from argparse import ArgumentParser from json import load from os import path from pathlib import Path from random import randint from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from time import sleep from typing import cast from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from curl_cffi import requests from PIL import Image from pypub import ( # type: ignore Chapter, Epub, SimpleChapterFactory, factory, ) from pyxml.html import HtmlElement, fromstring # type: ignore parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-l", "--lang", choices=["fr", "en"], required=True) parser.add_argument("-v", "--volume", type=int, choices=range(1, 11), required=True) parser.add_argument("output", type=Path) args = parser.parse_args() class MyChapterFactory(SimpleChapterFactory): # type: ignore def cleanup_html(self, content: bytes) -> HtmlElement: """ cleanup html content to only include supported tags """ # check if we can minimalize the scope etree = fromstring(content) # fix and remove invalid images for img in etree.xpath(".//img"): # ensure all images with no src are removed if "src" not in img.attrib: cast(HtmlElement, img.getparent()).remove(img) # ensure they also have an alt elif "alt" not in img.attrib: img.attrib["alt"] = img.attrib["src"] # return new element-tree return etree def hydrate(self, ctx: factory.RenderCtx) -> None: """ modify chapter element-tree to render images """ ctx.timeout = 100 factory.render_images(ctx) for image in ctx.etree.xpath(".//img[@src]"): # cleanup link and resolve relative paths url = image.attrib["src"].rsplit("?", 1)[0] if "://" in url: # retrieve parent parent = cast(HtmlElement, image.getparent()) parent.remove(image) else: fpath = path.join(ctx.imagedir, url.replace("images/", "")) image = image.thumbnail((1000, 2000)) if ctx.extern_links and ctx.chapter.url: factory.externalize_links(ctx.chapter.url, ctx.etree) with open(f"{path.dirname(__file__)}/{args.lang}.json") as f: manifest = load(f) book = manifest[args.volume - 1] epub = Epub( title=book["title"], creator=book["creator"], language=args.lang, publisher="Nanamazon+", factory=MyChapterFactory(), ) for url in book["chapters"]: markup = requests.get( url, impersonate=requests.BrowserType.firefox133.value, thread=None, curl_options=None, debug=False, ) etree = BeautifulSoup(markup.text, "html.parser") title = etree.select_one("h1.entry-title").text # type: ignore content ="div.entry-content p") print(f"Chapter {title}...") chapter = Chapter(title, "") for elem in content: if elem.a: continue chapter.content += elem.prettify() epub.add_chapter(chapter) timeout = randint(1, 29) print(f"Wait {timeout} seconds...") sleep(timeout) with NamedTemporaryFile() as cover: response = requests.get(book["cover"], thread=None, curl_options=None, debug=False) cover.write(response.content) epub.cover = epub.create(args.output)