#!/usr/bin/env python3 from argparse import ArgumentParser from json import dump, load from pathlib import Path from subprocess import run from requests import get parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("path", nargs="?", default=Path.cwd()) args = parser.parse_args() path = Path(args.path) if not path.is_dir(): print("Invalid path") exit(1) for console in path.iterdir(): if ( console.is_dir() and Path(console / "roms").is_dir() and list(Path(console / "roms").iterdir()) ): # run has_files run(["has_files.sh", f"{console.name}/roms", console.name, "true", path]) # download metadata metadatas = get( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/emulatorjs/master/metadata/" + console.name + ".json" ).json() # load json or create empty object metafile = Path(path / "metadata" / f"{console.name}.json") if metafile.is_file(): with open(metafile, "r") as file: metas = load(file) else: metas = {} # loop over roms without hashes for rom in Path(path / "hashes" / console.name / "roms").iterdir(): if rom.is_file() and "Disc" not in rom.stem: # get rom hash with open(rom, "r") as file: hash = file.read() # skip if hash match if hash in metadatas.keys(): continue # get rom ref for id, metadata in metadatas.items(): # skip if no name if "name" not in metadata: continue rom_name = rom.stem.split(".")[0].split("(")[0].strip().lower() meta_name = metadata["name"].split("(")[0].strip().lower() if rom_name == meta_name and ( "ref" in metadata or "logo" in metadata ): ref = metadata["ref"] if "ref" in metadata else id print(f"Found {ref} for {rom.stem}") metas[hash] = {"ref": ref} break # write json with open(metafile, "w") as file: dump(metas, file)