from os import makedirs, path from typing import List from PIL import Image from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag from lxml.html import fromstring from pypub import Chapter, Epub, create_chapter_from_string # type: ignore from pypub.const import SUPPORTED_TAGS # type: ignore from requests import get UNSUPPORTED_TAGS = ["a", "h3"] OUTPUT_DIR = "output" class MyChapter(Chapter): def parse_etree(self): """generate new filtered element-tree""" etree = fromstring(self.content) # check if we can minimalize the scope body = etree.xpath(".//body") etree = body[0] if body else etree article = etree.xpath(".//article") etree = article[0] if article else etree # iterate elements in tree and delete/modify them for elem in [elem for elem in etree.iter()][1:]: if elem.tag in UNSUPPORTED_TAGS: parent = elem.getparent() parent.remove(elem) # if element tag is supported elif elem.tag in SUPPORTED_TAGS: # remove attributes not approved for specific tag for attr in elem.attrib: if attr != "style" and attr not in SUPPORTED_TAGS[elem.tag]: elem.attrib.pop(attr) # if element is not supported, append children to parent else: parent = elem.getparent() for child in elem.getchildren(): parent.append(child) parent.remove(elem) # NOTE: this is a bug with lxml, some children have # text in the parent included in the tail rather # than text attribute, so we also append tail to text if elem.tail and elem.tail.strip(): parent.text = (parent.text or "") + elem.tail.strip() # ensure all images with no src are removed for img in etree.xpath(".//img"): if "src" not in img.attrib: img.getparent().remove(img) # return new element-tree return etree def replace_images(self, image_dir: str, timeout: int = 10): try: super().replace_images(image_dir, timeout) except TimeoutError: pass for img in self.etree.xpath(".//img"): if img.attrib["src"].startswith("http"): img.getparent().remove(img) else: src = f"{path.dirname(image_dir)}/{img.attrib['src']}" image = image.thumbnail((1000, 2000)) makedirs(name=OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) cover_req = get( url="", # noqa: E501 stream=True, ) cover_image = cover_image.thumbnail((500, 1000))"{OUTPUT_DIR}/cover.png") def process_volume(epub: Epub, urls: List[str]): for url in urls: page_req = get(url) page_html = BeautifulSoup(markup=page_req.text, features="lxml") page_content = page_html.select_one("div.entry-content") page_title = page_html.select_one("h1.entry-title") if not page_content or not page_title: raise Exception("Missing title or content") title = page_title.get_text().strip() if not title: continue galleries ="div.tiled-gallery") for gallery in galleries: gallery.decompose() chapter = create_chapter_from_string( html=page_content.prettify(), title=title, factory=MyChapter, ) print(f"{epub.title} - {title}") epub.add_chapter(chapter) epub.create_epub(OUTPUT_DIR) def process_book( url: str, creator: str, publisher: str, language: str, strip_first=False ): toc_req = get(url) toc_html = BeautifulSoup(markup=toc_req.text, features="lxml") toc_content ="div.entry-content > p") toc_title = toc_html.select_one("#site-title > span > a") toc_date = toc_html.find(name="meta", property="article:modified_time") if not toc_title or type(toc_date) is not Tag: raise Exception("Missing title or date") title = toc_title.get_text().strip() if strip_first: toc_content.pop(0) for i, toc_line in enumerate(toc_content): if i % 2 == 0: volume = toc_line.get_text().strip() elif volume: epub = Epub( title=f"{title} - {volume}", creator=creator, language=language, publisher=publisher, date=toc_date["content"], cover=f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/cover.png", epub_dir=f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/{title} - {volume}", ) urls = [] for link in"a"): urls.append(link.attrs["href"]) process_volume(epub=epub, urls=urls)