underline_button: default: "Underline" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. underline_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. align_center_button: default: "Center" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. align_center_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. align_right_button: default: "Align right" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. align_right_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. align_justify_button: default: "Justify" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. align_justify_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. strikethrough_button: default: "Strike-through" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. strikethrough_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. float_left_button: default: "Float left" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. float_left_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. superscript_button: default: "Superscript" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. superscript_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. subscript_button: default: "Subscript" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. subscript_text: default: "Text" description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. columns_button: default: "Columns" description: en: Enter the text for the title of the button in the composer. columns_text: default: "Use the closing tag to mark where the column ends." description: en: Enter the placeholder text that appears in the composer after the user clicks the button. Svg_icons: type: 'list' list_type: 'compact' default: 'fa-align-center|fa-align-right|fa-align-justify|fa-strikethrough|fa-underline|fa-indent|fa-columns|fa-superscript|fa-subscript' description: en: "Include FontAwesome 5 icon classes for each icon used in the list."