Lens by HTML5 UP html5up.net | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) This is Lens, a full screen (and entirely responsive) photo gallery design. Unlike previous designs I've done in this vein (Parallelism, for instance), this one eschews the usual lightbox in favor of a completely full screen experience -- one that I'm happy to say translates awesomely all the way down to the tiniest of mobile devices. Full instructions below! Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images you can use for pretty much whatever. (* = Not included) Feedback, bug reports, and comments are not only welcome, but strongly encouraged :) AJ aj@lkn.io | @ajlkn Instructions: Overview: Lens is made up of three primary components: - The "main wrapper": The skinny little column on the right. Home to what little "regular" content you may have (header, footer, anything else you want to cram in there), as well as ... - The "thumbnails" section: A grid of thumbnails pointing to their respective full size images. - The "viewer": Basically the rest of the page, and basically where your full size images will show up when a thumbnail is clicked. Note: Only the main wrapper and the thumbnails section are actually present in index.html. The viewer will be dynamically created on page load. How it works: Just add your thumbnails to the thumbnails section in the following format:



And that's it. Lens will figure out the rest. The "data-position" attribute: As a full screen experience, the viewer will be subject to changes in its size and, consequently, its aspect ratio. Since your full size images are basically applied as backgrounds to the viewer itself, this means they'll probably (okay, definitely) get cropped. All is not lost, however, as you can use the optional "data-position" attribute to control how the full size image is positioned within the viewer. To do this, simply add it to your thumbnail's element and set it to any valid "background-position" value. For example, this: ... ... positions this particular full size image in the top left corner of the viewer (as opposed to its center, the default), effectively limiting cropping to everything but the top left corner. Keyboard shortcuts: Lens is set up to respond to the following keyboard shortcuts: - Left Arrow: Go to previous image. - Right Arrow: Go to next image. - Up Arrow: Go to image above the current one in the thumbnails section. - Down Arrow: Go to image below the current one in the thumbnails section. - Space: Go to next image. - Escape: Toggle the main wrapper. Note: All keyboard shortcuts are disabled when the "xsmall" breakpoint is active (since they don't really make a whole lot of sense there). Other stuff: - The main wrapper can be moved to the left by changing the "misc.main-side" variable in assets/sass/libs/_vars.scss to "left" (and of course recompiling your CSS). - Additional tweakable settings can be found at the top of assets/js/main.js, but be aware most of these need to sync with certain Sass variables (see comments for details). Credits: Demo Images: Unsplash (unsplash.com) Icons: Font Awesome (fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome) Other: jQuery (jquery.com) html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem) Respond.js (j.mp/respondjs) Skel (skel.io)