[Feature] Select all episodes #81

opened 2024-04-01 17:10:15 +00:00 by BLACK · 1 comment

It would be nice if you could select all episodes and mark them as "read".
Also about the sync feature: Does it sync the progress of an episode?

It would be nice if you could select all episodes and mark them as "read". Also about the sync feature: Does it sync the progress of an episode?


Thank you for your suggestion.
Not in my priority list, but I'll try to get the "select all" feature in the next mounths.
I'm in the process of moving out at the time and I don't have much time to code right now ^^"

For your question : Yes, it does !

Hello. Thank you for your suggestion. Not in my priority list, but I'll try to get the "select all" feature in the next mounths. I'm in the process of moving out at the time and I don't have much time to code right now ^^" For your question : Yes, it does !
Xefir closed this issue 2024-12-11 14:01:22 +00:00
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Reference: Xefir/repod#81
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