const fs = require('fs') const cheerio = require('cheerio') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const epub = require('epub-gen') const books = [] if (!fs.existsSync('output')) { fs.mkdirSync('output') } const metadata = (volume) => ({ title: `The Wandering Inn - Volume ${volume}`, author: ['Pirateaba'], cover: '', output: `output/The Wandering Inn - Volume ${volume}.epub`, version: 3, lang: 'en', appendChapterTitles: true, content: [], links: [], verbose: true, description: 'A tale of a girl, an inn, and a world full of levels', }) const fetchPage = async (url) => { const response = await fetch(url) const responseHtml = await response.text() const html = cheerio.load(responseHtml) const title = html('h1.entry-title').text() const content = html('div.entry-content') content.find('a').remove() content.find('div.tiled-gallery').remove() const data = content.html() console.log(title) return { title, data, } } (async () => { const response = await fetch('') const responseHtml = await response.text() const html = cheerio.load(responseHtml) const content = html('div.entry-content > p') let volume = 0; content.each((i, el) => { if (i % 2 === 0) { volume = html(el).text().replace(/Volume /, '') books.push(metadata(volume)) } else { html('a', el).each((i, el) => { books[volume - 1].links.push(html(el).attr('href')) }) } }) book => { for (const link of book.links) { book.content.push(await fetchPage(link)) } new epub(book) }) })()