$(function(){ $(document).ready(function () { // Player icon pause/stop var vid = document.getElementById("player"); vid.onwaiting = function () { $('#playbutton').attr("class", "buffering"); }; vid.onplaying = function () { $('#playbutton').attr("class", "pause"); }; vid.onpause = function () { $('#playbutton').attr("class", "play"); }; // Scroll event handler $(window).scroll(function(){ var station_list = $("#app-content-files"); if ( ( $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() ) == $(document).height() ) { if(!station_list.data("didfire")) { station_list.data("didfire", true); if ($('li.nav-files').hasClass('active')){ radio_query(1, ""); } else if ($('li.nav-recent').hasClass('active')) { radio_query(2, ""); } else if ($('li.nav-favorites').hasClass('active')) { console.log("todo"); } else { var query = $('#searchbox').val(); radio_query(0, query); }; var ref = station_list; setTimeout(function(){ ref.data("didfire", false); }, 500); }; }; }); }); searchTimeout = null; var scheduled; function isElementOverflowing(element) { var overflowX = element.offsetWidth < element.scrollWidth, overflowY = element.offsetHeight < element.scrollHeight; return (overflowX || overflowY); } function wrapContentsInMarquee(element) { var marquee = document.createElement('marquee'), contents = element.innerText; marquee.innerText = contents; element.innerHTML = ''; element.appendChild(marquee); } /* ============== // EVENTS // /===============*/ /* Click on a radio station (table entry) and play it */ $('body').on('click', '.filename', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var stationid = $(this).parent().attr('data-id'); var stationname = $(this).parent().find('.nametext').text(); action_play(stationid); $('#player').attr('data-id',stationid); $("#station_metadata").html("Playing: "+stationname); /* dirty fix missing background color for first td */ $('tbody tr').css("background-color", "white"); $(this).parent().css("background-color", "#f8f8f8"); var element = document.getElementById('station_metadata'); if (isElementOverflowing(element)) { wrapContentsInMarquee(element); }; if (!scheduled){ schedule_get_metadata(stationid); }; }); /* Save station to favorites */ $('body').on('click', '.favorite', function() { var stationid = $(this).parent().parent().attr('data-id'); action_favorite(stationid); }); /* Playbutton click */ $('#playbutton').click(function() { var music = document.getElementById('player'); if (music.paused && $("#player").attr("src") != "") { music.play(); } else { music.pause(); } }); /* Click on menus */ $('a.nav-icon-files').click(function() { switch_menu(0); }); $('a.nav-icon-recent').click(function() { switch_menu(1); }); $('a.nav-icon-favorites').click(function() { switch_menu(2); }); /* ============== // ACTIONS // /===============*/ function schedule_get_metadata(stationid){ scheduled = true; var stationid = $('#player').attr('data-id'); req = $.get('https://onny.project-insanity.org/getmetadata/'+stationid, function(data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty('metadata')) { var metadata = data['metadata'].toString(); if (metadata != $("#station_metadata").text()) { $("#station_metadata").html(metadata); var element = document.getElementById('station_metadata'); if (isElementOverflowing(element)) { wrapContentsInMarquee(element); }; }; setTimeout(function(){schedule_get_metadata(stationid);}, 10000); } else { scheduled = false; }; }).fail(function(){ scheduled = false; }); }; function action_favorite(stationid){ var removed = false; var stations = []; var baseUrl = OC.generateUrl('/apps/radio'); $.get(baseUrl + '/stations', function ( data ) { for (var station in data) { if (data[station]["stationid"] == stationid){ removed = true; $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + '/stations/' + data[station]["id"], method: 'DELETE' }).done(function(){ $( "tr[data-id='" + stationid + "']" ).find('.icon-stationfav').removeClass('starred'); }); }; }; if (removed == true) { return true; } else { var station = { "stationid": stationid }; $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + '/stations', method: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify(station) }).done(function(){ $( "tr[data-id='"+stationid+"']" ).find('.icon-stationfav').addClass('starred'); }); }; }); }; function action_play(stationid){ $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "https://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/v2/json/url/"+stationid, dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ var streamurl = data['url']; $("#player").attr("src", streamurl); $('#player').trigger('play'); } }); }; function render_results(data){ var baseUrl = OC.generateUrl('/apps/radio'); $.get(baseUrl + '/stations', function ( fav_stations ) { if (data.length == 0) { $('#filestable').hide(); $('#emptycontent').addClass('hidden'); $('.nofilterresults').removeClass('hidden'); $('.loading').addClass('hidden'); } else { $('#emptycontent').addClass('hidden'); $('#filestable').show(); $('.nofilterresults').addClass('hidden'); $('.loading').addClass('hidden'); }; $.each(data, function(i, station) { var isstarred = "" for (var fav_station in fav_stations) { if (fav_stations[fav_station]["stationid"] == station['id']) { isstarred = "starred"; break; } }; $('tbody').append('