diff --git a/l10n/sl.js b/l10n/sl.js index b2bf9c7..d729f81 100644 --- a/l10n/sl.js +++ b/l10n/sl.js @@ -2,8 +2,21 @@ OC.L10N.register( "epubreader", { "Settings updated successfully." : "Nastavitve so uspešno posodobljene.", + "EPUB/CBZ/PDF ebook reader" : "Bralnik datotek EPUB/CBZ/PDF", + "A multi-format browser-based ebook reader, supports EPUB and CBR/CBZ" : "Spletni bralnik elektronskih knjig s podporo za zapisa EPUB in CBR/CBZ", + "# Reader\nReader is an ebook reader based on pure javascript renderers. It works for publications formatted according to the following standards:\n\n - [Epub]\n - [PDF]\n - [CBR and CBZ] ('comics')\n\nFor Epub Reader uses the futurepress [epub.js] renderer to provide near-native looks, especially when used full-screen. Turn pages by pressing the left/right hand side of the screen/window or using the cursor keys (if you have those), use the sidebar to browse through chapters or bookmarks and add annotations.\n\nPDF is handled by Mozilla's [pdf.js] renderer in combination with a custom reader app to enable side-by-side display, batch search and more. Controls are like those used in the Epub renderer with a few exceptions, e.g. night mode has not been implemented yet.\n\nCBR and CBZ are supported using a custom renderer inspired by [balaclark]'s work. As with Epub, books can be navigated using the keyboard as well as mouse or touch navigation. Reader generates a visual index of all pages, show in the sidebar (thumbnail generation can be disabled for low-memory and/or -speed devices). As CBx files are often of varying quality, a set of image enhancement filters are provided.\n\nSee [README] for more exhaustive information on features and potential misfeatures of this app.\n\n [epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n [Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n [CBR and CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n [balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n [PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n [pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n [README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md" : "# Bralnik\nProgram Bralnik (Reader) je bralnik elektronskih knjig, ki je zasnovan na skriptnem izrisovalniku JavaScript. Podpira datoteke, ki so v skladu s standardi:\n\n- [Epub]\n- [PDF]\n- [CBR in CBZ] (»stripi«)\n\nPodpora za Epub uporablja izrisovalnik futurepress [epub.js], ki omogoča skoraj popoln prikaz, zlasti pri uporabi v celozaslonskem načinu. Strani je mogoče listati s smernima tipkama levo / desno oziroma s klikom na levi / desni rob okna. Omogočeno je tudi brskanje po poglavjih in zaznamkih, ter dodajati opombe k besedilu.\n\nPodporo za PDF omogoča Mozillin izrisovalnik [pdf.js] v kombinaciji s posebnimi prilagoditvami, ki omogočajo vzporedno postavitev, paketno iskanje in še mnogo več. Premikanje med stranmi je enako možnostim pri Epub z nekaj izjemami, npr. nočni način še ni podprt.\n\nArhiva CBR in CBZ sta podprta prek izrisovalnika, ki ga je navdihnilo delo [balaclark]. Tako kot pri Epub, je tudi po teh arhivih mogoče krmariti s tipkovnico, pa tudi z miško ali z dotikom. Bralnik ustvarja slikovno kazalo vseh strani, ki je prikazan v stranski vrstici (ustvarjanje sličic je mogoče tudi onemogočiti pri delu z napravami z malo pomnilnika in / ali šibko procesorsko močjo). Ker so datoteke CBx pogosto različne kakovosti, je na voljo tudi nabor filtrov za izboljšanje slike.\n\nZa več podrobnosti o možnostih in možnih težavah si oglejte datoteko [README].\n\n[epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n[Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n[CBR in CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n[balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n[PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n[pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n[README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md", + "custom font" : "pisava po meri", + "monospace" : "enotna širina", + "font size" : "velikost pisave", + "font weight" : "izris pisave", + "Use custom colors" : "Uporabi barve po meri", + "night mode can be toggled by clicking the book title" : "nočni način je mogoče preklopiti s klikom na naslov knjige", + "reflow text when sidebars are open" : "ponovno postavi besedilo, ko so bočne orodne vrstice odprte", + "disable extra-wide page turn areas" : "onemogoči polno-široka polja listanja strani", + "show page turn arrows" : "pokaži puščice za listanje strani", "menu" : "Meni", "Reader" : "Bralnik", + "Select file types for which Reader should be the default viewer." : "Izbor vrst datotek, ki naj bodo privzeto povezane z bralnikom.", "Epub" : "Epub", "PDF" : "PDF", "CBR/CBZ" : "CBR/CBZ" diff --git a/l10n/sl.json b/l10n/sl.json index bb96fb5..5b96ae2 100644 --- a/l10n/sl.json +++ b/l10n/sl.json @@ -1,7 +1,20 @@ { "translations": { "Settings updated successfully." : "Nastavitve so uspešno posodobljene.", + "EPUB/CBZ/PDF ebook reader" : "Bralnik datotek EPUB/CBZ/PDF", + "A multi-format browser-based ebook reader, supports EPUB and CBR/CBZ" : "Spletni bralnik elektronskih knjig s podporo za zapisa EPUB in CBR/CBZ", + "# Reader\nReader is an ebook reader based on pure javascript renderers. It works for publications formatted according to the following standards:\n\n - [Epub]\n - [PDF]\n - [CBR and CBZ] ('comics')\n\nFor Epub Reader uses the futurepress [epub.js] renderer to provide near-native looks, especially when used full-screen. Turn pages by pressing the left/right hand side of the screen/window or using the cursor keys (if you have those), use the sidebar to browse through chapters or bookmarks and add annotations.\n\nPDF is handled by Mozilla's [pdf.js] renderer in combination with a custom reader app to enable side-by-side display, batch search and more. Controls are like those used in the Epub renderer with a few exceptions, e.g. night mode has not been implemented yet.\n\nCBR and CBZ are supported using a custom renderer inspired by [balaclark]'s work. As with Epub, books can be navigated using the keyboard as well as mouse or touch navigation. Reader generates a visual index of all pages, show in the sidebar (thumbnail generation can be disabled for low-memory and/or -speed devices). As CBx files are often of varying quality, a set of image enhancement filters are provided.\n\nSee [README] for more exhaustive information on features and potential misfeatures of this app.\n\n [epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n [Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n [CBR and CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n [balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n [PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n [pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n [README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md" : "# Bralnik\nProgram Bralnik (Reader) je bralnik elektronskih knjig, ki je zasnovan na skriptnem izrisovalniku JavaScript. Podpira datoteke, ki so v skladu s standardi:\n\n- [Epub]\n- [PDF]\n- [CBR in CBZ] (»stripi«)\n\nPodpora za Epub uporablja izrisovalnik futurepress [epub.js], ki omogoča skoraj popoln prikaz, zlasti pri uporabi v celozaslonskem načinu. Strani je mogoče listati s smernima tipkama levo / desno oziroma s klikom na levi / desni rob okna. Omogočeno je tudi brskanje po poglavjih in zaznamkih, ter dodajati opombe k besedilu.\n\nPodporo za PDF omogoča Mozillin izrisovalnik [pdf.js] v kombinaciji s posebnimi prilagoditvami, ki omogočajo vzporedno postavitev, paketno iskanje in še mnogo več. Premikanje med stranmi je enako možnostim pri Epub z nekaj izjemami, npr. nočni način še ni podprt.\n\nArhiva CBR in CBZ sta podprta prek izrisovalnika, ki ga je navdihnilo delo [balaclark]. Tako kot pri Epub, je tudi po teh arhivih mogoče krmariti s tipkovnico, pa tudi z miško ali z dotikom. Bralnik ustvarja slikovno kazalo vseh strani, ki je prikazan v stranski vrstici (ustvarjanje sličic je mogoče tudi onemogočiti pri delu z napravami z malo pomnilnika in / ali šibko procesorsko močjo). Ker so datoteke CBx pogosto različne kakovosti, je na voljo tudi nabor filtrov za izboljšanje slike.\n\nZa več podrobnosti o možnostih in možnih težavah si oglejte datoteko [README].\n\n[epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n[Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n[CBR in CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n[balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n[PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n[pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n[README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md", + "custom font" : "pisava po meri", + "monospace" : "enotna širina", + "font size" : "velikost pisave", + "font weight" : "izris pisave", + "Use custom colors" : "Uporabi barve po meri", + "night mode can be toggled by clicking the book title" : "nočni način je mogoče preklopiti s klikom na naslov knjige", + "reflow text when sidebars are open" : "ponovno postavi besedilo, ko so bočne orodne vrstice odprte", + "disable extra-wide page turn areas" : "onemogoči polno-široka polja listanja strani", + "show page turn arrows" : "pokaži puščice za listanje strani", "menu" : "Meni", "Reader" : "Bralnik", + "Select file types for which Reader should be the default viewer." : "Izbor vrst datotek, ki naj bodo privzeto povezane z bralnikom.", "Epub" : "Epub", "PDF" : "PDF", "CBR/CBZ" : "CBR/CBZ"