/*! * Bootstrap v4.0.0 (https://getbootstrap.com) * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors) * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) */ ! function(t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? e(exports, require("jquery"), require("popper.js")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports", "jquery", "popper.js"], e) : e(t.bootstrap = {}, t.jQuery, t.Popper) }(this, function(t, e, n) { "use strict"; function i(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i = e[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i) } } function s(t, e, n) { return e && i(t.prototype, e), n && i(t, n), t } function r() { return (r = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var n = arguments[e]; for (var i in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (t[i] = n[i]) } return t }).apply(this, arguments) } e = e && e.hasOwnProperty("default") ? e.default : e, n = n && n.hasOwnProperty("default") ? n.default : n; var o, a, l, h, c, u, f, d, _, g, p, m, v, E, T, y, C, I, A, b, D, S, w, N, O, k, P = function(t) { var e = !1; function n(e) { var n = this, s = !1; return t(this).one(i.TRANSITION_END, function() { s = !0 }), setTimeout(function() { s || i.triggerTransitionEnd(n) }, e), this } var i = { TRANSITION_END: "bsTransitionEnd", getUID: function(t) { do { t += ~~(1e6 * Math.random()) } while (document.getElementById(t)); return t }, getSelectorFromElement: function(e) { var n, i = e.getAttribute("data-target"); i && "#" !== i || (i = e.getAttribute("href") || ""), "#" === i.charAt(0) && (n = i, i = n = "function" == typeof t.escapeSelector ? t.escapeSelector(n).substr(1) : n.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, "\\$1")); try { return t(document).find(i).length > 0 ? i : null } catch (t) { return null } }, reflow: function(t) { return t.offsetHeight }, triggerTransitionEnd: function(n) { t(n).trigger(e.end) }, supportsTransitionEnd: function() { return Boolean(e) }, isElement: function(t) { return (t[0] || t).nodeType }, typeCheckConfig: function(t, e, n) { for (var s in n) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, s)) { var r = n[s], o = e[s], a = o && i.isElement(o) ? "element" : (l = o, {}.toString.call(l).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase()); if (!new RegExp(r).test(a)) throw new Error(t.toUpperCase() + ': Option "' + s + '" provided type "' + a + '" but expected type "' + r + '".') } var l } }; return e = ("undefined" == typeof window || !window.QUnit) && { end: "transitionend" }, t.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = n, i.supportsTransitionEnd() && (t.event.special[i.TRANSITION_END] = { bindType: e.end, delegateType: e.end, handle: function(e) { if (t(e.target).is(this)) return e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) } }), i }(e), L = (a = "alert", h = "." + (l = "bs.alert"), c = (o = e).fn[a], u = { CLOSE: "close" + h, CLOSED: "closed" + h, CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + h + ".data-api" }, f = "alert", d = "fade", _ = "show", g = function() { function t(t) { this._element = t } var e = t.prototype; return e.close = function(t) { t = t || this._element; var e = this._getRootElement(t); this._triggerCloseEvent(e).isDefaultPrevented() || this._removeElement(e) }, e.dispose = function() { o.removeData(this._element, l), this._element = null }, e._getRootElement = function(t) { var e = P.getSelectorFromElement(t), n = !1; return e && (n = o(e)[0]), n || (n = o(t).closest("." + f)[0]), n }, e._triggerCloseEvent = function(t) { var e = o.Event(u.CLOSE); return o(t).trigger(e), e }, e._removeElement = function(t) { var e = this; o(t).removeClass(_), P.supportsTransitionEnd() && o(t).hasClass(d) ? o(t).one(P.TRANSITION_END, function(n) { return e._destroyElement(t, n) }).emulateTransitionEnd(150) : this._destroyElement(t) }, e._destroyElement = function(t) { o(t).detach().trigger(u.CLOSED).remove() }, t._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var n = o(this), i = n.data(l); i || (i = new t(this), n.data(l, i)), "close" === e && i[e](this) }) }, t._handleDismiss = function(t) { return function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(), t.close(this) } }, s(t, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }]), t }(), o(document).on(u.CLICK_DATA_API, '[data-dismiss="alert"]', g._handleDismiss(new g)), o.fn[a] = g._jQueryInterface, o.fn[a].Constructor = g, o.fn[a].noConflict = function() { return o.fn[a] = c, g._jQueryInterface }, g), R = (m = "button", E = "." + (v = "bs.button"), T = ".data-api", y = (p = e).fn[m], C = "active", I = "btn", A = "focus", b = '[data-toggle^="button"]', D = '[data-toggle="buttons"]', S = "input", w = ".active", N = ".btn", O = { CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + E + T, FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API: "focus" + E + T + " blur" + E + T }, k = function() { function t(t) { this._element = t } var e = t.prototype; return e.toggle = function() { var t = !0, e = !0, n = p(this._element).closest(D)[0]; if (n) { var i = p(this._element).find(S)[0]; if (i) { if ("radio" === i.type) if (i.checked && p(this._element).hasClass(C)) t = !1; else { var s = p(n).find(w)[0]; s && p(s).removeClass(C) } if (t) { if (i.hasAttribute("disabled") || n.hasAttribute("disabled") || i.classList.contains("disabled") || n.classList.contains("disabled")) return; i.checked = !p(this._element).hasClass(C), p(i).trigger("change") } i.focus(), e = !1 } } e && this._element.setAttribute("aria-pressed", !p(this._element).hasClass(C)), t && p(this._element).toggleClass(C) }, e.dispose = function() { p.removeData(this._element, v), this._element = null }, t._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var n = p(this).data(v); n || (n = new t(this), p(this).data(v, n)), "toggle" === e && n[e]() }) }, s(t, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }]), t }(), p(document).on(O.CLICK_DATA_API, b, function(t) { t.preventDefault(); var e = t.target; p(e).hasClass(I) || (e = p(e).closest(N)), k._jQueryInterface.call(p(e), "toggle") }).on(O.FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API, b, function(t) { var e = p(t.target).closest(N)[0]; p(e).toggleClass(A, /^focus(in)?$/.test(t.type)) }), p.fn[m] = k._jQueryInterface, p.fn[m].Constructor = k, p.fn[m].noConflict = function() { return p.fn[m] = y, k._jQueryInterface }, k), j = function(t) { var e = "carousel", n = "bs.carousel", i = "." + n, o = t.fn[e], a = { interval: 5e3, keyboard: !0, slide: !1, pause: "hover", wrap: !0 }, l = { interval: "(number|boolean)", keyboard: "boolean", slide: "(boolean|string)", pause: "(string|boolean)", wrap: "boolean" }, h = "next", c = "prev", u = "left", f = "right", d = { SLIDE: "slide" + i, SLID: "slid" + i, KEYDOWN: "keydown" + i, MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + i, MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + i, TOUCHEND: "touchend" + i, LOAD_DATA_API: "load" + i + ".data-api", CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + i + ".data-api" }, _ = "carousel", g = "active", p = "slide", m = "carousel-item-right", v = "carousel-item-left", E = "carousel-item-next", T = "carousel-item-prev", y = { ACTIVE: ".active", ACTIVE_ITEM: ".active.carousel-item", ITEM: ".carousel-item", NEXT_PREV: ".carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev", INDICATORS: ".carousel-indicators", DATA_SLIDE: "[data-slide], [data-slide-to]", DATA_RIDE: '[data-ride="carousel"]' }, C = function() { function o(e, n) { this._items = null, this._interval = null, this._activeElement = null, this._isPaused = !1, this._isSliding = !1, this.touchTimeout = null, this._config = this._getConfig(n), this._element = t(e)[0], this._indicatorsElement = t(this._element).find(y.INDICATORS)[0], this._addEventListeners() } var C = o.prototype; return C.next = function() { this._isSliding || this._slide(h) }, C.nextWhenVisible = function() { !document.hidden && t(this._element).is(":visible") && "hidden" !== t(this._element).css("visibility") && this.next() }, C.prev = function() { this._isSliding || this._slide(c) }, C.pause = function(e) { e || (this._isPaused = !0), t(this._element).find(y.NEXT_PREV)[0] && P.supportsTransitionEnd() && (P.triggerTransitionEnd(this._element), this.cycle(!0)), clearInterval(this._interval), this._interval = null }, C.cycle = function(t) { t || (this._isPaused = !1), this._interval && (clearInterval(this._interval), this._interval = null), this._config.interval && !this._isPaused && (this._interval = setInterval((document.visibilityState ? this.nextWhenVisible : this.next).bind(this), this._config.interval)) }, C.to = function(e) { var n = this; this._activeElement = t(this._element).find(y.ACTIVE_ITEM)[0]; var i = this._getItemIndex(this._activeElement); if (!(e > this._items.length - 1 || e < 0)) if (this._isSliding) t(this._element).one(d.SLID, function() { return n.to(e) }); else { if (i === e) return this.pause(), void this.cycle(); var s = e > i ? h : c; this._slide(s, this._items[e]) } }, C.dispose = function() { t(this._element).off(i), t.removeData(this._element, n), this._items = null, this._config = null, this._element = null, this._interval = null, this._isPaused = null, this._isSliding = null, this._activeElement = null, this._indicatorsElement = null }, C._getConfig = function(t) { return t = r({}, a, t), P.typeCheckConfig(e, t, l), t }, C._addEventListeners = function() { var e = this; this._config.keyboard && t(this._element).on(d.KEYDOWN, function(t) { return e._keydown(t) }), "hover" === this._config.pause && (t(this._element).on(d.MOUSEENTER, function(t) { return e.pause(t) }).on(d.MOUSELEAVE, function(t) { return e.cycle(t) }), "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && t(this._element).on(d.TOUCHEND, function() { e.pause(), e.touchTimeout && clearTimeout(e.touchTimeout), e.touchTimeout = setTimeout(function(t) { return e.cycle(t) }, 500 + e._config.interval) })) }, C._keydown = function(t) { if (!/input|textarea/i.test(t.target.tagName)) switch (t.which) { case 37: t.preventDefault(), this.prev(); break; case 39: t.preventDefault(), this.next() } }, C._getItemIndex = function(e) { return this._items = t.makeArray(t(e).parent().find(y.ITEM)), this._items.indexOf(e) }, C._getItemByDirection = function(t, e) { var n = t === h, i = t === c, s = this._getItemIndex(e), r = this._items.length - 1; if ((i && 0 === s || n && s === r) && !this._config.wrap) return e; var o = (s + (t === c ? -1 : 1)) % this._items.length; return -1 === o ? this._items[this._items.length - 1] : this._items[o] }, C._triggerSlideEvent = function(e, n) { var i = this._getItemIndex(e), s = this._getItemIndex(t(this._element).find(y.ACTIVE_ITEM)[0]), r = t.Event(d.SLIDE, { relatedTarget: e, direction: n, from: s, to: i }); return t(this._element).trigger(r), r }, C._setActiveIndicatorElement = function(e) { if (this._indicatorsElement) { t(this._indicatorsElement).find(y.ACTIVE).removeClass(g); var n = this._indicatorsElement.children[this._getItemIndex(e)]; n && t(n).addClass(g) } }, C._slide = function(e, n) { var i, s, r, o = this, a = t(this._element).find(y.ACTIVE_ITEM)[0], l = this._getItemIndex(a), c = n || a && this._getItemByDirection(e, a), _ = this._getItemIndex(c), C = Boolean(this._interval); if (e === h ? (i = v, s = E, r = u) : (i = m, s = T, r = f), c && t(c).hasClass(g)) this._isSliding = !1; else if (!this._triggerSlideEvent(c, r).isDefaultPrevented() && a && c) { this._isSliding = !0, C && this.pause(), this._setActiveIndicatorElement(c); var I = t.Event(d.SLID, { relatedTarget: c, direction: r, from: l, to: _ }); P.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(p) ? (t(c).addClass(s), P.reflow(c), t(a).addClass(i), t(c).addClass(i), t(a).one(P.TRANSITION_END, function() { t(c).removeClass(i + " " + s).addClass(g), t(a).removeClass(g + " " + s + " " + i), o._isSliding = !1, setTimeout(function() { return t(o._element).trigger(I) }, 0) }).emulateTransitionEnd(600)) : (t(a).removeClass(g), t(c).addClass(g), this._isSliding = !1, t(this._element).trigger(I)), C && this.cycle() } }, o._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var i = t(this).data(n), s = r({}, a, t(this).data()); "object" == typeof e && (s = r({}, s, e)); var l = "string" == typeof e ? e : s.slide; if (i || (i = new o(this, s), t(this).data(n, i)), "number" == typeof e) i.to(e); else if ("string" == typeof l) { if ("undefined" == typeof i[l]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + l + '"'); i[l]() } else s.interval && (i.pause(), i.cycle()) }) }, o._dataApiClickHandler = function(e) { var i = P.getSelectorFromElement(this); if (i) { var s = t(i)[0]; if (s && t(s).hasClass(_)) { var a = r({}, t(s).data(), t(this).data()), l = this.getAttribute("data-slide-to"); l && (a.interval = !1), o._jQueryInterface.call(t(s), a), l && t(s).data(n).to(l), e.preventDefault() } } }, s(o, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return a } }]), o }(); return t(document).on(d.CLICK_DATA_API, y.DATA_SLIDE, C._dataApiClickHandler), t(window).on(d.LOAD_DATA_API, function() { t(y.DATA_RIDE).each(function() { var e = t(this); C._jQueryInterface.call(e, e.data()) }) }), t.fn[e] = C._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = C, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = o, C._jQueryInterface }, C }(e), H = function(t) { var e = "collapse", n = "bs.collapse", i = "." + n, o = t.fn[e], a = { toggle: !0, parent: "" }, l = { toggle: "boolean", parent: "(string|element)" }, h = { SHOW: "show" + i, SHOWN: "shown" + i, HIDE: "hide" + i, HIDDEN: "hidden" + i, CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + i + ".data-api" }, c = "show", u = "collapse", f = "collapsing", d = "collapsed", _ = "width", g = "height", p = { ACTIVES: ".show, .collapsing", DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="collapse"]' }, m = function() { function i(e, n) { this._isTransitioning = !1, this._element = e, this._config = this._getConfig(n), this._triggerArray = t.makeArray(t('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + e.id + '"],[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + e.id + '"]')); for (var i = t(p.DATA_TOGGLE), s = 0; s < i.length; s++) { var r = i[s], o = P.getSelectorFromElement(r); null !== o && t(o).filter(e).length > 0 && (this._selector = o, this._triggerArray.push(r)) } this._parent = this._config.parent ? this._getParent() : null, this._config.parent || this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._element, this._triggerArray), this._config.toggle && this.toggle() } var o = i.prototype; return o.toggle = function() { t(this._element).hasClass(c) ? this.hide() : this.show() }, o.show = function() { var e, s, r = this; if (!this._isTransitioning && !t(this._element).hasClass(c) && (this._parent && 0 === (e = t.makeArray(t(this._parent).find(p.ACTIVES).filter('[data-parent="' + this._config.parent + '"]'))).length && (e = null), !(e && (s = t(e).not(this._selector).data(n)) && s._isTransitioning))) { var o = t.Event(h.SHOW); if (t(this._element).trigger(o), !o.isDefaultPrevented()) { e && (i._jQueryInterface.call(t(e).not(this._selector), "hide"), s || t(e).data(n, null)); var a = this._getDimension(); t(this._element).removeClass(u).addClass(f), this._element.style[a] = 0, this._triggerArray.length > 0 && t(this._triggerArray).removeClass(d).attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.setTransitioning(!0); var l = function() { t(r._element).removeClass(f).addClass(u).addClass(c), r._element.style[a] = "", r.setTransitioning(!1), t(r._element).trigger(h.SHOWN) }; if (P.supportsTransitionEnd()) { var _ = "scroll" + (a[0].toUpperCase() + a.slice(1)); t(this._element).one(P.TRANSITION_END, l).emulateTransitionEnd(600), this._element.style[a] = this._element[_] + "px" } else l() } } }, o.hide = function() { var e = this; if (!this._isTransitioning && t(this._element).hasClass(c)) { var n = t.Event(h.HIDE); if (t(this._element).trigger(n), !n.isDefaultPrevented()) { var i = this._getDimension(); if (this._element.style[i] = this._element.getBoundingClientRect()[i] + "px", P.reflow(this._element), t(this._element).addClass(f).removeClass(u).removeClass(c), this._triggerArray.length > 0) for (var s = 0; s < this._triggerArray.length; s++) { var r = this._triggerArray[s], o = P.getSelectorFromElement(r); if (null !== o) t(o).hasClass(c) || t(r).addClass(d).attr("aria-expanded", !1) } this.setTransitioning(!0); var a = function() { e.setTransitioning(!1), t(e._element).removeClass(f).addClass(u).trigger(h.HIDDEN) }; this._element.style[i] = "", P.supportsTransitionEnd() ? t(this._element).one(P.TRANSITION_END, a).emulateTransitionEnd(600) : a() } } }, o.setTransitioning = function(t) { this._isTransitioning = t }, o.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, n), this._config = null, this._parent = null, this._element = null, this._triggerArray = null, this._isTransitioning = null }, o._getConfig = function(t) { return (t = r({}, a, t)).toggle = Boolean(t.toggle), P.typeCheckConfig(e, t, l), t }, o._getDimension = function() { return t(this._element).hasClass(_) ? _ : g }, o._getParent = function() { var e = this, n = null; P.isElement(this._config.parent) ? (n = this._config.parent, "undefined" != typeof this._config.parent.jquery && (n = this._config.parent[0])) : n = t(this._config.parent)[0]; var s = '[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this._config.parent + '"]'; return t(n).find(s).each(function(t, n) { e._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(i._getTargetFromElement(n), [n]) }), n }, o._addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function(e, n) { if (e) { var i = t(e).hasClass(c); n.length > 0 && t(n).toggleClass(d, !i).attr("aria-expanded", i) } }, i._getTargetFromElement = function(e) { var n = P.getSelectorFromElement(e); return n ? t(n)[0] : null }, i._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var s = t(this), o = s.data(n), l = r({}, a, s.data(), "object" == typeof e && e); if (!o && l.toggle && /show|hide/.test(e) && (l.toggle = !1), o || (o = new i(this, l), s.data(n, o)), "string" == typeof e) { if ("undefined" == typeof o[e]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + e + '"'); o[e]() } }) }, s(i, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return a } }]), i }(); return t(document).on(h.CLICK_DATA_API, p.DATA_TOGGLE, function(e) { "A" === e.currentTarget.tagName && e.preventDefault(); var i = t(this), s = P.getSelectorFromElement(this); t(s).each(function() { var e = t(this), s = e.data(n) ? "toggle" : i.data(); m._jQueryInterface.call(e, s) }) }), t.fn[e] = m._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = m, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = o, m._jQueryInterface }, m }(e), W = function(t) { var e = "dropdown", i = "bs.dropdown", o = "." + i, a = ".data-api", l = t.fn[e], h = new RegExp("38|40|27"), c = { HIDE: "hide" + o, HIDDEN: "hidden" + o, SHOW: "show" + o, SHOWN: "shown" + o, CLICK: "click" + o, CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + o + a, KEYDOWN_DATA_API: "keydown" + o + a, KEYUP_DATA_API: "keyup" + o + a }, u = "disabled", f = "show", d = "dropup", _ = "dropright", g = "dropleft", p = "dropdown-menu-right", m = "dropdown-menu-left", v = "position-static", E = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]', T = ".dropdown form", y = ".dropdown-menu", C = ".navbar-nav", I = ".dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:not(.disabled)", A = "top-start", b = "top-end", D = "bottom-start", S = "bottom-end", w = "right-start", N = "left-start", O = { offset: 0, flip: !0, boundary: "scrollParent" }, k = { offset: "(number|string|function)", flip: "boolean", boundary: "(string|element)" }, L = function() { function a(t, e) { this._element = t, this._popper = null, this._config = this._getConfig(e), this._menu = this._getMenuElement(), this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar(), this._addEventListeners() } var l = a.prototype; return l.toggle = function() { if (!this._element.disabled && !t(this._element).hasClass(u)) { var e = a._getParentFromElement(this._element), i = t(this._menu).hasClass(f); if (a._clearMenus(), !i) { var s = { relatedTarget: this._element }, r = t.Event(c.SHOW, s); if (t(e).trigger(r), !r.isDefaultPrevented()) { if (!this._inNavbar) { if ("undefined" == typeof n) throw new TypeError("Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org)"); var o = this._element; t(e).hasClass(d) && (t(this._menu).hasClass(m) || t(this._menu).hasClass(p)) && (o = e), "scrollParent" !== this._config.boundary && t(e).addClass(v), this._popper = new n(o, this._menu, this._getPopperConfig()) } "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && 0 === t(e).closest(C).length && t("body").children().on("mouseover", null, t.noop), this._element.focus(), this._element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", !0), t(this._menu).toggleClass(f), t(e).toggleClass(f).trigger(t.Event(c.SHOWN, s)) } } } }, l.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, i), t(this._element).off(o), this._element = null, this._menu = null, null !== this._popper && (this._popper.destroy(), this._popper = null) }, l.update = function() { this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar(), null !== this._popper && this._popper.scheduleUpdate() }, l._addEventListeners = function() { var e = this; t(this._element).on(c.CLICK, function(t) { t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), e.toggle() }) }, l._getConfig = function(n) { return n = r({}, this.constructor.Default, t(this._element).data(), n), P.typeCheckConfig(e, n, this.constructor.DefaultType), n }, l._getMenuElement = function() { if (!this._menu) { var e = a._getParentFromElement(this._element); this._menu = t(e).find(y)[0] } return this._menu }, l._getPlacement = function() { var e = t(this._element).parent(), n = D; return e.hasClass(d) ? (n = A, t(this._menu).hasClass(p) && (n = b)) : e.hasClass(_) ? n = w : e.hasClass(g) ? n = N : t(this._menu).hasClass(p) && (n = S), n }, l._detectNavbar = function() { return t(this._element).closest(".navbar").length > 0 }, l._getPopperConfig = function() { var t = this, e = {}; return "function" == typeof this._config.offset ? e.fn = function(e) { return e.offsets = r({}, e.offsets, t._config.offset(e.offsets) || {}), e } : e.offset = this._config.offset, { placement: this._getPlacement(), modifiers: { offset: e, flip: { enabled: this._config.flip }, preventOverflow: { boundariesElement: this._config.boundary } } } }, a._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this).data(i); if (n || (n = new a(this, "object" == typeof e ? e : null), t(this).data(i, n)), "string" == typeof e) { if ("undefined" == typeof n[e]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + e + '"'); n[e]() } }) }, a._clearMenus = function(e) { if (!e || 3 !== e.which && ("keyup" !== e.type || 9 === e.which)) for (var n = t.makeArray(t(E)), s = 0; s < n.length; s++) { var r = a._getParentFromElement(n[s]), o = t(n[s]).data(i), l = { relatedTarget: n[s] }; if (o) { var h = o._menu; if (t(r).hasClass(f) && !(e && ("click" === e.type && /input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName) || "keyup" === e.type && 9 === e.which) && t.contains(r, e.target))) { var u = t.Event(c.HIDE, l); t(r).trigger(u), u.isDefaultPrevented() || ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && t("body").children().off("mouseover", null, t.noop), n[s].setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"), t(h).removeClass(f), t(r).removeClass(f).trigger(t.Event(c.HIDDEN, l))) } } } }, a._getParentFromElement = function(e) { var n, i = P.getSelectorFromElement(e); return i && (n = t(i)[0]), n || e.parentNode }, a._dataApiKeydownHandler = function(e) { if ((/input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName) ? !(32 === e.which || 27 !== e.which && (40 !== e.which && 38 !== e.which || t(e.target).closest(y).length)) : h.test(e.which)) && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), !this.disabled && !t(this).hasClass(u))) { var n = a._getParentFromElement(this), i = t(n).hasClass(f); if ((i || 27 === e.which && 32 === e.which) && (!i || 27 !== e.which && 32 !== e.which)) { var s = t(n).find(I).get(); if (0 !== s.length) { var r = s.indexOf(e.target); 38 === e.which && r > 0 && r--, 40 === e.which && r < s.length - 1 && r++, r < 0 && (r = 0), s[r].focus() } } else { if (27 === e.which) { var o = t(n).find(E)[0]; t(o).trigger("focus") } t(this).trigger("click") } } }, s(a, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return O } }, { key: "DefaultType", get: function() { return k } }]), a }(); return t(document).on(c.KEYDOWN_DATA_API, E, L._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(c.KEYDOWN_DATA_API, y, L._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(c.CLICK_DATA_API + " " + c.KEYUP_DATA_API, L._clearMenus).on(c.CLICK_DATA_API, E, function(e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), L._jQueryInterface.call(t(this), "toggle") }).on(c.CLICK_DATA_API, T, function(t) { t.stopPropagation() }), t.fn[e] = L._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = L, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = l, L._jQueryInterface }, L }(e), M = function(t) { var e = "modal", n = "bs.modal", i = "." + n, o = t.fn.modal, a = { backdrop: !0, keyboard: !0, focus: !0, show: !0 }, l = { backdrop: "(boolean|string)", keyboard: "boolean", focus: "boolean", show: "boolean" }, h = { HIDE: "hide" + i, HIDDEN: "hidden" + i, SHOW: "show" + i, SHOWN: "shown" + i, FOCUSIN: "focusin" + i, RESIZE: "resize" + i, CLICK_DISMISS: "click.dismiss" + i, KEYDOWN_DISMISS: "keydown.dismiss" + i, MOUSEUP_DISMISS: "mouseup.dismiss" + i, MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS: "mousedown.dismiss" + i, CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + i + ".data-api" }, c = "modal-scrollbar-measure", u = "modal-backdrop", f = "modal-open", d = "fade", _ = "show", g = { DIALOG: ".modal-dialog", DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="modal"]', DATA_DISMISS: '[data-dismiss="modal"]', FIXED_CONTENT: ".fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top", STICKY_CONTENT: ".sticky-top", NAVBAR_TOGGLER: ".navbar-toggler" }, p = function() { function o(e, n) { this._config = this._getConfig(n), this._element = e, this._dialog = t(e).find(g.DIALOG)[0], this._backdrop = null, this._isShown = !1, this._isBodyOverflowing = !1, this._ignoreBackdropClick = !1, this._originalBodyPadding = 0, this._scrollbarWidth = 0 } var p = o.prototype; return p.toggle = function(t) { return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(t) }, p.show = function(e) { var n = this; if (!this._isTransitioning && !this._isShown) { P.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(d) && (this._isTransitioning = !0); var i = t.Event(h.SHOW, { relatedTarget: e }); t(this._element).trigger(i), this._isShown || i.isDefaultPrevented() || (this._isShown = !0, this._checkScrollbar(), this._setScrollbar(), this._adjustDialog(), t(document.body).addClass(f), this._setEscapeEvent(), this._setResizeEvent(), t(this._element).on(h.CLICK_DISMISS, g.DATA_DISMISS, function(t) { return n.hide(t) }), t(this._dialog).on(h.MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS, function() { t(n._element).one(h.MOUSEUP_DISMISS, function(e) { t(e.target).is(n._element) && (n._ignoreBackdropClick = !0) }) }), this._showBackdrop(function() { return n._showElement(e) })) } }, p.hide = function(e) { var n = this; if (e && e.preventDefault(), !this._isTransitioning && this._isShown) { var i = t.Event(h.HIDE); if (t(this._element).trigger(i), this._isShown && !i.isDefaultPrevented()) { this._isShown = !1; var s = P.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(d); s && (this._isTransitioning = !0), this._setEscapeEvent(), this._setResizeEvent(), t(document).off(h.FOCUSIN), t(this._element).removeClass(_), t(this._element).off(h.CLICK_DISMISS), t(this._dialog).off(h.MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS), s ? t(this._element).one(P.TRANSITION_END, function(t) { return n._hideModal(t) }).emulateTransitionEnd(300) : this._hideModal() } } }, p.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, n), t(window, document, this._element, this._backdrop).off(i), this._config = null, this._element = null, this._dialog = null, this._backdrop = null, this._isShown = null, this._isBodyOverflowing = null, this._ignoreBackdropClick = null, this._scrollbarWidth = null }, p.handleUpdate = function() { this._adjustDialog() }, p._getConfig = function(t) { return t = r({}, a, t), P.typeCheckConfig(e, t, l), t }, p._showElement = function(e) { var n = this, i = P.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(d); this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE || document.body.appendChild(this._element), this._element.style.display = "block", this._element.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"), this._element.scrollTop = 0, i && P.reflow(this._element), t(this._element).addClass(_), this._config.focus && this._enforceFocus(); var s = t.Event(h.SHOWN, { relatedTarget: e }), r = function() { n._config.focus && n._element.focus(), n._isTransitioning = !1, t(n._element).trigger(s) }; i ? t(this._dialog).one(P.TRANSITION_END, r).emulateTransitionEnd(300) : r() }, p._enforceFocus = function() { var e = this; t(document).off(h.FOCUSIN).on(h.FOCUSIN, function(n) { document !== n.target && e._element !== n.target && 0 === t(e._element).has(n.target).length && e._element.focus() }) }, p._setEscapeEvent = function() { var e = this; this._isShown && this._config.keyboard ? t(this._element).on(h.KEYDOWN_DISMISS, function(t) { 27 === t.which && (t.preventDefault(), e.hide()) }) : this._isShown || t(this._element).off(h.KEYDOWN_DISMISS) }, p._setResizeEvent = function() { var e = this; this._isShown ? t(window).on(h.RESIZE, function(t) { return e.handleUpdate(t) }) : t(window).off(h.RESIZE) }, p._hideModal = function() { var e = this; this._element.style.display = "none", this._element.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0), this._isTransitioning = !1, this._showBackdrop(function() { t(document.body).removeClass(f), e._resetAdjustments(), e._resetScrollbar(), t(e._element).trigger(h.HIDDEN) }) }, p._removeBackdrop = function() { this._backdrop && (t(this._backdrop).remove(), this._backdrop = null) }, p._showBackdrop = function(e) { var n = this, i = t(this._element).hasClass(d) ? d : ""; if (this._isShown && this._config.backdrop) { var s = P.supportsTransitionEnd() && i; if (this._backdrop = document.createElement("div"), this._backdrop.className = u, i && t(this._backdrop).addClass(i), t(this._backdrop).appendTo(document.body), t(this._element).on(h.CLICK_DISMISS, function(t) { n._ignoreBackdropClick ? n._ignoreBackdropClick = !1 : t.target === t.currentTarget && ("static" === n._config.backdrop ? n._element.focus() : n.hide()) }), s && P.reflow(this._backdrop), t(this._backdrop).addClass(_), !e) return; if (!s) return void e(); t(this._backdrop).one(P.TRANSITION_END, e).emulateTransitionEnd(150) } else if (!this._isShown && this._backdrop) { t(this._backdrop).removeClass(_); var r = function() { n._removeBackdrop(), e && e() }; P.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(d) ? t(this._backdrop).one(P.TRANSITION_END, r).emulateTransitionEnd(150) : r() } else e && e() }, p._adjustDialog = function() { var t = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight; !this._isBodyOverflowing && t && (this._element.style.paddingLeft = this._scrollbarWidth + "px"), this._isBodyOverflowing && !t && (this._element.style.paddingRight = this._scrollbarWidth + "px") }, p._resetAdjustments = function() { this._element.style.paddingLeft = "", this._element.style.paddingRight = "" }, p._checkScrollbar = function() { var t = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); this._isBodyOverflowing = t.left + t.right < window.innerWidth, this._scrollbarWidth = this._getScrollbarWidth() }, p._setScrollbar = function() { var e = this; if (this._isBodyOverflowing) { t(g.FIXED_CONTENT).each(function(n, i) { var s = t(i)[0].style.paddingRight, r = t(i).css("padding-right"); t(i).data("padding-right", s).css("padding-right", parseFloat(r) + e._scrollbarWidth + "px") }), t(g.STICKY_CONTENT).each(function(n, i) { var s = t(i)[0].style.marginRight, r = t(i).css("margin-right"); t(i).data("margin-right", s).css("margin-right", parseFloat(r) - e._scrollbarWidth + "px") }), t(g.NAVBAR_TOGGLER).each(function(n, i) { var s = t(i)[0].style.marginRight, r = t(i).css("margin-right"); t(i).data("margin-right", s).css("margin-right", parseFloat(r) + e._scrollbarWidth + "px") }); var n = document.body.style.paddingRight, i = t("body").css("padding-right"); t("body").data("padding-right", n).css("padding-right", parseFloat(i) + this._scrollbarWidth + "px") } }, p._resetScrollbar = function() { t(g.FIXED_CONTENT).each(function(e, n) { var i = t(n).data("padding-right"); "undefined" != typeof i && t(n).css("padding-right", i).removeData("padding-right") }), t(g.STICKY_CONTENT + ", " + g.NAVBAR_TOGGLER).each(function(e, n) { var i = t(n).data("margin-right"); "undefined" != typeof i && t(n).css("margin-right", i).removeData("margin-right") }); var e = t("body").data("padding-right"); "undefined" != typeof e && t("body").css("padding-right", e).removeData("padding-right") }, p._getScrollbarWidth = function() { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = c, document.body.appendChild(t); var e = t.getBoundingClientRect().width - t.clientWidth; return document.body.removeChild(t), e }, o._jQueryInterface = function(e, i) { return this.each(function() { var s = t(this).data(n), a = r({}, o.Default, t(this).data(), "object" == typeof e && e); if (s || (s = new o(this, a), t(this).data(n, s)), "string" == typeof e) { if ("undefined" == typeof s[e]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + e + '"'); s[e](i) } else a.show && s.show(i) }) }, s(o, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return a } }]), o }(); return t(document).on(h.CLICK_DATA_API, g.DATA_TOGGLE, function(e) { var i, s = this, o = P.getSelectorFromElement(this); o && (i = t(o)[0]); var a = t(i).data(n) ? "toggle" : r({}, t(i).data(), t(this).data()); "A" !== this.tagName && "AREA" !== this.tagName || e.preventDefault(); var l = t(i).one(h.SHOW, function(e) { e.isDefaultPrevented() || l.one(h.HIDDEN, function() { t(s).is(":visible") && s.focus() }) }); p._jQueryInterface.call(t(i), a, this) }), t.fn.modal = p._jQueryInterface, t.fn.modal.Constructor = p, t.fn.modal.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.modal = o, p._jQueryInterface }, p }(e), U = function(t) { var e = "tooltip", i = "bs.tooltip", o = "." + i, a = t.fn[e], l = new RegExp("(^|\\s)bs-tooltip\\S+", "g"), h = { animation: "boolean", template: "string", title: "(string|element|function)", trigger: "string", delay: "(number|object)", html: "boolean", selector: "(string|boolean)", placement: "(string|function)", offset: "(number|string)", container: "(string|element|boolean)", fallbackPlacement: "(string|array)", boundary: "(string|element)" }, c = { AUTO: "auto", TOP: "top", RIGHT: "right", BOTTOM: "bottom", LEFT: "left" }, u = { animation: !0, template: '', trigger: "hover focus", title: "", delay: 0, html: !1, selector: !1, placement: "top", offset: 0, container: !1, fallbackPlacement: "flip", boundary: "scrollParent" }, f = "show", d = "out", _ = { HIDE: "hide" + o, HIDDEN: "hidden" + o, SHOW: "show" + o, SHOWN: "shown" + o, INSERTED: "inserted" + o, CLICK: "click" + o, FOCUSIN: "focusin" + o, FOCUSOUT: "focusout" + o, MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + o, MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + o }, g = "fade", p = "show", m = ".tooltip-inner", v = ".arrow", E = "hover", T = "focus", y = "click", C = "manual", I = function() { function a(t, e) { if ("undefined" == typeof n) throw new TypeError("Bootstrap tooltips require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org)"); this._isEnabled = !0, this._timeout = 0, this._hoverState = "", this._activeTrigger = {}, this._popper = null, this.element = t, this.config = this._getConfig(e), this.tip = null, this._setListeners() } var I = a.prototype; return I.enable = function() { this._isEnabled = !0 }, I.disable = function() { this._isEnabled = !1 }, I.toggleEnabled = function() { this._isEnabled = !this._isEnabled }, I.toggle = function(e) { if (this._isEnabled) if (e) { var n = this.constructor.DATA_KEY, i = t(e.currentTarget).data(n); i || (i = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig()), t(e.currentTarget).data(n, i)), i._activeTrigger.click = !i._activeTrigger.click, i._isWithActiveTrigger() ? i._enter(null, i) : i._leave(null, i) } else { if (t(this.getTipElement()).hasClass(p)) return void this._leave(null, this); this._enter(null, this) } }, I.dispose = function() { clearTimeout(this._timeout), t.removeData(this.element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY), t(this.element).off(this.constructor.EVENT_KEY), t(this.element).closest(".modal").off("hide.bs.modal"), this.tip && t(this.tip).remove(), this._isEnabled = null, this._timeout = null, this._hoverState = null, this._activeTrigger = null, null !== this._popper && this._popper.destroy(), this._popper = null, this.element = null, this.config = null, this.tip = null }, I.show = function() { var e = this; if ("none" === t(this.element).css("display")) throw new Error("Please use show on visible elements"); var i = t.Event(this.constructor.Event.SHOW); if (this.isWithContent() && this._isEnabled) { t(this.element).trigger(i); var s = t.contains(this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.element); if (i.isDefaultPrevented() || !s) return; var r = this.getTipElement(), o = P.getUID(this.constructor.NAME); r.setAttribute("id", o), this.element.setAttribute("aria-describedby", o), this.setContent(), this.config.animation && t(r).addClass(g); var l = "function" == typeof this.config.placement ? this.config.placement.call(this, r, this.element) : this.config.placement, h = this._getAttachment(l); this.addAttachmentClass(h); var c = !1 === this.config.container ? document.body : t(this.config.container); t(r).data(this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this), t.contains(this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.tip) || t(r).appendTo(c), t(this.element).trigger(this.constructor.Event.INSERTED), this._popper = new n(this.element, r, { placement: h, modifiers: { offset: { offset: this.config.offset }, flip: { behavior: this.config.fallbackPlacement }, arrow: { element: v }, preventOverflow: { boundariesElement: this.config.boundary } }, onCreate: function(t) { t.originalPlacement !== t.placement && e._handlePopperPlacementChange(t) }, onUpdate: function(t) { e._handlePopperPlacementChange(t) } }), t(r).addClass(p), "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && t("body").children().on("mouseover", null, t.noop); var u = function() { e.config.animation && e._fixTransition(); var n = e._hoverState; e._hoverState = null, t(e.element).trigger(e.constructor.Event.SHOWN), n === d && e._leave(null, e) }; P.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this.tip).hasClass(g) ? t(this.tip).one(P.TRANSITION_END, u).emulateTransitionEnd(a._TRANSITION_DURATION) : u() } }, I.hide = function(e) { var n = this, i = this.getTipElement(), s = t.Event(this.constructor.Event.HIDE), r = function() { n._hoverState !== f && i.parentNode && i.parentNode.removeChild(i), n._cleanTipClass(), n.element.removeAttribute("aria-describedby"), t(n.element).trigger(n.constructor.Event.HIDDEN), null !== n._popper && n._popper.destroy(), e && e() }; t(this.element).trigger(s), s.isDefaultPrevented() || (t(i).removeClass(p), "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && t("body").children().off("mouseover", null, t.noop), this._activeTrigger[y] = !1, this._activeTrigger[T] = !1, this._activeTrigger[E] = !1, P.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this.tip).hasClass(g) ? t(i).one(P.TRANSITION_END, r).emulateTransitionEnd(150) : r(), this._hoverState = "") }, I.update = function() { null !== this._popper && this._popper.scheduleUpdate() }, I.isWithContent = function() { return Boolean(this.getTitle()) }, I.addAttachmentClass = function(e) { t(this.getTipElement()).addClass("bs-tooltip-" + e) }, I.getTipElement = function() { return this.tip = this.tip || t(this.config.template)[0], this.tip }, I.setContent = function() { var e = t(this.getTipElement()); this.setElementContent(e.find(m), this.getTitle()), e.removeClass(g + " " + p) }, I.setElementContent = function(e, n) { var i = this.config.html; "object" == typeof n && (n.nodeType || n.jquery) ? i ? t(n).parent().is(e) || e.empty().append(n) : e.text(t(n).text()) : e[i ? "html" : "text"](n) }, I.getTitle = function() { var t = this.element.getAttribute("data-original-title"); return t || (t = "function" == typeof this.config.title ? this.config.title.call(this.element) : this.config.title), t }, I._getAttachment = function(t) { return c[t.toUpperCase()] }, I._setListeners = function() { var e = this; this.config.trigger.split(" ").forEach(function(n) { if ("click" === n) t(e.element).on(e.constructor.Event.CLICK, e.config.selector, function(t) { return e.toggle(t) }); else if (n !== C) { var i = n === E ? e.constructor.Event.MOUSEENTER : e.constructor.Event.FOCUSIN, s = n === E ? e.constructor.Event.MOUSELEAVE : e.constructor.Event.FOCUSOUT; t(e.element).on(i, e.config.selector, function(t) { return e._enter(t) }).on(s, e.config.selector, function(t) { return e._leave(t) }) } t(e.element).closest(".modal").on("hide.bs.modal", function() { return e.hide() }) }), this.config.selector ? this.config = r({}, this.config, { trigger: "manual", selector: "" }) : this._fixTitle() }, I._fixTitle = function() { var t = typeof this.element.getAttribute("data-original-title"); (this.element.getAttribute("title") || "string" !== t) && (this.element.setAttribute("data-original-title", this.element.getAttribute("title") || ""), this.element.setAttribute("title", "")) }, I._enter = function(e, n) { var i = this.constructor.DATA_KEY; (n = n || t(e.currentTarget).data(i)) || (n = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig()), t(e.currentTarget).data(i, n)), e && (n._activeTrigger["focusin" === e.type ? T : E] = !0), t(n.getTipElement()).hasClass(p) || n._hoverState === f ? n._hoverState = f : (clearTimeout(n._timeout), n._hoverState = f, n.config.delay && n.config.delay.show ? n._timeout = setTimeout(function() { n._hoverState === f && n.show() }, n.config.delay.show) : n.show()) }, I._leave = function(e, n) { var i = this.constructor.DATA_KEY; (n = n || t(e.currentTarget).data(i)) || (n = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig()), t(e.currentTarget).data(i, n)), e && (n._activeTrigger["focusout" === e.type ? T : E] = !1), n._isWithActiveTrigger() || (clearTimeout(n._timeout), n._hoverState = d, n.config.delay && n.config.delay.hide ? n._timeout = setTimeout(function() { n._hoverState === d && n.hide() }, n.config.delay.hide) : n.hide()) }, I._isWithActiveTrigger = function() { for (var t in this._activeTrigger) if (this._activeTrigger[t]) return !0; return !1 }, I._getConfig = function(n) { return "number" == typeof(n = r({}, this.constructor.Default, t(this.element).data(), n)).delay && (n.delay = { show: n.delay, hide: n.delay }), "number" == typeof n.title && (n.title = n.title.toString()), "number" == typeof n.content && (n.content = n.content.toString()), P.typeCheckConfig(e, n, this.constructor.DefaultType), n }, I._getDelegateConfig = function() { var t = {}; if (this.config) for (var e in this.config) this.constructor.Default[e] !== this.config[e] && (t[e] = this.config[e]); return t }, I._cleanTipClass = function() { var e = t(this.getTipElement()), n = e.attr("class").match(l); null !== n && n.length > 0 && e.removeClass(n.join("")) }, I._handlePopperPlacementChange = function(t) { this._cleanTipClass(), this.addAttachmentClass(this._getAttachment(t.placement)) }, I._fixTransition = function() { var e = this.getTipElement(), n = this.config.animation; null === e.getAttribute("x-placement") && (t(e).removeClass(g), this.config.animation = !1, this.hide(), this.show(), this.config.animation = n) }, a._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this).data(i), s = "object" == typeof e && e; if ((n || !/dispose|hide/.test(e)) && (n || (n = new a(this, s), t(this).data(i, n)), "string" == typeof e)) { if ("undefined" == typeof n[e]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + e + '"'); n[e]() } }) }, s(a, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return u } }, { key: "NAME", get: function() { return e } }, { key: "DATA_KEY", get: function() { return i } }, { key: "Event", get: function() { return _ } }, { key: "EVENT_KEY", get: function() { return o } }, { key: "DefaultType", get: function() { return h } }]), a }(); return t.fn[e] = I._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = I, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = a, I._jQueryInterface }, I }(e), x = function(t) { var e = "popover", n = "bs.popover", i = "." + n, o = t.fn[e], a = new RegExp("(^|\\s)bs-popover\\S+", "g"), l = r({}, U.Default, { placement: "right", trigger: "click", content: "", template: '' }), h = r({}, U.DefaultType, { content: "(string|element|function)" }), c = "fade", u = "show", f = ".popover-header", d = ".popover-body", _ = { HIDE: "hide" + i, HIDDEN: "hidden" + i, SHOW: "show" + i, SHOWN: "shown" + i, INSERTED: "inserted" + i, CLICK: "click" + i, FOCUSIN: "focusin" + i, FOCUSOUT: "focusout" + i, MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + i, MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + i }, g = function(r) { var o, g; function p() { return r.apply(this, arguments) || this } g = r, (o = p).prototype = Object.create(g.prototype), o.prototype.constructor = o, o.__proto__ = g; var m = p.prototype; return m.isWithContent = function() { return this.getTitle() || this._getContent() }, m.addAttachmentClass = function(e) { t(this.getTipElement()).addClass("bs-popover-" + e) }, m.getTipElement = function() { return this.tip = this.tip || t(this.config.template)[0], this.tip }, m.setContent = function() { var e = t(this.getTipElement()); this.setElementContent(e.find(f), this.getTitle()); var n = this._getContent(); "function" == typeof n && (n = n.call(this.element)), this.setElementContent(e.find(d), n), e.removeClass(c + " " + u) }, m._getContent = function() { return this.element.getAttribute("data-content") || this.config.content }, m._cleanTipClass = function() { var e = t(this.getTipElement()), n = e.attr("class").match(a); null !== n && n.length > 0 && e.removeClass(n.join("")) }, p._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var i = t(this).data(n), s = "object" == typeof e ? e : null; if ((i || !/destroy|hide/.test(e)) && (i || (i = new p(this, s), t(this).data(n, i)), "string" == typeof e)) { if ("undefined" == typeof i[e]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + e + '"'); i[e]() } }) }, s(p, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return l } }, { key: "NAME", get: function() { return e } }, { key: "DATA_KEY", get: function() { return n } }, { key: "Event", get: function() { return _ } }, { key: "EVENT_KEY", get: function() { return i } }, { key: "DefaultType", get: function() { return h } }]), p }(U); return t.fn[e] = g._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = g, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = o, g._jQueryInterface }, g }(e), K = function(t) { var e = "scrollspy", n = "bs.scrollspy", i = "." + n, o = t.fn[e], a = { offset: 10, method: "auto", target: "" }, l = { offset: "number", method: "string", target: "(string|element)" }, h = { ACTIVATE: "activate" + i, SCROLL: "scroll" + i, LOAD_DATA_API: "load" + i + ".data-api" }, c = "dropdown-item", u = "active", f = { DATA_SPY: '[data-spy="scroll"]', ACTIVE: ".active", NAV_LIST_GROUP: ".nav, .list-group", NAV_LINKS: ".nav-link", NAV_ITEMS: ".nav-item", LIST_ITEMS: ".list-group-item", DROPDOWN: ".dropdown", DROPDOWN_ITEMS: ".dropdown-item", DROPDOWN_TOGGLE: ".dropdown-toggle" }, d = "offset", _ = "position", g = function() { function o(e, n) { var i = this; this._element = e, this._scrollElement = "BODY" === e.tagName ? window : e, this._config = this._getConfig(n), this._selector = this._config.target + " " + f.NAV_LINKS + "," + this._config.target + " " + f.LIST_ITEMS + "," + this._config.target + " " + f.DROPDOWN_ITEMS, this._offsets = [], this._targets = [], this._activeTarget = null, this._scrollHeight = 0, t(this._scrollElement).on(h.SCROLL, function(t) { return i._process(t) }), this.refresh(), this._process() } var g = o.prototype; return g.refresh = function() { var e = this, n = this._scrollElement === this._scrollElement.window ? d : _, i = "auto" === this._config.method ? n : this._config.method, s = i === _ ? this._getScrollTop() : 0; this._offsets = [], this._targets = [], this._scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight(), t.makeArray(t(this._selector)).map(function(e) { var n, r = P.getSelectorFromElement(e); if (r && (n = t(r)[0]), n) { var o = n.getBoundingClientRect(); if (o.width || o.height) return [t(n)[i]().top + s, r] } return null }).filter(function(t) { return t }).sort(function(t, e) { return t[0] - e[0] }).forEach(function(t) { e._offsets.push(t[0]), e._targets.push(t[1]) }) }, g.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, n), t(this._scrollElement).off(i), this._element = null, this._scrollElement = null, this._config = null, this._selector = null, this._offsets = null, this._targets = null, this._activeTarget = null, this._scrollHeight = null }, g._getConfig = function(n) { if ("string" != typeof(n = r({}, a, n)).target) { var i = t(n.target).attr("id"); i || (i = P.getUID(e), t(n.target).attr("id", i)), n.target = "#" + i } return P.typeCheckConfig(e, n, l), n }, g._getScrollTop = function() { return this._scrollElement === window ? this._scrollElement.pageYOffset : this._scrollElement.scrollTop }, g._getScrollHeight = function() { return this._scrollElement.scrollHeight || Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight) }, g._getOffsetHeight = function() { return this._scrollElement === window ? window.innerHeight : this._scrollElement.getBoundingClientRect().height }, g._process = function() { var t = this._getScrollTop() + this._config.offset, e = this._getScrollHeight(), n = this._config.offset + e - this._getOffsetHeight(); if (this._scrollHeight !== e && this.refresh(), t >= n) { var i = this._targets[this._targets.length - 1]; this._activeTarget !== i && this._activate(i) } else { if (this._activeTarget && t < this._offsets[0] && this._offsets[0] > 0) return this._activeTarget = null, void this._clear(); for (var s = this._offsets.length; s--;) { this._activeTarget !== this._targets[s] && t >= this._offsets[s] && ("undefined" == typeof this._offsets[s + 1] || t < this._offsets[s + 1]) && this._activate(this._targets[s]) } } }, g._activate = function(e) { this._activeTarget = e, this._clear(); var n = this._selector.split(","); n = n.map(function(t) { return t + '[data-target="' + e + '"],' + t + '[href="' + e + '"]' }); var i = t(n.join(",")); i.hasClass(c) ? (i.closest(f.DROPDOWN).find(f.DROPDOWN_TOGGLE).addClass(u), i.addClass(u)) : (i.addClass(u), i.parents(f.NAV_LIST_GROUP).prev(f.NAV_LINKS + ", " + f.LIST_ITEMS).addClass(u), i.parents(f.NAV_LIST_GROUP).prev(f.NAV_ITEMS).children(f.NAV_LINKS).addClass(u)), t(this._scrollElement).trigger(h.ACTIVATE, { relatedTarget: e }) }, g._clear = function() { t(this._selector).filter(f.ACTIVE).removeClass(u) }, o._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var i = t(this).data(n); if (i || (i = new o(this, "object" == typeof e && e), t(this).data(n, i)), "string" == typeof e) { if ("undefined" == typeof i[e]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + e + '"'); i[e]() } }) }, s(o, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return a } }]), o }(); return t(window).on(h.LOAD_DATA_API, function() { for (var e = t.makeArray(t(f.DATA_SPY)), n = e.length; n--;) { var i = t(e[n]); g._jQueryInterface.call(i, i.data()) } }), t.fn[e] = g._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = g, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = o, g._jQueryInterface }, g }(e), V = function(t) { var e = "bs.tab", n = "." + e, i = t.fn.tab, r = { HIDE: "hide" + n, HIDDEN: "hidden" + n, SHOW: "show" + n, SHOWN: "shown" + n, CLICK_DATA_API: "click.bs.tab.data-api" }, o = "dropdown-menu", a = "active", l = "disabled", h = "fade", c = "show", u = ".dropdown", f = ".nav, .list-group", d = ".active", _ = "> li > .active", g = '[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"], [data-toggle="list"]', p = ".dropdown-toggle", m = "> .dropdown-menu .active", v = function() { function n(t) { this._element = t } var i = n.prototype; return i.show = function() { var e = this; if (!(this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && t(this._element).hasClass(a) || t(this._element).hasClass(l))) { var n, i, s = t(this._element).closest(f)[0], o = P.getSelectorFromElement(this._element); if (s) { var h = "UL" === s.nodeName ? _ : d; i = (i = t.makeArray(t(s).find(h)))[i.length - 1] } var c = t.Event(r.HIDE, { relatedTarget: this._element }), u = t.Event(r.SHOW, { relatedTarget: i }); if (i && t(i).trigger(c), t(this._element).trigger(u), !u.isDefaultPrevented() && !c.isDefaultPrevented()) { o && (n = t(o)[0]), this._activate(this._element, s); var g = function() { var n = t.Event(r.HIDDEN, { relatedTarget: e._element }), s = t.Event(r.SHOWN, { relatedTarget: i }); t(i).trigger(n), t(e._element).trigger(s) }; n ? this._activate(n, n.parentNode, g) : g() } } }, i.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, e), this._element = null }, i._activate = function(e, n, i) { var s = this, r = ("UL" === n.nodeName ? t(n).find(_) : t(n).children(d))[0], o = i && P.supportsTransitionEnd() && r && t(r).hasClass(h), a = function() { return s._transitionComplete(e, r, i) }; r && o ? t(r).one(P.TRANSITION_END, a).emulateTransitionEnd(150) : a() }, i._transitionComplete = function(e, n, i) { if (n) { t(n).removeClass(c + " " + a); var s = t(n.parentNode).find(m)[0]; s && t(s).removeClass(a), "tab" === n.getAttribute("role") && n.setAttribute("aria-selected", !1) } if (t(e).addClass(a), "tab" === e.getAttribute("role") && e.setAttribute("aria-selected", !0), P.reflow(e), t(e).addClass(c), e.parentNode && t(e.parentNode).hasClass(o)) { var r = t(e).closest(u)[0]; r && t(r).find(p).addClass(a), e.setAttribute("aria-expanded", !0) } i && i() }, n._jQueryInterface = function(i) { return this.each(function() { var s = t(this), r = s.data(e); if (r || (r = new n(this), s.data(e, r)), "string" == typeof i) { if ("undefined" == typeof r[i]) throw new TypeError('No method named "' + i + '"'); r[i]() } }) }, s(n, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0" } }]), n }(); return t(document).on(r.CLICK_DATA_API, g, function(e) { e.preventDefault(), v._jQueryInterface.call(t(this), "show") }), t.fn.tab = v._jQueryInterface, t.fn.tab.Constructor = v, t.fn.tab.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.tab = i, v._jQueryInterface }, v }(e); ! function(t) { if ("undefined" == typeof t) throw new TypeError("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery. jQuery must be included before Bootstrap's JavaScript."); var e = t.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split("."); if (e[0] < 2 && e[1] < 9 || 1 === e[0] && 9 === e[1] && e[2] < 1 || e[0] >= 4) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0") }(e), t.Util = P, t.Alert = L, t.Button = R, t.Carousel = j, t.Collapse = H, t.Dropdown = W, t.Modal = M, t.Popover = x, t.Scrollspy = K, t.Tab = V, t.Tooltip = U, Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }); //# sourceMappingURL=bootstrap.min.js.map