{ "translations": { "Settings updated successfully." : "Ezarpenak ongi eguneratu dira.", "EPUB/CBZ/PDF ebook reader" : "EPUB/CBZ/PDF liburu elektroniko irakurgailua", "A multi-format browser-based ebook reader, supports EPUB and CBR/CBZ" : "Nabigatzailean oinarritutako liburu elektroniko irakurgailu formatu anitza, EPUB eta CBR/CBZ onartzen dituena", "# Reader\nReader is an ebook reader based on pure javascript renderers. It works for publications formatted according to the following standards:\n\n - [Epub]\n - [PDF]\n - [CBR and CBZ] ('comics')\n\nFor Epub Reader uses the futurepress [epub.js] renderer to provide near-native looks, especially when used full-screen. Turn pages by pressing the left/right hand side of the screen/window or using the cursor keys (if you have those), use the sidebar to browse through chapters or bookmarks and add annotations.\n\nPDF is handled by Mozilla's [pdf.js] renderer in combination with a custom reader app to enable side-by-side display, batch search and more. Controls are like those used in the Epub renderer with a few exceptions, e.g. night mode has not been implemented yet.\n\nCBR and CBZ are supported using a custom renderer inspired by [balaclark]'s work. As with Epub, books can be navigated using the keyboard as well as mouse or touch navigation. Reader generates a visual index of all pages, show in the sidebar (thumbnail generation can be disabled for low-memory and/or -speed devices). As CBx files are often of varying quality, a set of image enhancement filters are provided.\n\nSee [README] for more exhaustive information on features and potential misfeatures of this app.\n\n [epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n [Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n [CBR and CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n [balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n [PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n [pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n [README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md" : "# Irakurgailua\nIrakurgailua javascript errendatzaile soiletan oinarritzen den ebook irakurgailua da. Estandar hauen arabera formatu emandako argitalpenekin dabil:\n\n- [Epub]\n- [PDF]\n- [CBR and CBZ] ('comics')\n\nEpub-entzat Irakurgailuak futurepress [epub.js] errendatzailea erabiltzen du, ia jatorrizko itxura eman ahal izateko, batez ere pantaila osoan erabilita. Pasa orriak pantailako/lehioko ezker/eskuin aldeetan zapalduz edo kurtsore teklak erabiliz (halakorik baldin baduzu), erabili alboko barra kapituluetan edo laster-marketan zehar ibiltzeko edo gehitu oharrak.\n\nPDF-ak maneiatzeko Mozillaren [pdf.js] errendatzailea erabiltzen du eta baita pertsonalizatu den irakurgailu aplikazio bat ere, alboz alboko bistaratzea egiteko, sorta bilaketarako eta abar. Kontrolak Epub errendatzailean bezalakoak dira salbuespen gutxi batzuekin, adibidez, gaueko modua ez da inplementatu oraindik.\n\nCBR eta CBZ ere onartzen dira, [balaclark]-en lanean inspiratuta pertsonalizatu den errendatzaile baten bidez. Epub-ekin bezala, liburuetan zehar nabigatzeko teklatua, sagua edo ukimen nabigazioa erabil daitezke. Irakurgailuak orri guztien aurkibide bisual bat eraikitzen du, alboko barran bistaratua (thumbnail-ak sortzea desgaitu daiteke, memoria gutxiko edo/eta abiadura baxuko gailuentzat). CBx fitxategiek sarri kalitate aldakorra izaten dutenez, irudiak hobetzeko filtro batzuk dakartza.\n\nBegiratu [README] aplikazio honen aukerei buruz eta egon daitezkeen arazo potentzialei buruzko informazio zehatzagoa lortzeko.\n\n[epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n[Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n[CBR and CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n[balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n[PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n[pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n[README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md", "custom font" : "letra-tipo pertsonalizatua", "monospace" : "zabalera bakarrekoa", "font size" : "letra-tamaina", "font weight" : "letra-tipoaren pisua", "Use custom colors" : "Erabili kolore pertsonalizatuak", "night mode can be toggled by clicking the book title" : "gau modua liburuaren izenburuan klik eginez txandakatu daiteke", "reflow text when sidebars are open" : "doitu testua alboko barrak irekita daudenean", "disable extra-wide page turn areas" : "desgaitu orriz aldatzeko area oso zabalak", "show page turn arrows" : "erakutsi orriz aldatzeko geziak", "menu" : "menua", "Reader" : "Irakurgailua", "Select file types for which Reader should be the default viewer." : "Hautatu Irakurgailuak ze fitxategi-motentzat izan behar duen irakurgailu lehenetsia.", "Epub" : "Epub", "PDF" : "PDF", "CBR/CBZ" : "CBR/CBZ", " " : " ", "endobj" : "endobj", "startxref" : "startxref", "%PDF-" : "%PDF-" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }