Update to latest (3.0.0) No longer saves spot #136

opened 2024-09-01 19:31:46 +00:00 by randomuser1967 · 2 comments

As post states, spot is not saved. Starting the podcast starts it from the beginning. Cleared cache, issue remains.

As post states, spot is not saved. Starting the podcast starts it from the beginning. Cleared cache, issue remains.

Thank you for your report.

That's a regression I missed, I'm sorry for that.

That will be fixed in the next version (3.1).

Thank you for your report. That's a regression I missed, I'm sorry for that. That will be fixed in the next version (3.1).
Xefir closed this issue 2024-09-02 09:04:46 +00:00

Confirmed fixed. Thank you for the insanely fast fix. Back to normal listening!

Confirmed fixed. Thank you for the insanely fast fix. Back to normal listening!
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Reference: Xefir/repod#136
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