"A multi-format browser-based ebook reader, supports EPUB and CBR/CBZ":"以瀏覽器為基礎的電子書閱讀程式,支援 EPUB 與 CBR/CBZ",
"# Reader\nReader is an ebook reader based on pure javascript renderers. It works for publications formatted according to the following standards:\n\n - [Epub]\n - [PDF]\n - [CBR and CBZ] ('comics')\n\nFor Epub Reader uses the futurepress [epub.js] renderer to provide near-native looks, especially when used full-screen. Turn pages by pressing the left/right hand side of the screen/window or using the cursor keys (if you have those), use the sidebar to browse through chapters or bookmarks and add annotations.\n\nPDF is handled by Mozilla's [pdf.js] renderer in combination with a custom reader app to enable side-by-side display, batch search and more. Controls are like those used in the Epub renderer with a few exceptions, e.g. night mode has not been implemented yet.\n\nCBR and CBZ are supported using a custom renderer inspired by [balaclark]'s work. As with Epub, books can be navigated using the keyboard as well as mouse or touch navigation. Reader generates a visual index of all pages, show in the sidebar (thumbnail generation can be disabled for low-memory and/or -speed devices). As CBx files are often of varying quality, a set of image enhancement filters are provided.\n\nSee [README] for more exhaustive information on features and potential misfeatures of this app.\n\n [epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n [Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n [CBR and CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n [balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n [PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n [pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n [README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md":"# Reader\nReader 是一套以純淨的 JavaScript 彩現程式為基礎的電子書閱讀程式。其適用於遵循以下標準的出版品:\n\n - [Epub]\n - [PDF]\n - [CBR 與 CBZ](漫畫)\n\n對於 Epub 閱讀程式來說,使用了 futurepress [epub.js] 彩現程式以提供接近原生的外觀,特別是在全螢幕模式下使用時。按下螢幕或視窗的左側或右側來翻頁,或是使用游標鍵(如果您有的話),並使用側邊欄來章節或書籤間瀏覽以及新增註釋。\n\nPDF 則使用 Mozilla 的 [pdf.js] 彩現程式結合自訂的閱讀應用程式以啟用並排顯示、批次搜尋與更多功能。控制元件則類似於在 Epub 彩現程式中使用的那樣,不過有些例外,例如夜間模式就尚未實作。\n\nCBR 與 CBZ 則是由靈感來自於 [balaclark] 作品的自訂彩現程式支援。與 Epub 相同,可以使用鍵盤與滑鼠或觸控螢幕來瀏覽書籍。閱讀程式會生成所有頁面的視覺化索引,在側邊欄中顯示(生成縮圖可在較少記憶體及/或較慢的裝置上停用)。由於 CBx 檔案的品質通常不盡相同,因此提供了一套圖片強化濾鏡。\n\n檢視 [README] 以取得有關此應用程式功能與可能不足處的更詳盡資訊。\n\n [epub.js]: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js\n [Epub]: http://idpf.org/epub\n [CBR and CBZ]: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ\n [balaclark]: https://github.com/balaclark/HTML5-Comic-Book-Reader\n [PDF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format\n [pdf.js]: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js\n [README]: https://github.com/e-alfred/epubreader/blob/master/epubreader/README.md",