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color: #fff; margin-right: -4px; } .currentChapter > .toc_toggle:before, .openChapter > .toc_toggle:before { content: '▾'; } #toc-populate.open { display: inline-block !important; background-color: #4e4e4e; } .toc-view li, .bookmarks-view li, .search-view li { margin: 1em; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; list-style: none; } .toc-view li { text-transform: capitalize; } .toc-vew.hidden { display: none; } .bookmark_link_text { float: right; font-size: 75%; margin: 1em; color: #AAA; } /* END TOC */ /* search */ .search-view, .notes-view { overflow: hidden; } .search-results { overflow-y: scroll; height: 95%; height: calc(100vh - 5em); } .search-input { padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; box-shadow: 0 1px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } .searchbox { width: 80%; float: left; margin-left: 1em; } .searchbox + span { position: relative; left: -1em; visibility: hidden; font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; cursor: pointer; } .searchbox + span:hover { color: red; } #clear_search { padding: 0; 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cursor: pointer; } /* END notes */ /* margins */ .margin-icon { float: none !important; font-size: 3em; vertical-align: middle; } /* media-specific rules */ @media only screen and (max-width: 25em) { .sidebar { min-width: 10em; width: 80%; } #main.single { width: 100% !important; } } /* END sidebar */