PDFJS.reader.TextLayerController = function() { var TextLayerBuilder = function textLayerBuilder(textLayerDiv, pageIdx) { var textLayerFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.textLayerDiv = textLayerDiv; this.layoutDone = false; this.divContentDone = false; this.pageIdx = pageIdx; this.matches = []; this.beginLayout = function textLayerBuilderBeginLayout() { this.textDivs = []; this.renderingDone = false; }; this.endLayout = function textLayerBuilderEndLayout() { this.layoutDone = true; this.insertDivContent(); }; this.renderLayer = function textLayerBuilderRenderLayer() { var textDivs = this.textDivs; var bidiTexts = this.textContent.bidiTexts; var textLayerDiv = this.textLayerDiv; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // No point in rendering so many divs as it'd make the browser unusable // even after the divs are rendered var MAX_TEXT_DIVS_TO_RENDER = 100000; if (textDivs.length > MAX_TEXT_DIVS_TO_RENDER) return; for (var i = 0, ii = textDivs.length; i < ii; i++) { var textDiv = textDivs[i]; if ('isWhitespace' in textDiv.dataset) { continue; } textLayerFrag.appendChild(textDiv); ctx.font = textDiv.style.fontSize + ' ' + textDiv.style.fontFamily; var width = ctx.measureText(textDiv.textContent).width; if (width > 0) { var textScale = textDiv.dataset.canvasWidth / width; var transform = 'scale(' + textScale + ', 1)'; if (bidiTexts[i].dir === 'ttb') { transform = 'rotate(90deg) ' + transform; } CustomStyle.setProp('transform', textDiv, transform); CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin', textDiv, '0% 0%'); textLayerDiv.appendChild(textDiv); } } this.renderingDone = true; textLayerDiv.appendChild(textLayerFrag); }; this.setupRenderLayoutTimer = function textLayerSetupRenderLayoutTimer() { // Schedule renderLayout() if user has been scrolling, otherwise // run it right away var RENDER_DELAY = 200; // in ms var self = this; //0 was originally PDFView.lastScroll if (Date.now() - 0 > RENDER_DELAY) { // Render right away this.renderLayer(); } else { // Schedule if (this.renderTimer) clearTimeout(this.renderTimer); this.renderTimer = setTimeout(function () { self.setupRenderLayoutTimer(); }, RENDER_DELAY); } }; this.appendText = function textLayerBuilderAppendText(geom) { var textDiv = document.createElement('div'); // vScale and hScale already contain the scaling to pixel units var fontHeight = geom.fontSize * Math.abs(geom.vScale); textDiv.dataset.canvasWidth = geom.canvasWidth * geom.hScale; textDiv.dataset.fontName = geom.fontName; textDiv.style.fontSize = fontHeight + 'px'; textDiv.style.fontFamily = geom.fontFamily; textDiv.style.left = geom.x + 'px'; textDiv.style.top = (geom.y - fontHeight) + 'px'; // The content of the div is set in the `setTextContent` function. this.textDivs.push(textDiv); }; this.insertDivContent = function textLayerUpdateTextContent() { // Only set the content of the divs once layout has finished, the content // for the divs is available and content is not yet set on the divs. if (!this.layoutDone || this.divContentDone || !this.textContent) return; this.divContentDone = true; var textDivs = this.textDivs; var bidiTexts = this.textContent.bidiTexts; for (var i = 0; i < bidiTexts.length; i++) { var bidiText = bidiTexts[i]; var textDiv = textDivs[i]; if (!/\S/.test(bidiText.str)) { textDiv.dataset.isWhitespace = true; continue; } textDiv.textContent = bidiText.str; // bidiText.dir may be 'ttb' for vertical texts. textDiv.dir = bidiText.dir === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; } this.setupRenderLayoutTimer(); }; this.setTextContent = function textLayerBuilderSetTextContent(textContent) { this.textContent = textContent; this.insertDivContent(); }; }; }; var CustomStyle = (function CustomStyleClosure() { // As noted on: http://www.zachstronaut.com/posts/2009/02/17/ // animate-css-transforms-firefox-webkit.html // in some versions of IE9 it is critical that ms appear in this list // before Moz var prefixes = ['ms', 'Moz', 'Webkit', 'O']; var _cache = { }; function CustomStyle() { } CustomStyle.getProp = function get(propName, element) { // check cache only when no element is given if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof _cache[propName] == 'string') { return _cache[propName]; } element = element || document.documentElement; var style = element.style, prefixed, uPropName; // test standard property first if (typeof style[propName] == 'string') { return (_cache[propName] = propName); } // capitalize uPropName = propName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propName.slice(1); // test vendor specific properties for (var i = 0, l = prefixes.length; i < l; i++) { prefixed = prefixes[i] + uPropName; if (typeof style[prefixed] == 'string') { return (_cache[propName] = prefixed); } } //if all fails then set to undefined return (_cache[propName] = 'undefined'); }; CustomStyle.setProp = function set(propName, element, str) { var prop = this.getProp(propName); if (prop != 'undefined') element.style[prop] = str; }; return CustomStyle; })();