import json import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta from os import environ, path from typing import Optional from disnake import Client, Guild from dotenv import load_dotenv from ics import Calendar, Event # type: ignore from ics.alarm.display import DisplayAlarm # type: ignore from quart import Quart, redirect, render_template, request, url_for import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.quart import QuartIntegration load_dotenv() QUART_DEBUG = environ.get("QUART_DEBUG", False) DISCORD_TOKEN = environ.get("DISCORD_TOKEN") if not DISCORD_TOKEN: raise Exception("Missing DISCORD_TOKEN") if QUART_DEBUG: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) SENTRY_DSN = environ.get("SENTRY_DSN") if SENTRY_DSN: sentry_sdk.init(SENTRY_DSN, integrations=[QuartIntegration()]) class Discord(Client): async def on_ready(self): print(f"Logged on as {self.user}!") client = Discord() app = Quart(__name__) def get_guild_by_id(guild_id: str) -> Optional[Guild]: if guild_id: for guild in client.guilds: if str( == guild_id or guild.vanity_url_code == guild_id: return guild return None CATALOG_CACHE = {} @app.errorhandler(500) async def errorhandler(error: Exception): print(f"\33[31m{error}\33[m") return await render_template("error.html.j2", error=str(error)), 500 @app.errorhandler(404) async def not_found(error: Exception): return await render_template("error.html.j2", error=str(error)), 404 def i18n(str: str) -> str: lang = request.accept_languages.best_match(["en", "fr"]) if lang not in CATALOG_CACHE: catalog_file = f"{path.dirname(__file__)}/translations/{lang}.json" if path.exists(catalog_file): with open(catalog_file) as catalog_json: catalog = json.load(catalog_json) CATALOG_CACHE[lang] = catalog if lang in CATALOG_CACHE and str in CATALOG_CACHE[lang]: return CATALOG_CACHE[lang][str] return str def days_before_failure(): nextYear = + 5 - (( + 5) % 5) nextDate = datetime(year=nextYear, month=6, day=3) nextDelta = nextDate - return nextDelta.days @app.context_processor def context_processor(): return dict(_=i18n, client=client, days_before_failure=days_before_failure()) @app.route("/") async def index(): guild_id = request.args.get("guild") guild = get_guild_by_id(guild_id) if guild: return False return await render_template("index.html.j2") @app.route("/.ics") async def ical(guild_id: str): guild = get_guild_by_id(guild_id) if guild is None: return redirect(url_for(".index")) calendar = Calendar() for scheduled_event in guild.scheduled_events: event = Event() = event.begin = scheduled_event.scheduled_start_time event.end = ( scheduled_event.scheduled_end_time or scheduled_event.scheduled_start_time + timedelta(hours=2) ) event.uid = str( event.description = scheduled_event.description event.url = f"{guild_id}/{}" event.location = ( scheduled_event.entity_metadata.location if scheduled_event.entity_metadata else None ) alarm = DisplayAlarm() alarm.trigger = timedelta(hours=1) event.alarms.append(alarm) return str(calendar) quart_task = client.loop.create_task(app.run_task()) quart_task.add_done_callback(lambda f: client.loop.stop())