as SourceTextModule (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52413]( - \[[`4d77fd2c46`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: implement NODE_COMPILE_CACHE for automatic on-disk code caching (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52535]( - \[[`9794d21b07`](] - **module**: fix submodules loaded by require() and import() (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52487]( - \[[`b00766d9e7`](] - **module**: tidy code and comments (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;52437]( - \[[`d79ae74f71`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **net**: add CLI option for autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52474]( - \[[`b17cfea289`](] - **node-api**: address coverity report (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52584]( - \[[`1fca8baac1`](] - **node-api**: copy external type tags when they are set (Niels Martignène) [#&#8203;52426]( - \[[`d086ab42a1`](] - **quic**: address recent coverity warnings (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52647]( - \[[`fb4edf70cf`](] - **quic**: rework TLSContext, additional cleanups (James M Snell) [#&#8203;51340]( - \[[`0c58d0319b`](] - **src**: remove misplaced windows code under posix guard in (Ali Hassan) [#&#8203;52545]( - \[[`e20d2f1de3`](] - **src**: cast to v8::Value before using v8::EmbedderGraph::V8Node (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52638]( - \[[`43fa6a1a45`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add `string_view` overload to snapshot FromBlob (Anna Henningsen) [#&#8203;52595]( - \[[`a56faff4d0`](] - **src**: parse inspector profiles with simdjson (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51783]( - \[[`ac04c6434a`](] - **src**: remove regex usage for env file parsing (IlyasShabi) [#&#8203;52406]( - \[[`f283d27285`](] - **src**: fix loadEnvFile ENOENT error (mathis-west-1) [#&#8203;52438]( - \[[`c6fe433d42`](] - **src,permission**: throw async errors on async APIs (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52730]( - \[[`9f9eca965a`](] - **stream**: update ongoing promise in async iterator return() method (Mattias Buelens) [#&#8203;52657]( - \[[`d568a9a38e`](] - **test**: mark `test-error-serdes` as flaky (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52739]( - \[[`45f7002b90`](] - **test**: mark test as flaky (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52671]( - \[[`10596e20e8`](] - **test**: fix backtick usage in docs (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52643]( - \[[`b2f754c9f1`](] - **test**: skip test-fs-watch-recursive-delete.js on IBM i (Abdirahim Musse) [#&#8203;52645]( - \[[`ed080d868d`](] - **test**: ensure that all worker servers are ready (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;52563]( - \[[`c8c61737e4`](] - **test**: fix test-tls-ticket-cluster.js (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;52431]( - \[[`18aa5d6640`](] - **test**: split wasi poll test for windows (Hüseyin Açacak) [#&#8203;52538]( - \[[`e34e0a9ba1`](] - **test**: write tests for assertIsArray http2 util (Sinan Sonmez (Chaush)) [#&#8203;52511]( - \[[`e247a61d15`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add --test-skip-pattern cli option (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52529]( - \[[`e066ba2ae4`](] - **test_runner**: better error handing for test hook (Alex Yang) [#&#8203;52401]( - \[[`328755341d`](] - **test_runner**: don't exceed call stack when filtering (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52488]( - \[[`b4ccb6c626`](] - **test_runner**: move end of work check to finalize() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52488]( - \[[`2ef9380472`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.17.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52729]( - \[[`db421bdefc`](] - **tools**: take co-authors into account in `find-inactive-collaborators` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52669]( - \[[`01103a85cb`](] - **tools**: fix invalid escape sequence in mkssldef (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52624]( - \[[`382d951b01`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.15.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52617]( - \[[`f9ddd77ff3`](] - **tools**: add lint rule to keep primordials in ASCII order (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52592]( - \[[`552642a498`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;52581]( - \[[`df61feb655`](] - **tools**: fix heading spaces for osx-entitlements.plist (Jackson Tian) [#&#8203;52561]( - \[[`6b4bbfbb1f`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.14.2 vfile-reporter@8.1.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52518]( - \[[`4e5ce3afb7`](] - **tools**: use stylistic ESLint plugin for formatting (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50714]( - \[[`15c5686381`](] - **tools**: update minimatch index path (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52523]( - \[[`8ae1507ae1`](] - **tools**: add a linter for README lists (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52476]( - \[[`0b970316bc`](] - **typings**: fix invalid JSDoc declarations (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52659]( - \[[`9b18df9dcb`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **url**: implement parse method for safer URL parsing (Ali Hassan) [#&#8203;52280]( - \[[`d33131af3a`](] - **vm**: fix ASCII-betical order (Aviv Keller) [#&#8203;52686]( ### [`v22.0.0`]( 2024-04-24, Version 22.0.0 (Current), @&#8203;RafaelGSS and @&#8203;marco-ippolito [Compare Source]( We're excited to announce the release of Node.js 22! Highlights include require()ing ESM graphs, WebSocket client, updates of the V8 JavaScript engine, and more! As a reminder, Node.js 22 will enter long-term support (LTS) in October, but until then, it will be the "Current" release for the next six months. We encourage you to explore the new features and benefits offered by this latest release and evaluate their potential impact on your applications. ##### Other Notable Changes - \[[`25c79f3331`](] - **esm**: drop support for import assertions (Nicolò Ribaudo) [#&#8203;52104]( - \[[`818c10e86d`](] - **lib**: improve perf of `AbortSignal` creation (Raz Luvaton) [#&#8203;52408]( - \[[`4f68c7c1c9`](] - **watch**: mark as stable (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52074]( - \[[`02b0bc01fe`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`c975384264`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **lib**: enable WebSocket by default (Aras Abbasi) [#&#8203;51594]( - \[[`1abff07392`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **stream**: bump default highWaterMark (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;52037]( - \[[`1a5acd0638`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **v8**: enable maglev on supported architectures (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;51360]( - \[[`128c60d906`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: implement `node --run <script-in-package-json>` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52190]( - \[[`151d365ad1`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: expose glob and globSync (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;51912]( - \[[`5f7fad2605`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: support require()ing synchronous ESM graphs (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51977]( ##### Semver-Major Commits - \[[`2b1e7c2fcb`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **build**: compile with C++20 support on Windows (StefanStojanovic) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`12d00f1479`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **build**: reset embedder string to "-node.0" (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`5f08e11a3c`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **build**: reset embedder string to "-node.0" (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`94f0369d1d`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **build**: reset embedder string to "-node.0" (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`58674cd1d8`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **build**: reset embedder string to "-node.0" (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`60e836427e`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **console**: treat non-strings as separate argument in console.assert() (Jacob Hummer) [#&#8203;49722]( - \[[`d62ab3a1ef`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **crypto**: runtime deprecate hmac constructor (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52071]( - \[[`de0602d190`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **crypto**: runtime deprecate Hash constructor (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;51880]( - \[[`215f4d04b7`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **crypto**: move createCipher and createDecipher to eol (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50973]( - \[[`30801b8aaf`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`cd10ad7`]( (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`521b629ab1`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: revert CL [`5331688`]( (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`3795e97e6c`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: patch V8 to support compilation with MSVC (StefanStojanovic) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`5bde9e677d`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: silence internal V8 deprecation warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`46e628c6f2`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: patch V8 to avoid duplicated zlib symbol (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`f824e40a82`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: remove usage of a C++20 feature from V8 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`d2c84c9a13`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: avoid compilation error with ASan (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`95d6045bdb`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: disable V8 concurrent sparkplug compilation (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`00f55f5743`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: silence irrelevant V8 warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`764085aa66`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: always define V8\_EXPORT_PRIVATE as no-op (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`02b0bc01fe`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`0ec50a19dd`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`cd10ad7`]( (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`021b0b7dee`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: backport [`c4be0a9`]( (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`681aaf85c7`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: silence internal V8 deprecation warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`c563a1c4e4`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: patch V8 to support compilation with MSVC (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`11e94b9987`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: patch V8 to avoid duplicated zlib symbol (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`856163e23c`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: remove usage of a C++20 feature from V8 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`b530214127`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: avoid compilation error with ASan (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`8054f69dd9`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: disable V8 concurrent sparkplug compilation (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`dee908be42`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: silence irrelevant V8 warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`cf069414ee`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: always define V8\_EXPORT_PRIVATE as no-op (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`cc5792dd85`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`61a0d3b4c4`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: backport [`c4be0a9`]( (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`f55380a725`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`f8d5e57`]( (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`b9d806a2dd`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: patch V8 to support compilation with MSVC (StefanStojanovic) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`63b58bc17b`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: patch V8 to avoid duplicated zlib symbol (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`86056353c4`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: remove usage of a C++20 feature from V8 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`2e0efc1c8d`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: avoid compilation error with ASan (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`59e6f62e34`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: disable V8 concurrent sparkplug compilation (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`0423f7e27e`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: silence irrelevant V8 warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`f36620806d`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: always define V8\_EXPORT_PRIVATE as no-op (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`09a8440b45`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`0da3beebfc`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`de611e6`]( (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`b982335637`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`0fd478b`]( (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`481a90116c`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`0f9ebbc`]( (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`782addbdc3`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`8f0b946`]( (Lu Yahan) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`b682e7f540`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`f7d000a`]( (Luke Albao) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`a60090c52f`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`2590224`]( (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`8441d1fc18`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: patch V8 to avoid duplicated zlib symbol (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`e8e9bbd7a9`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: remove usage of a C++20 feature from V8 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`785d5cd006`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: avoid compilation error with ASan (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`7071c1dafd`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: disable V8 concurrent sparkplug compilation (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`d1d60b297d`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: silence irrelevant V8 warning (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`5b240c62f9`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: always define V8\_EXPORT_PRIVATE as no-op (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`d8c97e4857`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **deps**: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`b9df88a8c2`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **doc**: runtime deprecate flag --trace-atomics-wait (marco-ippolito) [#&#8203;51179]( - \[[`9ba5df30b4`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **doc**: bump FreeBSD experimental support to 13.2 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51231]( - \[[`900d79caf2`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **doc**: add migration paths for deprecated utils (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`8206f6bb7f`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **fs**: runtime deprecate fs.Stats constructor (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52067]( - \[[`c14133503a`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **fs**: use private fields instead of symbols for `Dir` (Jungku Lee) [#&#8203;51037]( - \[[`abbdc3efaa`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **fs**: make stats date fields lazy (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;50908]( - \[[`4b76ccea95`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **http**: preserve raw header duplicates in writeHead after setHeader calls (Tim Perry) [#&#8203;50394]( - \[[`c975384264`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **lib**: enable WebSocket by default (Aras Abbasi) [#&#8203;51594]( - \[[`351495e938`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **lib,test**: handle new Iterator global (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`a8b21fdc90`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **process**: wait for `'exit'` before printing result (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52172]( - \[[`582ff5037c`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 127 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`c5c4b50260`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 126 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52293]( - \[[`d248639285`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: use supported API to get stalled TLA messages (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`d34b02db4c`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: update default V8 platform to override functions with location (Etienne Pierre-Doray) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`d9c47e9b5f`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: add missing TryCatch (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`5cddd3b2d8`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 124 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`1528846ada`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: use non-deprecated v8::Uint8Array::kMaxLength (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`7166986626`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: adapt to v8::Exception API change (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`4782818020`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: use non-deprecated version of CreateSyntheticModule (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`2cff0ce411`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **src**: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 122 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`1abff07392`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **stream**: bump default highWaterMark (Robert Nagy) [#&#8203;52037]( - \[[`9efc84a2cb`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test**: mark test-worker-arraybuffer-zerofill as flaky (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`84c2e712eb`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test**: mark some GC-related tests as flaky (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`cdc4437b87`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test**: allow slightly more diff in memory leak test (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`515b007fae`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test**: replace always-opt flag with alway-turbofan (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`2341805eb2`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test**: remove tests that create very large buffers (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`941cef5636`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test**: adapt to new V8 trusted memory spaces (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;50115]( - \[[`29de7f82cd`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test_runner**: omit filtered test from output (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52221]( - \[[`00dc6d9d97`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **test_runner**: improve `--test-name-pattern` to allow matching single test (Michał Drobniak) [#&#8203;51577]( - \[[`5def8019d5`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **tools**: update V8 gypfiles for 12.4 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52465]( - \[[`c22793d050`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **tools**: roughly port v8\_abseil to gyp (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`ffb0302f0c`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **tools**: update V8 gypfiles for 12.2 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`aadea12440`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **tools**: update V8 gypfiles for 12.1 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`7784773967`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **tools**: update V8 gypfiles for 12.0 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51362]( - \[[`9fe0424baa`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **trace_events**: use private fields instead of symbols for `Tracing` (Jungku Lee) [#&#8203;51180]( - \[[`e96cd25007`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.log (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`6cf20d5e43`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isUndefined (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`09e424921f`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isSymbol (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`80b6bfd4e9`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isString (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`d419edded9`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isRegExp (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`e0b8de78ed`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isPrimitive (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`5478e1129a`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isObject (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`b05b1dd541`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isNumber (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`5af9bf5f6a`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isNullOrUndefined (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`860a10e10e`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isNull (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`70330f5c2b`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isFunction (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`7c69c33acc`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isError (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`a0c5b871a9`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isDate (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`3c670cb15d`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecation util.isBuffer (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`c17a448ca9`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecation util.isBoolean (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`fbb2f891aa`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecate util.isArray (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`22d8062e42`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **util**: runtime deprecation util.\_extend (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;50488]( - \[[`1a5acd0638`](] - **(SEMVER-MAJOR)** **v8**: enable maglev on supported architectures (Keyhan Vakil) [#&#8203;51360]( ##### Semver-Minor Commits - \[[`128c60d906`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **cli**: implement `node --run <script-in-package-json>` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52190]( - \[[`f69946b905`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: update simdutf to 5.0.0 (Daniel Lemire) [#&#8203;52138]( - \[[`828ad42eee`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: update undici to 6.3.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51462]( - \[[`05f8172188`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **deps**: update undici to 6.2.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51278]( - \[[`a0c466810a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **doc**: deprecate fs.Stats public constructor (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;51879]( - \[[`151d365ad1`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: expose glob and globSync (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;51912]( - \[[`5f7fad2605`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: support require()ing synchronous ESM graphs (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51977]( - \[[`009665fb56`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **report**: add `--report-exclude-network` option (Ethan Arrowood) [#&#8203;51645]( - \[[`80f86e5d02`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add C++ ProcessEmitWarningSync() (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51977]( - \[[`78be0d0f1c`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add uv_get_available_memory to report and process (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52023]( - \[[`b34512e38e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: preload function for Environment (Cheng Zhao) [#&#8203;51539]( - \[[`7d258db1d7`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **stream**: support typed arrays (IlyasShabi) [#&#8203;51866]( - \[[`5276c0d5d4`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add suite() (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52127]( - \[[`84de97a61e`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: support forced exit (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52038]( - \[[`aac5ad901d`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add `test:complete` event to reflect execution order (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;51909]( - \[[`9a1e01c4ce`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **util**: support array of formats in util.styleText (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52040]( - \[[`7f2d61f82a`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **v8**: implement v8.queryObjects() for memory leak regression testing (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51927]( - \[[`d1d5da22e4`](] - **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **vm**: harden module type checks (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;52162]( ##### Semver-Patch Commits - \[[`a760dadec3`](] - **benchmark**: add AbortSignal.abort benchmarks (Raz Luvaton) [#&#8203;52408]( - \[[`47c934e464`](] - **benchmark**: conditionally use spawn with taskset for cpu pinning (Ali Hassan) [#&#8203;52253]( - \[[`dde0cffb2e`](] - **benchmark**: add toNamespacedPath bench (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52236]( - \[[`bda66ad711`](] - **benchmark**: add style-text benchmark (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52004]( - \[[`21211a3fa9`](] - **buffer**: improve `btoa` performance (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52427]( - \[[`6f504b71ac`](] - **buffer**: use simdutf for `atob` implementation (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52381]( - \[[`0ce7365856`](] - **build**: temporary disable ubsan (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52560]( - \[[`4e278f0253`](] - **build**: speed up compilation of some V8 files (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52083]( - \[[`ba06c5c509`](] - **build,tools**: add test-ubsan ci (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;46297]( - \[[`562369f348`](] - **child_process**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`8f61b658de`](] - **crypto**: deprecate implicitly shortened GCM tags (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52345]( - \[[`08609b5222`](] - **crypto**: make timingSafeEqual faster for Uint8Array (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52341]( - \[[`9f939f5af7`](] - **crypto**: reject [`Ed25519`]( in Sign/Verify prototypes (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;52340]( - \[[`2241e8c5b3`](] - **crypto**: validate RSA-PSS saltLength in subtle.sign and subtle.verify (Filip Skokan) [#&#8203;52262]( - \[[`6dd1c75f4a`](] - **crypto**: fix `input` validation in `crypto.hash` (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52070]( - \[[`a1d48f4a26`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.2.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52473]( - \[[`08ff4a0c9d`](] - **deps**: update nghttp2 to 1.61.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52395]( - \[[`cf629366b9`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 5.2.3 (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52381]( - \[[`ad86a12964`](] - **deps**: upgrade npm to 10.5.1 (npm team) [#&#8203;52351]( - \[[`45cc32c9c6`](] - **deps**: update c-ares to 1.28.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52285]( - \[[`38161c38d9`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52199]( - \[[`1264414700`](] - **deps**: update simdjson to 3.8.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52124]( - \[[`f6996ee150`](] - **deps**: V8: backport [`c4be0a9`]( (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;52183]( - \[[`0d4bc4c40e`](] - **deps**: V8: cherry-pick [`f8d5e57`]( (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;52183]( - \[[`70a05103c8`](] - **deps**: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52123]( - \[[`4c3e9659ed`](] - **deps**: update corepack to 0.26.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52027]( - \[[`0b4cdb4b42`](] - **deps**: update ada to 2.7.7 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52028]( - \[[`b241a1d0ae`](] - **deps**: update simdutf to 4.0.9 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51655]( - \[[`36dcd399c0`](] - **deps**: upgrade libuv to 1.48.0 (Santiago Gimeno) [#&#8203;51697]( - \[[`8cf313cd72`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.6.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51630]( - \[[`dd4767f99f`](] - **deps**: update undici to 6.4.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;51527]( - \[[`8362caa7d8`](] - **dgram**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`4f3cf4e89a`](] - **diagnostics_channel**: early-exit tracing channel trace methods (Stephen Belanger) [#&#8203;51915]( - \[[`204018bba6`](] - **doc**: deprecate --experimental-policy (RafaelGSS) [#&#8203;52602]( - \[[`d32a914ac7`](] - **doc**: add lint-js-fix into (jakecastelli) [#&#8203;52290]( - \[[`411503bacd`](] - **doc**: remove Internet Explorer mention in (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;52455]( - \[[`e9ccf5aba2`](] - **doc**: accommodate upcoming stricter .md linting (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;52454]( - \[[`b4186ec2c1`](] - **doc**: add Rafael to steward list (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52452]( - \[[`7b01bfb2be`](] - **doc**: correct naming convention in C++ style guide (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh) [#&#8203;52424]( - \[[`c82f3c9e80`](] - **doc**: update `process.execArg` example to be more useful (Jacob Smith) [#&#8203;52412]( - \[[`655b327a4d`](] - **doc**: call out http(s).globalAgent default (mathis-west-1) [#&#8203;52392]( - \[[`2c77be5488`](] - **doc**: update the location of `build_with_cmake` (Emmanuel Ferdman) [#&#8203;52356]( - \[[`7dd514f2db`](] - **doc**: reserve 125 for Electron 31 (Shelley Vohr) [#&#8203;52379]( - \[[`756acd0877`](] - **doc**: use consistent plural form of "index" (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;52373]( - \[[`ba07e4e5e6`](] - **doc**: fix typo in (Daeyeon Jeong) [#&#8203;52388]( - \[[`461d9d665d`](] - **doc**: add Rafael to sec release stewards (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52354]( - \[[`d0c364a844`](] - **doc**: document missing options of events.on (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52080]( - \[[`a63261cf2c`](] - **doc**: add missing space (Augustin Mauroy) [#&#8203;52360]( - \[[`dd711d221a`](] - **doc**: add tips about vcpkg cause build faild on windows (Cong Zhang) [#&#8203;52181]( - \[[`4df34cf6dd`](] - **doc**: replace "below" with "following" (Rich Trott) [#&#8203;52315]( - \[[`d9aa33fdbf`](] - **doc**: fix email pattern to be wrapped with `<<` instead of single `<` (Raz Luvaton) [#&#8203;52284]( - \[[`903f28e684`](] - **doc**: update release gpg keyserver (marco-ippolito) [#&#8203;52257]( - \[[`fd55458770`](] - **doc**: add release key for marco-ippolito (marco-ippolito) [#&#8203;52257]( - \[[`27493a1dd7`](] - **doc**: fix arrow vertical alignment in HTML version (Akash Yeole) [#&#8203;52193]( - \[[`af48641993`](] - **doc**: move TSC members from regular to emeritus (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52209]( - \[[`fa13ed6d79`](] - **doc**: add section explaining todo tests (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52204]( - \[[`312ebd97c2`](] - **doc**: edit `ChildProcess` `'message'` event docs (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52154]( - \[[`f1635f442f`](] - **doc**: quote test_runner glob parameters (Fabian Meyer) [#&#8203;52201]( - \[[`fc029181df`](] - **doc**: add mold to speeding up section (Cong Zhang) [#&#8203;52179]( - \[[`8bd3cb2f8c`](] - **doc**: http event order correction (wh0) [#&#8203;51464]( - \[[`a7f170e45a`](] - **doc**: move gabrielschulhof to TSC emeritus (Gabriel Schulhof) [#&#8203;52192]( - \[[`305375ac16`](] - **doc**: fix `--env-file` docs for valid quotes for defining values (Gabriel Bota) [#&#8203;52157]( - \[[`3fcaf7b900`](] - **doc**: clarify what is supported in NODE_OPTIONS (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52076]( - \[[`4fe87357f3`](] - **doc**: fix typos in (RoboSchmied) [#&#8203;52160]( - \[[`f1949ac1ae`](] - **doc**: add spec for contains module syntax (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;52059]( - \[[`707155424b`](] - **doc**: optimize the doc about Unix abstract socket (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52043]( - \[[`8a191e4e6a`](] - **doc**: update pnpm link (Superchupu) [#&#8203;52113]( - \[[`454d0806a1`](] - **doc**: remove ableist language from crypto (Jamie King) [#&#8203;52063]( - \[[`dafe004703`](] - **doc**: update collaborator email (Ruy Adorno) [#&#8203;52088]( - \[[`8824adb031`](] - **doc**: state that removing npm is a non-goal (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;51951]( - \[[`b360532f1a`](] - **doc**: mention NodeSource in RafaelGSS steward list (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52057]( - \[[`57d2e4881c`](] - **doc**: remove ArrayBuffer from crypto.hash() data parameter type (fengmk2) [#&#8203;52069]( - \[[`e11c1d2315`](] - **doc**: add some commonly used lables up gront (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52006]( - \[[`8f9f5db1e8`](] - **doc**: document that `const c2 = vm.createContext(c1); c1 === c2` is true (Daniel Kaplan) [#&#8203;51960]( - \[[`d78a565713`](] - **doc**: clarify what moderation issues are for (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;51990]( - \[[`4cac07c931`](] - **doc**: add Hemanth HM mention to v21.7.0 changelog (Rafael Gonzaga) [#&#8203;52008]( - \[[`73025c4dec`](] - **doc**: add UlisesGascon as a collaborator (Ulises Gascón) [#&#8203;51991]( - \[[`999c6b34fb`](] - **doc**: test for cli options (Aras Abbasi) [#&#8203;51623]( - \[[`edd6190836`](] - **doc**: deprecate hmac public constructor (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;51881]( - \[[`25c79f3331`](] - **esm**: drop support for import assertions (Nicolò Ribaudo) [#&#8203;52104]( - \[[`d619aab575`](] - **events**: rename high & low watermark for consistency (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52080]( - \[[`e263946c2e`](] - **events**: extract addAbortListener for safe internal use (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`40ef2da8d6`](] - **events**: remove abort listener from signal in `on` (Neal Beeken) [#&#8203;51091]( - \[[`61e5de1268`](] - **fs**: refactor maybeCallback function (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52129]( - \[[`39f1b899cd`](] - **fs**: fix edge case in readFileSync utf8 fast path (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;52101]( - \[[`639c096004`](] - **fs**: validate fd from cpp on `fchown` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52051]( - \[[`9ac1fe05d7`](] - **fs**: validate fd from cpp on `close` (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52051]( - \[[`3ec20f25df`](] - **fs**: validate file mode from cpp (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52050]( - \[[`8c0b723ccb`](] - **fs,permission**: make handling of buffers consistent (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52348]( - \[[`3fc8d2200e`](] - **http2**: fix h2-over-h2 connection proxying (Tim Perry) [#&#8203;52368]( - \[[`b9d8a14a03`](] - **http2**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`818c10e86d`](] - **lib**: improve perf of `AbortSignal` creation (Raz Luvaton) [#&#8203;52408]( - \[[`3f5ff8dc20`](] - **lib**: .load .save add proper error message when no file passed (Thomas Mauran) [#&#8203;52225]( - \[[`0a252c23d9`](] - **lib**: fix type error for \_refreshLine (Jackson Tian) [#&#8203;52133]( - \[[`14de082ab4`](] - **lib**: emit listening event once when call listen twice (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52119]( - \[[`4e9ce7c035`](] - **lib**: make sure clear the old timer in http server (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52118]( - \[[`20525f14b9`](] - **lib**: fix listen with handle in cluster worker (theanarkh) [#&#8203;52056]( - \[[`8df54481f4`](] - **meta**: bump actions/download-artifact from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52314]( - \[[`bcc102147a`](] - **meta**: bump rtCamp/action-slack-notify from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52313]( - \[[`4e7e0ef9c3`](] - **meta**: bump github/codeql-action from 3.24.6 to 3.24.9 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52312]( - \[[`14a39881b8`](] - **meta**: bump actions/cache from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52311]( - \[[`2f8f90dadb`](] - **meta**: bump actions/setup-python from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52310]( - \[[`95efdaf01a`](] - **meta**: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (dependabot\[bot]) [#&#8203;52308]( - \[[`24c1a8e739`](] - **meta**: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52300]( - \[[`60dcfad91e`](] - **meta**: pass Codecov upload token to codecov action (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;51982]( - \[[`db1746182b`](] - **module**: disallow CJS <-> ESM edges in a cycle from require(esm) (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52264]( - \[[`d6b57f6629`](] - **module**: centralize SourceTextModule compilation for builtin loader (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52291]( - \[[`f4a0a3b04b`](] - **module**: warn on detection in typeless package (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;52168]( - \[[`8bc745944e`](] - **module**: eliminate performance cost of detection for cjs entry (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;52093]( - \[[`63d04d4d80`](] - **module**: fix detect-module not retrying as esm for cjs-only errors (Geoffrey Booth) [#&#8203;52024]( - \[[`575ced8139`](] - **module**: print location of unsettled top-level await in entry points (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51999]( - \[[`075c95f61f`](] - **module**: refactor ESM loader initialization and entry point handling (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51999]( - \[[`45f0dd0192`](] - **module,win**: fix long path resolve (Stefan Stojanovic) [#&#8203;51097]( - \[[`d89fc73d45`](] - **net**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`f0e6acde2d`](] - **node-api**: make tsfn accept napi_finalize once more (Gabriel Schulhof) [#&#8203;51801]( - \[[`ff93f3e1a8`](] - **readline**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`4a6ca7a1d4`](] - **src**: remove erroneous CVE-2024-27980 revert option (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52543]( - \[[`64b67779f7`](] - **src**: disallow direct .bat and .cmd file spawning (Ben Noordhuis) [nodejs-private/node-private#560]( - \[[`9ef724bc81`](] - **src**: update branch name in node_revert.h (Tobias Nießen) [#&#8203;52390]( - \[[`ec1550407b`](] - **src**: stop using `v8::BackingStore::Reallocate` (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52292]( - \[[`681b0a3df3`](] - **src**: address coverity warning in (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52143]( - \[[`04319228e0`](] - **src**: fix move after use reported by coverity (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52141]( - \[[`0eb2b727f6`](] - **src**: return a number from process.constrainedMemory() constantly (Chengzhong Wu) [#&#8203;52039]( - \[[`bec9b5fccc`](] - **src**: use dedicated routine to compile function for builtin CJS loader (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52016]( - \[[`1f193165b9`](] - **src**: fix reading empty string views in Blob\[De]serializer (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;52000]( - \[[`fb356b3305`](] - **src**: refactor out FormatErrorMessage for error formatting (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51999]( - \[[`1a8ae9d6c0`](] - **src**: use callback-based array iteration in Blob (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51758]( - \[[`5cd2ec8bd5`](] - **src**: implement v8 array iteration using the new callback-based API (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;51758]( - \[[`89a26b451e`](] - **src**: fix node_version.h (Joyee Cheung) [#&#8203;50375]( - \[[`c02de658a1`](] - **stream**: make Duplex inherit destroy from Writable (Luigi Pinca) [#&#8203;52318]( - \[[`63391e749d`](] - **stream**: add `new` when constructing `ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK` (haze) [#&#8203;52110]( - \[[`a9528e87b9`](] - **stream**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`ee4fa77624`](] - **test**: fix watch test with require not testing pid (Raz Luvaton) [#&#8203;52353]( - \[[`05cb16dc1a`](] - **test**: simplify ASan build checks (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52430]( - \[[`eb53121b77`](] - **test**: fix Windows compiler warnings in overlapped-checker (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52405]( - \[[`7dfa4750af`](] - **test**: add test for skip+todo combinations (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52204]( - \[[`5905596719`](] - **test**: fix incorrect test fixture (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52185]( - \[[`bae14b7914`](] - **test**: do not set concurrency on parallelized runs (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52177]( - \[[`0b676736a0`](] - **test**: add missing cctest/ (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52148]( - \[[`c714cda9a7`](] - **test**: add `spawnSyncAndAssert` util (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52132]( - \[[`978d5a26c9`](] - **test**: reduce flakiness of test-runner-output.mjs (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52146]( - \[[`afaf889775`](] - **test**: skip test for dynamically linked OpenSSL (Richard Lau) [#&#8203;52542]( - \[[`be75821a12`](] - **test**: add test for using `--print` with promises (Antoine du Hamel) [#&#8203;52137]( - \[[`4e109e5958`](] - **test**: un-set test-emit-after-on-destroyed as flaky (Abdirahim Musse) [#&#8203;51995]( - \[[`3f8cc88009`](] - **test_runner**: fix clearing final timeout in own callback (Ben Richeson) [#&#8203;52332]( - \[[`52f8dcfccc`](] - **test_runner**: make end of work check stricter (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52326]( - \[[`433bd1b04d`](] - **test_runner**: fix recursive run (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52322]( - \[[`e57992ffb2`](] - **test_runner**: hide new line when no error in spec reporter (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52297]( - \[[`ac9e5e7527`](] - **test_runner**: improve describe.only behavior (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52296]( - \[[`2c024cd24d`](] - **test_runner**: disable highWatermark on TestsStream (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52287]( - \[[`7c02486f1f`](] - **test_runner**: run afterEach hooks in correct order (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52239]( - \[[`6af4049810`](] - **test_runner**: simplify test end time tracking (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52182]( - \[[`878047be0b`](] - **test_runner**: simplify test start time tracking (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52182]( - \[[`4648c83dbc`](] - **test_runner**: don't await the same promise for each test (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52185]( - \[[`f9755f6f79`](] - **test_runner**: emit diagnostics when watch mode drains (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52130]( - \[[`4ba9f45d99`](] - **test_runner**: ignore todo flag when running suites (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52117]( - \[[`6f4d6011ea`](] - **test_runner**: skip each hooks for skipped tests (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52115]( - \[[`05db979c01`](] - **test_runner**: run top level tests in a microtask (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52092]( - \[[`97b2c5344d`](] - **test_runner**: remove redundant report call (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52089]( - \[[`780d030bdf`](] - **test_runner**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`814fa1ae74`](] - **test_runner**: use source maps when reporting coverage (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52060]( - \[[`3c5764a0e2`](] - **test_runner**: handle undefined test locations (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52036]( - \[[`328642bbb9`](] - **test_runner**: use paths for test locations (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52010]( - \[[`6d625fe616`](] - **test_runner**: support source mapped test locations (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52010]( - \[[`592c6907bf`](] - **test_runner**: avoid overwriting root start time (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;52020]( - \[[`29b231763e`](] - **test_runner**: abort unfinished tests on async error (Colin Ihrig) [#&#8203;51996]( - \[[`5d13419dbd`](] - **test_runner**: run before hook immediately if test started (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52003]( - \[[`8451990668`](] - **test_runner**: add support for null and date value output (Malthe Borch) [#&#8203;51920]( - \[[`423ad47e0f`](] - **tools**: change inactive limit to 12 months (Yagiz Nizipli) [#&#8203;52425]( - \[[`0d1e64f64c`](] - **tools**: update stale bot messaging (Wes Todd) [#&#8203;52423]( - \[[`5bae73df90`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.14.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52398]( - \[[`468cb99ba4`](] - **tools**: update Ruff to v0.3.4 (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52302]( - \[[`67b9dda003`](] - **tools**: run test-ubsan on ubuntu-latest (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52375]( - \[[`f1f32d89e0`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.13.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52286]( - \[[`d7aa8fc9da`](] - ***Revert*** "**tools**: run `build-windows` workflow only on source changes" (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52320]( - \[[`a3b1fc3f27`](] - **tools**: use Python 3.12 in GitHub Actions workflows (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52301]( - \[[`021cf91208`](] - **tools**: allow local updates for llhttp (Paolo Insogna) [#&#8203;52085]( - \[[`4d8602046e`](] - **tools**: install npm PowerShell scripts on Windows (Luke Karrys) [#&#8203;52009]( - \[[`081319d762`](] - **tools**: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.13.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52122]( - \[[`c43a944231`](] - **tools**: fix error reported by coverity in (Michael Dawson) [#&#8203;52142]( - \[[`f05b241f07`](] - **tools**: sync ubsan workflow with asan (Michaël Zasso) [#&#8203;52152]( - \[[`a21b15a14e`](] - **tools**: update github_reporter to 1.7.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52121]( - \[[`d60a871db2`](] - **tools**: remove gyp-next .github folder (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52064]( - \[[`6ad5353764`](] - **tools**: update gyp-next to 0.16.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) [#&#8203;52062]( - \[[`dab85bdc06`](] - **tools**: install manpage to share/man for FreeBSD (Po-Chuan Hsieh) [#&#8203;51791]( - \[[`cde37e7b63`](] - **tools**: automate gyp-next update (Marco Ippolito) [#&#8203;52014]( - \[[`925a464cb8`](] - **url**: remove #context from URLSearchParams (Matt Cowley) [#&#8203;51520]( - \[[`893e2cf22b`](] - **watch**: fix some node argument not passed to watched process (Raz Luvaton) [#&#8203;52358]( - \[[`fec7e505fc`](] - **watch**: use internal addAbortListener (Chemi Atlow) [#&#8203;52081]( - \[[`4f68c7c1c9`](] - **watch**: mark as stable (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;52074]( - \[[`257f32296d`](] - **watch**: batch file restarts (Moshe Atlow) [#&#8203;51992]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy4xODEuNiIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM3LjE4MS42IiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFpbiJ9-->
Xefir added 1 commit 2024-11-10 17:02:13 +00:00
chore(deps): update dependency node to v22
All checks were successful
app_template / xml (push) Successful in 10s
app_template / php (push) Successful in 1m6s
app_template / nodejs (push) Successful in 58s
app_template / release (push) Has been skipped
Xefir closed this pull request 2024-11-10 17:04:12 +00:00

Renovate Ignore Notification

Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update. You will not get PRs for any future 22.x releases. But if you manually upgrade to 22.x then Renovate will re-enable minor and patch updates automatically.

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### Renovate Ignore Notification Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update. You will not get PRs for *any* future `22.x` releases. But if you manually upgrade to `22.x` then Renovate will re-enable `minor` and `patch` updates automatically. If you accidentally closed this PR, or if you changed your mind: rename this PR to get a fresh replacement PR.
All checks were successful
app_template / xml (push) Successful in 10s
app_template / php (push) Successful in 1m6s
app_template / nodejs (push) Successful in 58s
app_template / release (push) Has been skipped

Pull request closed

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Reference: Xefir/app_template#5
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