/* Skin name: Default Description: A sleek Royal Blue theme Author: Gene53 Author url: http://cartpauj.com Mingle Forum url: http://cartpauj.com/projects/mingle-forum-plugin Version: 1.3 */ #wpf-wrapper{ line-height: normal; color: #000; /*background-color: white; ENABLE THIS IF YOU'RE HAVING TROUBLE SEEING MENU FONTS*/ } #wpf-wrapper th h4{ font-weight: bold; color: #FFF; } #wpf-wrapper table, #wpf-wrapper div, #wpf-wrapper h2, #wpf-wrapper h3, #wpf-wrapper h4, #wpf-wrapper form{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } #wpf-wrapper small{ color: #333; } .wpf-table a, .wpf-post-table a, #wpf-wrapper p a, #wpf-wrapper span a, #wpf-wrapper a{ color: #084d8f; text-decoration: none; } #wp-mainmenu a{ color: #333; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .wpf-table a:hover, .wpf-post-table a:hover, #wpf-wrapper a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } #wpf-wrapper th a { color: #fff; } #wpf-wrapper th { color: #fff; } #wpf-wrapper th.wpf-bright { color: #000; } table.search td{ border: none; } table.search{ background: #ecedf3; 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