# Lengow ## How to run To run locally, do the usual : - Create a virtualenv - Install dependencies : ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` - Clone the project - Inside virtualenv, do theses commands to create the database : ``` python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate ``` - Finally, run the server : ``` python manage.py runserver ``` - Website will be available through [http://localhost:8000/](http://localhost:8000/) ## Grab orders from the API Run this command insode virtualenv : ``` python manage.py sync ``` ## REST API The REST API is available on [http://localhost:8000/api/orders/](http://localhost:8000/api/orders/) ## TODO - Create some sub-models and their required views to support more of the XML API (like addresses, tracking or cart informations) - Be more precise on the max-length, null and blank parameters in the order's model (XML is too flexible for real databases constraints) - Enable authentication for altering actions on the REST API