# coding=utf-8 # # Most code here is copyright (c) 2010 Plex Development Team. All rights reserved. # # Better ABsolute Scanner based on default scanner code from PMS for Ubuntu # 2011-10-15 by jmjf (on Plex Forums) # # a version of the Plex Series Scanner that does a better job of dealing with absolute numbered files # and addresses the problem of series with numbers in the the name. # # Place this file in /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Scanners/Series # /var/lib/plexmediaserver is a.k.a. ~/ to the plex user # you may have to create the Series subdirectory # # This code has only been tested on Ubuntu 10.4.2 with PMS and my media collection. Use at your own risk. # That said, I expect it will work on other platforms. # # all debug messages are left in -- will only show on console -- include BABS: at beginning of line # all changes except debug messages are called out with comments begining # BABS -- # # Other modifications by Xefir Destiny # import re, os, os.path import Media, VideoFiles, Stack, Utils from mp4file import mp4file, atomsearch episode_regexps = [ '(?P.*?)[vVsS](?P[0-9]{1,2})[\._ ]*[eE](?P[0-9]+)([- ]?[Ee+](?P[0-9]+))?', # S03E04-E05 '(?P.*?)[vVsS](?P[0-9]{1,2})[\._\- ]+(?P[0-9]+)', # S03-03 '(?P.*?)([^0-9]|^)(?P[0-9]{1,2})[Xx](?P[0-9]+)(-[0-9]+[Xx](?P[0-9]+))?', # 3x03 '(.*?)(^|[\._\- ])+(?Psp)[\._ ]*(?P[0-9]{1,3})([\._\- ]|$)+', # SP01 (Special 01, equivalent to S00E01) ] # BABS -- Removed the ".602." expresion from the list above. See default scanner to recover it. date_regexps = [ '(?P[0-9]{4})[^0-9a-zA-Z]+(?P[0-9]{2})[^0-9a-zA-Z]+(?P[0-9]{2})([^0-9]|$)', # 2009-02-10 '(?P[0-9]{2})[^0-9a-zA-Z]+(?P[0-9]{2})[^0-9a-zA-Z(]+(?P[0-9]{4})([^0-9a-zA-Z]|$)', # 02-10-2009 ] standalone_episode_regexs = [ '(.*?)( \(([0-9]+)\))? - ([0-9]+)+x([0-9]+)(-[0-9]+[Xx]([0-9]+))?( - (.*))?', # Newzbin style, no _UNPACK_ '(.*?)( \(([0-9]+)\))?[Ss]([0-9]+)+[Ee]([0-9]+)(-[0-9]+[Xx]([0-9]+))?( - (.*))?' # standard s00e00 ] season_regex = '.*?(?P[0-9]{1,2})+(?![^\(\[]*[\)\]])' # folder for a season just_episode_regexs = [ '(?P[0-9]{1,3})[\. -_]*of[\. -_]*[0-9]{1,3}', # 01 of 08 '^(?P[0-9]{1,3})[^0-9]', # 01 - Foo '(^|[ \.\-_])[eé](p{0,1}|(pisode){0,1})[ \.\-_]*(?P[0-9]{1,3})([^0-9c-uw-z%]|$)', # Blah Blah ep234 '.*?[ \.\-_](?P[0-9]{2,3})[^0-9c-uw-z%]+', # Flah - 04 - Blah '.*?[ \.\-_](?P[0-9]{2,3})$', # Flah - 04 '.*?[^0-9x](?P[0-9]{2,3})$', # Flah707 '^(?P[0-9]{1,3})$', # 01 '.*?[^s](?P[0-9]{1,3}).*$', # Fallback ] # BABS -- modified "Blah Blah ep234" expression to only look for e, ep, or episode -- original scanner looked for e followed by 0 or more a-z special_episode_regex = 'special|spécial|oav|oad|ova|ncop|opening|nced|ending|trailer|promo|others|extra|film|movie|bonus' ends_with_number = '.*([0-9]{1,2})$' ends_with_episode = ['[ ]*[0-9]{1,2}x[0-9]{1,3}$', '[ ]*S[0-9]+E[0-9]+$'] # Look for episodes. def Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, language=None, root=None): print "BABS: Scan" # Scan for video files. VideoFiles.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs, root) # Take top two as show/season, but require at least the top one. paths = Utils.SplitPath(path) if len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0: print "BABS: len(paths) == 1 and len(paths[0]) == 0" # Run the select regexps we allow at the top level. for i in files: file = os.path.basename(i) print "BABS: tlrs os.path.basename, i = |", i, "| file = |", file, "|" for rx in episode_regexps: match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE) if match: print "BABS: matched episode_regexps: ", rx # Extract data. show = match.group('show') if match.groupdict().has_key('show') else '' season = match.group('season') if season.lower() == 'sp': season = 0 else: season = int(season) episode = int(match.group('ep')) endEpisode = episode if match.groupdict().has_key('secondEp') and match.group('secondEp'): endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp')) # Clean title. name, year = VideoFiles.CleanName(show) if len(name) > 0: for ep in range(episode, endEpisode+1): tv_show = Media.Episode(name, season, ep, '', year) tv_show.display_offset = (ep-episode)*100/(endEpisode-episode+1) tv_show.parts.append(i) mediaList.append(tv_show) elif len(paths) > 0 and len(paths[0]) > 0: print "BABS: len(paths) > 0 and len(paths[0]) > 0" done = False # If we're inside a Plex Versions directory, remove it and the quality directory from consideration. if 'Plex Versions' in paths and len(paths) > 2: versions_index = paths.index('Plex Versions') del paths[versions_index:versions_index + 2] # See if parent directory is a perfect match (e.g. a directory like "24 - 8x02 - Day 8_ 5_00P.M. - 6_00P.M") if len(files) == 1: for rx in standalone_episode_regexs: res = re.findall(rx, paths[-1]) if len(res): print "BABS: match on standalone_episode_regexs ", rx show, junk, year, season, episode, junk, endEpisode, junk, title = res[0] # If it didn't have a show, then grab it from the directory. if len(show) == 0: (show, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0]) else: (show, ignore) = VideoFiles.CleanName(show) print "BABS: standalone, show from directory, show = |", show, "| year = |", year, "|" episode = int(episode) if len(endEpisode) > 0: endEpisode = int(endEpisode) else: endEpisode = episode for ep in range(episode, endEpisode+1): tv_show = Media.Episode(show, season, ep, title, year) tv_show.display_offset = (ep-episode)*100/(endEpisode-episode+1) tv_show.parts.append(files[0]) mediaList.append(tv_show) done = True break if done == False: # Not a perfect standalone match, so get information from directories. (e.g. "Lost/Season 1/s0101.mkv") season = None seasonNumber = None (show, year) = VideoFiles.CleanName(paths[0]) print "BABS: not perfect match: show = |", show, "| year = |", year, "|" # Which component looks like season? if len(paths) >= 2: print "BABS: len(paths) >= 2" season = paths[len(paths)-1] match = re.match(season_regex, season, re.IGNORECASE) if match: seasonNumber = int(match.group('season')) print "BABS: matched season_regex with season = |", season, "| seasonNumber =", seasonNumber print "BABS: before ends_with_episode, show = |", show, "|" # Make sure an episode name didn't make it into the show. for rx in ends_with_episode: show = re.sub(rx, '', show) print "BABS: after ends_with_episode, show = |", show, "|" for i in files: done = False file = os.path.basename(i) print "BABS: os.path.basename, i = |", i, "| file = |", file, "|" (file, ext) = os.path.splitext(file) print "BABS: os.path.splitext, file = |", file, "| ext = |", ext, "|" if ext.lower() in ['.mp4', '.m4v', '.mov']: print "BABS: try mp4 tags" m4season = m4ep = m4year = 0 m4show = title = '' try: mp4fileTags = mp4file.Mp4File(i) # Show. try: m4show = find_data(mp4fileTags, 'moov/udta/meta/ilst/tvshow').encode('utf-8') except: pass # Season. try: m4season = int(find_data(mp4fileTags, 'moov/udta/meta/ilst/tvseason')) except: pass # Episode. m4ep = None try: # tracknum (can be 101) m4ep = int(find_data(mp4fileTags, 'moov/udta/meta/ilst/tracknum')) except: try: # tvepisodenum (can be S2E16) m4ep = find_data(mp4fileTags, 'moov/udta/meta/ilst/tvepisodenum') except: # TV Episode (can be 101) m4ep = int(find_data(mp4fileTags, 'moov/udta/meta/ilst/tvepisode')) if m4ep is not None: found = False try: # See if it matches regular expression. for rx in episode_regexps: match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE) if match: m4season = int(match.group('season')) m4ep = int(match.group('ep')) found = True if found == False and re.match('[0-9]+', str(m4ep)): # Carefully convert to episode number. m4ep = int(m4ep) % 100 elif found == False: m4ep = int(re.findall('[0-9]+', m4ep)[0]) except: pass # Title. try: title = find_data(mp4fileTags, 'moov/udta/meta/ilst/title').encode('utf-8') except: pass # Note: Dates/years embedded in episode files tend to be air or "recorded on" dates, which can # mislead the agent when doing series matching, so we will no longer pass those up as hints here. # If we have all the data we need, add it. if len(m4show) > 0 and m4season > 0 and m4ep > 0: tv_show = Media.Episode(m4show, m4season, m4ep, title, year) tv_show.parts.append(i) mediaList.append(tv_show) continue except: pass # Check for date-based regexps first. for rx in date_regexps: match = re.search(rx, file) if match: # Make sure there's not a stronger season/ep match for the same file. try: for r in episode_regexps + standalone_episode_regexs: if re.search(r, file): raise except: break print "BABS: matched date_regexps ", rx year = int(match.group('year')) month = int(match.group('month')) day = int(match.group('day')) # Use the year as the season. tv_show = Media.Episode(show, year, None, None, None) tv_show.released_at = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day) tv_show.parts.append(i) mediaList.append(tv_show) done = True break if done == False: # Take the year out, because it's not going to help at this point. cleanName, cleanYear = VideoFiles.CleanName(file) if not year and cleanYear: year = cleanYear print "BABS: after CleanName file = |", file, "| cleanName = |", cleanName, "| cleanYear = |", cleanYear, "|" if cleanYear != None: file = file.replace(str(cleanYear), 'XXXX') print "BABS: replaced year, file = |", file, "|" # Minor cleaning on the file to avoid false matches on H.264, 720p, etc. whackRx = ['([hHx][\.]?264)[^0-9]', '[^[0-9](720[pP])', '[^[0-9](1080[pP])', '[^[0-9](480[pP])'] for rx in whackRx: file = re.sub(rx, ' ', file) print "BABS: after whackRx, file = |", file, "|" for rx in episode_regexps: match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE) if match: print "BABS: matched episode_regexps ", rx # Parse season and episode. the_season = match.group('season') if the_season.lower() == 'sp': the_season = 0 else: the_season = int(the_season) episode = int(match.group('ep')) endEpisode = episode if match.groupdict().has_key('secondEp') and match.group('secondEp'): endEpisode = int(match.group('secondEp')) for ep in range(episode, endEpisode+1): tv_show = Media.Episode(show, the_season, ep, None, year) tv_show.display_offset = (ep-episode)*100/(endEpisode-episode+1) tv_show.parts.append(i) mediaList.append(tv_show) done = True break if done == False: print "BABS: dealing with episode? file = |", file, "|" # BABS -- Before we do CleanName, which will remove any dashes, etc. in filename, attempt to remove series name found in directory file = re.sub(show, 'X', file) print "BABS: before CleanName, remove show, show = |", show, "| file = |", file, "|" # OK, next let's see if we're dealing with something that looks like an episode. # Begin by cleaning the filename to remove garbage like "h.264" that could throw # things off. # (file, fileYear) = VideoFiles.CleanName(file) # if don't have a good year from before (when checking the parent folders) AND we just got a good year, use it. if not year and fileYear: year = fileYear print "BABS: episodes: CleanName: file = |", file, "| year = |", year, "|" # BABS -- And do it again, just in case the directory is off by things CleanName handles file = re.sub(show, 'X', file) print "BABS: after CleanName, remove show, show = |", show, "| file = |", file, "|" for rx in just_episode_regexs: episode_match = re.search(rx, file, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) if episode_match is not None: print "BABS: matched just_episode_regexs ", rx the_episode = int(episode_match.group('ep')) # Now look for a season. if re.search(special_episode_regex, file, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE): the_season = 0 elif seasonNumber is not None: the_season = seasonNumber else: the_season = 1 print "BABS: the_season =", the_season print "BABS: show = |", show, "| the_episode =", the_episode tv_show = Media.Episode(show, the_season, the_episode, None, year) tv_show.parts.append(i) mediaList.append(tv_show) done = True break if done == False: print "Got nothing for:", file # Stack the results. Stack.Scan(path, files, mediaList, subdirs) def find_data(atom, name): child = atomsearch.find_path(atom, name) data_atom = child.find('data') if data_atom and 'data' in data_atom.attrs: return data_atom.attrs['data'] import sys if __name__ == '__main__': print "Hello, world!" path = sys.argv[1] files = [os.path.join(path, file) for file in os.listdir(path)] media = [] Scan(path[1:], files, media, []) print "Media:", media