// fixed-grid.scss v1.0 | @ajlkn | MIT licensed */

// Mixins.

	/// Initializes base fixed-grid classes.
	/// @param {string} $vertical-align Vertical alignment of cells.
	/// @param {string} $horizontal-align Horizontal alignment of cells.
	@mixin fixed-grid-base($vertical-align: null, $horizontal-align: null) {

		// Grid.
			@include vendor('display', 'flex');
			@include vendor('flex-wrap', 'wrap');

			// Vertical alignment.
				@if ($vertical-align == top) {
					@include vendor('align-items', 'flex-start');
				@else if ($vertical-align == bottom) {
					@include vendor('align-items', 'flex-end');
				@else if ($vertical-align == center) {
					@include vendor('align-items', 'center');
				@else {
					@include vendor('align-items', 'stretch');

			// Horizontal alignment.
				@if ($horizontal-align != null) {
					text-align: $horizontal-align;

		// Cells.
			> * {
				@include vendor('flex-shrink', '1');
				@include vendor('flex-grow', '0');


	/// Sets up fixed-grid columns.
	/// @param {integer} $columns Columns.
	@mixin fixed-grid-columns($columns) {

		> * {
			$cell-width: 100% / $columns;
			width: #{$cell-width};


	/// Sets up fixed-grid gutters.
	/// @param {integer} $columns Columns.
	/// @param {number} $gutters Gutters.
	@mixin fixed-grid-gutters($columns, $gutters) {

		// Apply padding.
			> * {
				$cell-width: 100% / $columns;

				padding: ($gutters * 0.5);
				width: $cell-width;


	/// Sets up fixed-grid gutters (flush).
	/// @param {integer} $columns Columns.
	/// @param {number} $gutters Gutters.
	@mixin fixed-grid-gutters-flush($columns, $gutters) {

		// Apply padding.
			> * {
				$cell-width: 100% / $columns;
				$cell-width-pad: $gutters / $columns;

				padding: ($gutters * 0.5);
				width: calc(#{$cell-width} + #{$cell-width-pad});

		// Clear top/bottom gutters.
			> :nth-child(-n + #{$columns}) {
				padding-top: 0;

			> :nth-last-child(-n + #{$columns}) {
				padding-bottom: 0;

		// Clear left/right gutters.
			> :nth-child(#{$columns}n + 1) {
				padding-left: 0;

			> :nth-child(#{$columns}n) {
				padding-right: 0;

		// Adjust widths of leftmost and rightmost cells.
			> :nth-child(#{$columns}n + 1),
			> :nth-child(#{$columns}n) {
				$cell-width: 100% / $columns;
				$cell-width-pad: ($gutters / $columns) - ($gutters / 2);

				width: calc(#{$cell-width} + #{$cell-width-pad});


	/// Reset fixed-grid gutters (flush only).
	/// Used to override a previous set of fixed-grid gutter classes.
	/// @param {integer} $columns Columns.
	/// @param {number} $gutters Gutters.
	/// @param {integer} $prev-columns Previous columns.
	@mixin fixed-grid-gutters-flush-reset($columns, $gutters, $prev-columns) {

		// Apply padding.
			> * {
				$cell-width: 100% / $prev-columns;
				$cell-width-pad: $gutters / $prev-columns;

				padding: ($gutters * 0.5);
				width: calc(#{$cell-width} + #{$cell-width-pad});

		// Clear top/bottom gutters.
			> :nth-child(-n + #{$prev-columns}) {
				padding-top: ($gutters * 0.5);

			> :nth-last-child(-n + #{$prev-columns}) {
				padding-bottom: ($gutters * 0.5);

		// Clear left/right gutters.
			> :nth-child(#{$prev-columns}n + 1) {
				padding-left: ($gutters * 0.5);

			> :nth-child(#{$prev-columns}n) {
				padding-right: ($gutters * 0.5);

		// Adjust widths of leftmost and rightmost cells.
			> :nth-child(#{$prev-columns}n + 1),
			> :nth-child(#{$prev-columns}n) {
				$cell-width: 100% / $columns;
				$cell-width-pad: $gutters / $columns;

				padding: ($gutters * 0.5);
				width: calc(#{$cell-width} + #{$cell-width-pad});


	/// Adds debug styles to current fixed-grid element.
	@mixin fixed-grid-debug() {

		box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px red;

		> * {
			box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px blue;
			position: relative;

			> * {
				position: relative;
				box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px green;


	/// Initializes the current element as a fixed grid.
	/// @param {integer} $columns Columns (optional).
	/// @param {number} $gutters Gutters (optional).
	/// @param {bool} $flush If true, clears padding around the very edge of the grid.
	@mixin fixed-grid($settings: ()) {

		// Settings.

			// Debug.
				$debug: false;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'debug')) {
					$debug: map-get($settings, 'debug');

			// Vertical align.
				$vertical-align: null;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'vertical-align')) {
					$vertical-align: map-get($settings, 'vertical-align');

			// Horizontal align.
				$horizontal-align: null;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'horizontal-align')) {
					$horizontal-align: map-get($settings, 'horizontal-align');

			// Columns.
				$columns: null;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'columns')) {
					$columns: map-get($settings, 'columns');

			// Gutters.
				$gutters: 0;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'gutters')) {
					$gutters: map-get($settings, 'gutters');

			// Flush.
				$flush: true;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'flush')) {
					$flush: map-get($settings, 'flush');

		// Initialize base grid.
			@include fixed-grid-base($vertical-align, $horizontal-align);

		// Debug?
			@if ($debug) {
				@include fixed-grid-debug;

		// Columns specified?
			@if ($columns != null) {

				// Initialize columns.
					@include fixed-grid-columns($columns);

				// Gutters specified?
					@if ($gutters > 0) {

						// Flush gutters?
							@if ($flush) {

								// Initialize gutters (flush).
									@include fixed-grid-gutters-flush($columns, $gutters);


						// Otherwise ...
							@else {

								// Initialize gutters.
									@include fixed-grid-gutters($columns, $gutters);





	/// Resizes a previously-initialized grid.
	/// @param {integer} $columns Columns.
	/// @param {number} $gutters Gutters (optional).
	/// @param {list} $reset A list of previously-initialized grid columns (only if $flush is true).
	/// @param {bool} $flush If true, clears padding around the very edge of the grid.
	@mixin fixed-grid-resize($settings: ()) {

		// Settings.

			// Columns.
				$columns: 1;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'columns')) {
					$columns: map-get($settings, 'columns');

			// Gutters.
				$gutters: 0;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'gutters')) {
					$gutters: map-get($settings, 'gutters');

			// Previous columns.
				$prev-columns: false;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'prev-columns')) {
					$prev-columns: map-get($settings, 'prev-columns');

			// Flush.
				$flush: true;

				@if (map-has-key($settings, 'flush')) {
					$flush: map-get($settings, 'flush');

		// Resize columns.
			@include fixed-grid-columns($columns);

		// Gutters specified?
			@if ($gutters > 0) {

				// Flush gutters?
					@if ($flush) {

						// Previous columns specified?
							@if ($prev-columns) {

								// Convert to list if it isn't one already.
									@if (type-of($prev-columns) != list) {
										$prev-columns: ($prev-columns);

								// Step through list of previous columns and reset them.
									@each $x in $prev-columns {
										@include fixed-grid-gutters-flush-reset($columns, $gutters, $x);


						// Resize gutters (flush).
							@include fixed-grid-gutters-flush($columns, $gutters);


				// Otherwise ...
					@else {

						// Resize gutters.
							@include fixed-grid-gutters($columns, $gutters);


