2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
< ? php
class mingleforumadmin {
var $admin_tabs = array ();
var $cur_tab = " " ;
function delete_usergroups (){
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'delete_usergroups' ])){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$delete_usrgrp = $_POST [ 'delete_usrgrp' ];
$count = count ( $delete_usrgrp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i ++ ){
if ( is_numeric ( $delete_usrgrp [ $i ])) {
$wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . " forum_usergroups WHERE id = { $delete_usrgrp [ $i ] } " );
$wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . " forum_usergroup2user WHERE `group` = { $delete_usrgrp [ $i ] } " );
return true ;
return false ;
function add_usergroup (){
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ]) && $_GET [ 'do' ] == " addusergroup " && ! isset ( $_POST [ 'add_usergroup' ])){
include ( " wpf-add-usergroup.php " );
return false ;
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$name = isset ( $_POST [ 'group_name' ]) ? $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'group_name' ]) : " " ;
$desc = isset ( $_POST [ 'group_description' ]) ? $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'group_description' ]) : " " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_usergroup' ])){
if ( $_POST [ 'group_name' ] == null || $_POST [ 'group_name' ] == " " )
return __ ( " You must specify a user group name. " , " mingleforum " );
else if ( $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT id FROM " . $table_prefix . " forum_usergroups WHERE name = ' $name ' " ))
return __ ( " You have choosen a name that already exists in the database, please specify another " , " mingleforum " );
$wpdb -> query ( " INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . " forum_usergroups (name, description) VALUES(' $name ', ' $desc ') " );
return __ ( " User Group successfully added. " , " mingleforum " );
return false ;
function add_user_togroup (){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix , $mingleforum ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ]) && $_GET [ 'do' ] == " add_user_togroup " && ! isset ( $_POST [ 'add_user_togroup' ])){
include ( " wpf-addusers.php " );
return false ;
$warnings = 0 ;
$errors = 0 ;
$added = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_user_togroup' ])){
$users = explode ( " , " , $_POST [ 'togroupusers' ]);
if ( $_POST [ 'togroupusers' ] == " " ){
return __ ( " You haven't specified any user to add: " , " mingleforum " );
$group = ( is_numeric ( $_POST [ 'usergroup' ])) ? $_POST [ 'usergroup' ] : " add_user_null " ;
if ( $group == " add_user_null " )
return __ ( " You must choose a user group " , " mingleforum " );
foreach ( $users as $user ){
if ( $user ){
trim ( $user );
$id = username_exists ( $user );
if ( ! $id ){
$user = htmlentities ( $user , ENT_QUOTES );
$msg = " <strong> " . __ ( " Error " , " mingleforum " ) . " - </strong> " . __ ( " No such user: " , " mingleforum " ) . " \" { $user } \" <br /> " ;
++ $errors ;
elseif ( $mingleforum -> is_user_ingroup ( $id , $group )){
$user = htmlentities ( $user , ENT_QUOTES );
$msg = " <strong> " . __ ( " Warning " , " mingleforum " ) . " - </strong> " . __ ( " User " , " mingleforum " ) . " \" { $user } \" " . __ ( " is already in this group " , " mingleforum " ) . " <br /> " ;
++ $warnings ;
else {
$user = htmlentities ( $user , ENT_QUOTES );
$msg = __ ( " User " , " mingleforum " ) . " \" { $user } \" " . __ ( " added successfully " , " mingleforum " ) . " <br /> " ;
$sql = " INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . " forum_usergroup2user (user_id, `group`) VALUES(' $id ', ' $group ') " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $sql );
++ $added ;
__ ( " Errors: " , " mingleforum " ) . " $errors ,
" .__( " Warnings : " , " mingleforum " ). " $warnings ,
" .__( " Users added : " , " mingleforum " ). " $added
< br />-------------------------------< br /> $msg " ;
return false ;
function usergroups (){
global $wpdb , $mingleforum , $table_prefix ;
echo " <div class='wrap'> " ;
if ( $this -> delete_usergroups ())
echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __ ( 'User Group(s) successfully deleted.' , 'mingleforum' ) . '</p></div>' ;
if ( $msg = $this -> add_usergroup ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
if ( $msg = $this -> add_user_togroup ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ]) && $_GET [ 'do' ] == " removemember " && is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'memberid' ]) && is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'groupid' ])){
$wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . " forum_usergroup2user WHERE user_id = { $_GET [ 'memberid' ] } AND `group` = { $_GET [ 'groupid' ] } " );
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> " . __ ( " Member successfully removed. " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ]) && $_GET [ 'do' ] == " edit_usergroup " ){
include ( " wpf-usergroup-edit.php " );
$image = WPFURL . " images/user.png " ;
echo " <h2><img src=' $image ' alt='' /> " . __ ( " Mingle Forum >> Manage User Groups " , " mingleforum " ) . " <a class='button' href='admin.php?page=mfgroups&mingleforum_action=usergroups&do=addusergroup'> " . __ ( " add new " , " mingleforum " ) . " </a></h2> " ;
$usergroups = $mingleforum -> get_usergroups ();
if ( $usergroups ){
echo " <form method='post' name='delete_usergroups_form' action='admin.php?page=mfgroups&mingleforum_action=usergroups'> " ;
echo " <div class='tablenav'>
< div class = 'alignleft' >
< input type = 'submit' name = 'delete_usergroups' class = 'button-secondary delete' value = '".__("Delete", "mingleforum")."' />
</ div >
< br class = 'clear' />
</ div >
< br class = 'clear' /> " ;
foreach ( $usergroups as $usergroup ){
echo " <table class='widefat'>
< thead >
< tr >
< th class = 'check-column' >< input type = 'checkbox' value = '$usergroup->id' name = 'delete_usrgrp[]' /></ th >
< th >< a href = 'admin.php?page=mfgroups&mingleforum_action=usergroups&do=edit_usergroup&usergroup_id=$usergroup->id' > " .stripslashes( $usergroup->name ). " </ a ></ th >
< th > " .stripslashes( $usergroup->description ). " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead > " ;
$members = $mingleforum -> get_members ( $usergroup -> id );
if ( $members ){
echo " <tr>
< td colspan = '3' >
< table class = 'wpf-wide' >
< tr >
< th > " .__( " Members " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
< th > Name </ th >
< th > Info </ th >
</ tr > " ;
foreach ( $members as $member ){
$user = get_userdata ( $member -> user_id );
echo " <tr><td> " . $user -> user_login . " <a href='admin.php?page=mfgroups&mingleforum_action=usergroups&do=removemember&memberid= $member->user_id &groupid= $usergroup->id '> ( " . __ ( " Remove " , " mingleforum " ) . " )</a></td>
< td > " .get_user_meta( $member->user_id , " first_name " , true). " " .get_user_meta( $member->user_id , " last_name " , true). " </ td >
< td >< a href = '".ADMIN_PROFILE_URL."$member->user_id' > " .__( " View profile " , " mingleforum " ). " </ a ></ td >
</ tr > " ;
echo " <tr>
< td colspan = '3' align = 'right' >< a href = 'admin.php?page=mfgroups&mingleforum_action=usergroups&do=add_user_togroup' > " .__( " Add members " , " mingleforum " ). " </ a ></ td >
</ tr ></ table >
</ td ></ tr > " ;
else {
echo " <tr><td colspan='3'> " . __ ( " No members in this group " , " mingleforum " ) . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td align='right' colspan='3'><a href='admin.php?page=mfgroups&mingleforum_action=usergroups&do=add_user_togroup'> " . __ ( " Add members " , " mingleforum " ) . " </a></td></tr> " ;
echo " </table><br class='clear' /><br /> " ;
echo " </form> " ;
echo " </div> " ;
function activate_skin (){
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'action' ]) && $_GET [ 'action' ] == " activateskin " ){
$op = get_option ( 'mingleforum_options' );
$options = array ( 'wp_posts_to_forum' => $op [ 'wp_posts_to_forum' ],
'forum_posts_per_page' => $op [ 'forum_posts_per_page' ],
'forum_threads_per_page' => $op [ 'forum_threads_per_page' ],
'forum_require_registration' => $op [ 'forum_require_registration' ],
'forum_show_login_form' => $op [ 'forum_show_login_form' ],
'forum_date_format' => $op [ 'forum_date_format' ],
'forum_use_gravatar' => $op [ 'forum_use_gravatar' ],
'forum_show_bio' => $op [ 'forum_show_bio' ],
'forum_skin' => $_GET [ 'skin' ],
'forum_use_rss' => $op [ 'forum_use_rss' ],
'forum_use_seo_friendly_urls' => $op [ 'forum_use_seo_friendly_urls' ],
'forum_allow_image_uploads' => $op [ 'forum_allow_image_uploads' ],
'notify_admin_on_new_posts' => $op [ 'notify_admin_on_new_posts' ],
'set_sort' => $op [ 'set_sort' ],
'forum_use_spam' => $op [ 'forum_use_spam' ],
'forum_use_bbcode' => $op [ 'forum_use_bbcode' ],
'forum_captcha' => $op [ 'forum_captcha' ],
'hot_topic' => $op [ 'hot_topic' ],
'veryhot_topic' => $op [ 'veryhot_topic' ],
'forum_display_name' => $op [ 'forum_display_name' ],
'level_one' => $op [ 'level_one' ],
'level_two' => $op [ 'level_two' ],
'level_three' => $op [ 'level_three' ],
'level_newb_name' => $op [ 'level_newb_name' ],
'level_one_name' => $op [ 'level_one_name' ],
'level_two_name' => $op [ 'level_two_name' ],
'level_three_name' => $op [ 'level_three_name' ],
'forum_db_version' => $op [ 'forum_db_version' ],
'forum_disabled_cats' => $op [ 'forum_disabled_cats' ],
'allow_user_replies_locked_cats' => $op [ 'allow_user_replies_locked_cats' ],
'forum_posting_time_limit' => $op [ 'forum_posting_time_limit' ],
'forum_hide_branding' => $op [ 'forum_hide_branding' ],
'forum_last_posts' => $op [ 'forum_last_posts' ]
update_option ( 'mingleforum_options' , $options );
return true ;
return false ;
function skins (){
$class = " " ;
// Find all skins within directory
// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
if ( $this -> activate_skin ())
echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __ ( 'Skin successfully activated.' , 'mingleforum' ) . '</p></div>' ;
$op = get_option ( 'mingleforum_options' );
if ( is_dir ( SKINDIR )) {
if ( $dh = opendir ( SKINDIR )) {
$image = WPFURL . " images/logomain.png " ;
echo " <div class='wrap'><h2><img src=' $image ' alt='' /> " . __ ( " Mingle Forum >> Skin options " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2><br class='clear' />
< h3 >< a style = 'color:blue;' href = 'http://cartpauj.icomnow.com/forum/?mingleforumaction=viewforum&f=5.0' > " .__( " Get More Skins " , " mingleforum " ). " </ a ></ h3 >
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
< table class = 'widefat' >
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
< thead >
< tr >
< th > " .__( " Screenshot " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
< th > " .__( " Name " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
< th > " .__( " Version " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
< th > " .__( " Description " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
< th > " .__( " Action " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead > " ;
while (( $file = readdir ( $dh )) !== false ) {
if ( filetype ( SKINDIR . $file ) == " dir " && $file != " .. " && $file != " . " && substr ( $file , 0 , 1 ) != " . " ){
$p = file_get_contents ( SKINDIR . $file . " /style.css " );
$class = ( $class == " alternate " ) ? " " : " alternate " ;
echo " <tr class=' $class '>
< td > " . $this->get_skinscreenshot ( $file ). " </ td >
< td > " . $this->get_skinmeta ('Name', $p ). " </ td >
< td > " . $this->get_skinmeta ('Version', $p ). " </ td >
< td > " . $this->get_skinmeta ('Description', $p ). " </ td > " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_skin' ] == $file )
echo " <td> " . __ ( " In Use " , " mingleforum " ) . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <td><a href='admin.php?page=mfskins&mingleforum_action=skins&action=activateskin&skin= $file '> " . __ ( " Activate " , " mingleforum " ) . " </a></td></tr> " ;
echo " </table></div> " ;
// PNG | JPG | GIF | only
function get_skinscreenshot ( $file ){
$exts = array ( " png " , " jpg " , " gif " );
foreach ( $exts as $ext ){
if ( file_exists ( SKINDIR . " $file /screenshot. $ext " )){
$image = SKINURL . " $file /screenshot. $ext " ;
return " <a href=' $image '><img src=' $image ' width='100' height='100'></a> " ;
return " <img src=' " . NO_SKIN_SCREENSHOT_URL . " ' width='100' height='100'> " ;
function get_skinmeta ( $field , $data ){
$match = '' ;
if ( preg_match ( " | $field :(.*)|i " , $data , $match )) {
$match = $match [ 1 ];
return $match ;
function about (){
$image = WPFURL . " images/logomain.png " ;
echo " <div class='wrap'>
< h2 >< img src = '$image' alt = '' /> " .__( " About Mingle Forum " , " mingleforum " ). " </ h2 >
< table class = 'widefat' > < thead >
< tr >
< th > " .__( " Current Version : " , " mingleforum " ). " < strong > " . $this->get_version (). " </ strong ></ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >< tr class = 'alternate' >< td style = 'padding: 20px' >
< p >< strong > " .__( " Mingle Forum has one simple mission ; to 'KEEP IT SIMPLE!' It was taken over from WP Forum and has been improved upon GREATLY . It now fully supports integration with or without the Mingle plugin ( by Blair Williams ) . Also I want to give a big thanks to Eric Hamby for his previous work on the forum script . " , " mingleforum " ). " </ strong ></ p >
< ul >
< li >< h3 > " .__( " Author : " , " mingleforum " ). " < a href = 'http://cartpauj.com' > Cartpauj </ a ></ h3 ></ li >
< strong > " .__( " Plugin Page : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ strong > < a class = 'button' href = 'http://cartpauj.com/projects/mingle-forum-plugin' > Mingle Forum </ a >< br />< br />
< strong > " .__( " Support Forum : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ strong > < a class = 'button' href = 'http://cartpauj.icomnow.com/forum' > Support Forum </ a >< br />< br />
< strong > " .__( " Mingle Forum Skins : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ strong > < a class = 'button' href = 'http://cartpauj.icomnow.com/forum/?mingleforumaction=viewforum&f=5.0' > Get More Skins </ a >
</ ul >
</ td ></ tr >
</ table >
</ div > " ;
function get_usercount (){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
return $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT count(*) from " . $table_prefix . " users " );
function get_dbsize (){
global $wpdb ;
$size = '' ;
$res = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SHOW TABLE STATUS " );
foreach ( $res as $r )
$size += $r -> Data_length + $r -> Index_length ;
return $this -> formatfilesize ( $size );
function formatfilesize ( $data ) {
// bytes
if ( $data < 1024 ) {
return $data . " bytes " ;
// kilobytes
else if ( $data < 1024000 ) {
return round ( ( $data / 1024 ), 1 ) . " k " ;
// megabytes
else {
return round ( ( $data / 1024000 ), 1 ) . " MB " ;
function get_version (){
$plugin_data = implode ( '' , file ( ABSPATH . " wp-content/plugins/ " . WPFPLUGIN . " /wpf-main.php " ));
$version = '' ;
if ( preg_match ( " |Version:(.*)|i " , $plugin_data , $version )) {
$version = $version [ 1 ];
return $version ;
function options (){
if ( $this -> option_save ())
echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __ ( 'Options successfully saved.' , 'mingleforum' ) . '</p></div>' ;
global $mingleforum ;
$op = get_option ( 'mingleforum_options' );
$image = WPFURL . " images/chart.png " ;
echo ' < div class = " wrap " >
< h2 >< img src = " '. $image .' " alt = " " /> '.__("Mingle Forum", "mingleforum").' </ h2 >< br class = " clear " />
< table class = " widefat " >
< thead >
< tr >
< th scope = " col " > '.__("Statistic", "mingleforum").' </ th >
< th scope = " col " > '.__("Value", "mingleforum").' </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tr class = " alternate " >
< td > '.__("Number of posts:", "mingleforum").' </ td >
< td > '.$mingleforum->num_posts_total().' </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > '.__("Number of threads:", "mingleforum").' </ td >
< td > '.$mingleforum->num_threads_total().' </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " alternate " >
< td > '.__("Number of users:", "mingleforum").' </ td >
< td > '.$this->get_usercount().' </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > '.__("Total database size:", "mingleforum").' </ td >
< td > '.$this->get_dbsize().' </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = " alternate " >
< td > '.__("Database server:", "mingleforum").' </ td >
< td > '.mysql_get_server_info().' </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > '.__("Mingle Forum version:", "mingleforum").' </ td >
< td > '.$this->get_version().' </ td >
</ tr >
</ table > ' ;
$image = WPFURL . " images/logomain.png " ;
echo '<h2><img src="' . $image . '" alt="" />' . __ ( " Mingle Forum >> General Options " , " mingleforum " ) . '</h2>' ;
echo '<form id="mingleforum_option_form" name="mingleforum_option_form" method="post" action="">' ;
if ( function_exists ( 'wp_nonce_field' ))
wp_nonce_field ( 'mingleforum-manage_option' );
$defStr = __ ( " default " , " mingleforum " );
echo " <table class='widefat'>
< thead >
< tr >
< th > " .__( " Option Name " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
< th > " .__( " Option Input " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Integrate WordPress Posts with Forum : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'wp_posts_to_forum' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'wp_posts_to_forum' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'Off' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Posts per page : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'forum_posts_per_page' value = '".$op[' forum_posts_per_page ']."' /> ( $defStr = 10 ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Threads per page : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'forum_threads_per_page' value = '".$op[' forum_threads_per_page ']."' /> ( $defStr = 20 ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Number of posts for Hot Topic : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'hot_topic' value = '".$op[' hot_topic ']."' /> ( $defStr = 15 ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Number of posts for Very Hot Topic : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'veryhot_topic' value = '".$op[' veryhot_topic ']."' /> ( $defStr = 25 ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Username Display : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >
< select name = 'forum_display_name' > " ;
$display_names = array ( 'user_login' , 'nickname' , 'display_name' , 'first_name' , 'last_name' );
foreach ( $display_names as $name )
if ( $name == $op [ 'forum_display_name' ])
echo " <option value=' " . $name . " ' selected='selected'> " . $name . " </option> " ;
echo " <option value=' " . $name . " '> " . $name . " </option> " ;
echo " </select> ( $defStr = user_login)
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " New User ' s Title : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'level_newb_name' value = '".$op[' level_newb_name ']."' /> ( $defStr = " .__('Newbie', 'mingleforum'). " ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " User Level 1 Title : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'level_one_name' value = '".$op[' level_one_name ']."' /> ( $defStr = " .__('Beginner', 'mingleforum'). " ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " User Level 1 Count : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'level_one' value = '".$op[' level_one ']."' /> ( $defStr = " .__('25', 'mingleforum'). " ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " User Level 2 Title : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'level_two_name' value = '".$op[' level_two_name ']."' /> ( $defStr = " .__('Advanced', 'mingleforum'). " ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " User Level 2 Count : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'level_two' value = '".$op[' level_two ']."' /> ( $defStr = " .__('50', 'mingleforum'). " ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " User Level 3 Title : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'level_three_name' value = '".$op[' level_three_name ']."' /> ( $defStr = " .__('Pro', 'mingleforum'). " ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " User Level 3 Count : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'level_three' value = '".$op[' level_three ']."' /> ( $defStr = " .__('100', 'mingleforum'). " ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Notify Admin on new posts : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'notify_admin_on_new_posts' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'notify_admin_on_new_posts' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'Off' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Show Forum Login Form : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_show_login_form' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_show_login_form' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'On' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Show Avatars in the forum : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_use_gravatar' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_use_gravatar' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'On' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Allow Images to be uploaded : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_allow_image_uploads' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_allow_image_uploads' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'Off' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Show users Signature at the bottom of posts : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_show_bio' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_show_bio' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'On' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Use Forum RSS : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_use_rss' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_use_rss' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'On' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Use SEO friendly URLs : " , " mingleforum " ). " < br />< small > " .__( " IMPORTANT : Leave this option off if your permalinks are set to 'default' " , " mingleforum " ). " </ small ></ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_use_seo_friendly_urls' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_use_seo_friendly_urls' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'Off' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td>
</ tr >
< tr class = 'alternate' >
< td > " .__( " Registration required to post : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_require_registration' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_require_registration' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'On' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td></tr> " ;
if ( function_exists ( " gd_info " )){
$gd = gd_info ();
$status = " " ;
$lib = " <br /><strong> " . __ ( " Installed version: " , " mingleforum " ) . " { $gd [ 'GD Version' ] } </strong> " ;
else {
$status = " disabled " ;
$lib = " <br /><strong> " . __ ( " GD Library is not installed " , " mingleforum " ) . " </strong> " ;
echo " <tr class='alternate'>
< td > " .__( " Use Captcha for unregistered users : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_captcha' value = 'true' $status " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_captcha' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( " . __ ( " Requires " , " mingleforum " ) . " <a href='http://www.libgd.org/Main_Page'>GD</a> library - " . __ ( " If you have 'Registration required to post' above enabled, leave this off " , " mingleforum " ) . " ) $lib </td>
</ tr > " ;
echo " <tr class='alternate'>
< td valign = 'top' > " .__( " Date format : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'forum_date_format' value = '".$op[' forum_date_format ']."' /> < p > " .__( " Default date : " , " mingleforum " ). " \ " F j, Y, H:i \" . <br /> " . __ ( " Check " , " mingleforum " ) . " <a href='http://www.php.net'>http://www.php.net</a> " . __ ( " for date formatting. " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></td>
</ tr > " ;
echo " <tr class='alternate'>
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
< td valign = 'top' > "
. __ ( " Closed Categories (Admin posting only): " , " mingleforum " ) . " <br/><small> " . __ ( " Comma separated list of Category ID's (Ex: 1, 2, 3) " , " mingleforum " ) . " </small></td>
< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'forum_disabled_cats' value = '".implode(",", $op[' forum_disabled_cats '])."' /></ td >
</ tr >< tr class = 'alternate' >
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
< td > " .__( " Users can reply in locked categories " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
< td >
< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'allow_user_replies_locked_cats' value = 'true' " ;
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
if ( $op [ 'allow_user_replies_locked_cats' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'Off' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )
</ td >
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
</ tr > " ;
echo " <tr class='alternate'>
< td valign = 'top' > " .__( " Time limit between posting : " , " mingleforum " ). " < br />< small > " .__( " Prevent lots of SPAM by making users wait a time period between posts . " , " mingleforum " ). " </ small ></ td >< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'forum_posting_time_limit' value = '".stripslashes($op[' forum_posting_time_limit '])."' /> " .__('seconds', 'mingleforum'). " </ td >
</ tr > " ;
echo " <tr class='alternate'>
< td valign = 'top' > " .__( " Number of last posts on home : " , " mingleforum " ). " < br />< small > " .__( " 0 to disable " , " mingleforum " ). " </ small ></ td >< td >< input type = 'text' name = 'forum_last_posts' value = '".stripslashes($op[' forum_last_posts '])."' /></ td >
</ tr > " ;
echo " <tr class='alternate'>
< td > " .__( " Disable Branding : " , " mingleforum " ). " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'forum_hide_branding' value = 'true' " ;
if ( $op [ 'forum_hide_branding' ] == 'true' )
echo " checked='checked' " ;
echo " /> ( $defStr = " . __ ( 'Off' , 'mingleforum' ) . " )</td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr class='alternate'>
< td colspan = '2' >
< span style = 'float:left' >< input class = 'button' type = 'submit' name = 'mingleforum_option_save' value = '". __("Save options", ' mingleforum ')."' /></ span >
< span class = 'button' style = 'float:right' >< a href = 'http://cartpauj.com' target = '_blank' > cartpauj . com </ a ></ span >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form > " ;
function option_save (){
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'mingleforum_option_save' ])) {
$op = get_option ( 'mingleforum_options' );
global $wpdb ;
$options = array ( 'wp_posts_to_forum' => $_POST [ 'wp_posts_to_forum' ],
'forum_posts_per_page' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'forum_posts_per_page' ]),
'forum_threads_per_page' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'forum_threads_per_page' ]),
'forum_require_registration' => $_POST [ 'forum_require_registration' ],
'forum_show_login_form' => $_POST [ 'forum_show_login_form' ],
'forum_date_format' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'forum_date_format' ]),
'forum_use_gravatar' => $_POST [ 'forum_use_gravatar' ],
'forum_show_bio' => $_POST [ 'forum_show_bio' ],
'forum_skin' => $op [ 'forum_skin' ],
'forum_use_rss' => $_POST [ 'forum_use_rss' ],
'forum_use_seo_friendly_urls' => $_POST [ 'forum_use_seo_friendly_urls' ],
'forum_allow_image_uploads' => $_POST [ 'forum_allow_image_uploads' ],
'notify_admin_on_new_posts' => $_POST [ 'notify_admin_on_new_posts' ],
'set_sort' => $op [ 'set_sort' ],
'forum_use_spam' => $_POST [ 'forum_use_spam' ],
'forum_use_bbcode' => $_POST [ 'forum_use_bbcode' ],
'forum_captcha' => $_POST [ 'forum_captcha' ],
'hot_topic' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'hot_topic' ]),
'veryhot_topic' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'veryhot_topic' ]),
'forum_display_name' => $_POST [ 'forum_display_name' ],
'level_one' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'level_one' ]),
'level_two' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'level_two' ]),
'level_three' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'level_three' ]),
'level_newb_name' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'level_newb_name' ]),
'level_one_name' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'level_one_name' ]),
'level_two_name' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'level_two_name' ]),
'level_three_name' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'level_three_name' ]),
'forum_db_version' => $op [ 'forum_db_version' ],
'forum_disabled_cats' => explode ( " , " , $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'forum_disabled_cats' ])),
'allow_user_replies_locked_cats' => $_POST [ 'allow_user_replies_locked_cats' ],
'forum_posting_time_limit' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'forum_posting_time_limit' ]),
'forum_hide_branding' => $_POST [ 'forum_hide_branding' ],
'forum_last_posts' => $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'forum_last_posts' ])
update_option ( 'mingleforum_options' , $options );
return true ;
return false ;
function delete_forum_group (){
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'delete_forum_groups' ])){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$msg = " " ;
$table_forums = $table_prefix . " forum_forums " ;
$table_threads = $table_prefix . " forum_threads " ;
$table_posts = $table_prefix . " forum_posts " ;
$thread_count = 0 ;
$post_count = 0 ;
$forum_count = 0 ;
$groups = $_POST [ 'delete_groups' ];
$group_num = count ( $groups );
// Delete marked groups
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $group_num ; $i ++ ){
// Get all forums
$forumsb = $wpdb -> get_results ( " select id from $table_forums where parent_id = { $groups [ $i ] } " );
// Loop trough the forums
foreach ( $forumsb as $forum ){
// Get all threads
$threads = $wpdb -> get_results ( " select id from $table_threads where parent_id = $forum->id " );
// Delete threads
$thread_count += $wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM $table_threads WHERE parent_id = $forum->id " );
// Loop through the threads
foreach ( $threads as $thread ){
// Delete posts
$post_count += $wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM $table_posts WHERE parent_id = $thread->id " );
// Delete forums
$forum_count += $wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM $table_forums WHERE parent_id = { $groups [ $i ] } " );
// Delete the group
$forum_count += $wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM $table_forums WHERE id = { $groups [ $i ] } " );
$msg .= __ ( " Forums deleted: " , " mingleforum " ) . " " . $forum_count . " <br/> "
. __ ( " Threads deleted: " , " mingleforum " ) . " " . $thread_count . " <br/> "
. __ ( " Posts deleted: " , " mingleforum " ) . " " . $post_count . " <br/> " ;
return $msg ;
return false ;
function edit_forum_group (){
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ]) && $_GET [ 'do' ] == " editgroup " ){
include ( " wpf-edit-forum-group.php " );
function add_group (){
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_group_submit' ])){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$add_group_description = $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'add_group_description' ]);
$add_group_name = $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'add_group_name' ]);
if ( $add_group_name == " " )
return __ ( " You must enter a name " , " mingleforum " );
if ( $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT id FROM " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums WHERE name = ' $add_group_name ' " ))
return __ ( " You have choosen a name that already exists in the database, please specify another " , " mingleforum " );
$max = $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT MAX(sort) from " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums " ) + 1 ;
$wpdb -> query ( " INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums (name, description, sort)
VALUES ( '$add_group_name' , '$add_group_description' , '$max' ) " );
return __ ( " Category added successfully " , " mingleforum " );
return false ;
function add_forum (){
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_forum_submit' ])){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$add_forum_description = $wpdb -> escape ( strip_tags ( $_POST [ 'add_forum_description' ]));
$add_forum_name = $wpdb -> escape ( strip_tags ( $_POST [ 'add_forum_name' ]));
$add_forum_group_id = $wpdb -> escape ( $_POST [ 'add_forum_group_id' ]);
if ( $_POST [ 'add_forum_group_id' ] == " add_forum_null " )
return __ ( " You must select a category " , " mingleforum " );
if ( $_POST [ 'add_forum_name' ] == " " )
return __ ( " You must enter a name " , " mingleforum " );
if ( $wpdb -> get_var ( " select id from " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums where name = ' $add_forum_name ' and parent_id = $add_forum_group_id " ))
return __ ( " You have choosen a forum name that already exists in this group, please specify another " , " mingleforum " );
$max = $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT MAX(sort) from " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums WHERE parent_id = $add_forum_group_id " ) + 1 ;
$wpdb -> query ( " INSERT INTO " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums (name, description, parent_id, sort)
VALUES ( '$add_forum_name' , '$add_forum_description' , '$add_forum_group_id' , '$max' ) " );
return __ ( " Forum added successfully " , " mingleforum " );
return false ;
function subforums ( $forumid , $level = 0 ) {
global $mingleforum ;
$forums = $mingleforum -> get_forums ( $forumid );
if ( $forums ){
foreach ( $forums as $forum ){
$up_link = " admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=forum_up&id= $forum->id " ;
$down_link = " admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=forum_down&id= $forum->id " ;
$edit_link = " admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=editgroup&groupid= $forum->id " ;
$sub_link = " admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=addforum&groupid= $forum->id " ;
echo " <tr>
< th class = 'check-column' >< input type = 'checkbox' value = '$forum->id' name = 'delete_groups[]' /></ th >
< td > " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $level ; $i ++ ) {
echo " -- " ;
echo " -- " . stripslashes ( $forum -> name ) . " </td>
< th nowrap >< a href = '$up_link' >& #x2191;</a> | <a href='$down_link'>↓</a></th>
< td > " .stripslashes( $forum->description ). " </ td >
< td >< a href = '$edit_link' > " .__( " Modify " , " mingleforum " ). " </ a > | < a href = '$sub_link' > " .__( " Add forum " , " mingleforum " ). " </ a ></ td >
</ tr > " ;
$this -> subforums ( $forum -> id , ++ $level );
$level = 0 ;
} // foreach($forums as $forum)
} // if($forums)
function structure (){
global $mingleforum ;
if ( $msg = $this -> delete_forum_group ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
if ( $msg = $this -> move_up_down ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
if ( $msg = $this -> add_group ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
if ( $msg = $this -> add_forum ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ]) && $_GET [ 'do' ] == " addforum " )
include ( 'wpf-add-forum.php' );
// Check if group/forum update is nessesrary
$image = WPFURL . " images/table.png " ;
$this -> edit_forum_group ();
echo " <div class='wrap'> " ;
echo " <h2><img src=' $image ' alt='' /> " . __ ( " Mingle Forum >> Categories and Forums " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$groups = $mingleforum -> get_forums ();
echo " <a href='admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=addforum' class='button'> " . __ ( " add new " , " mingleforum " ) . " </a> " ;
echo " <form method='post' name='delete_forum_groups_form' action='admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure'> " ;
foreach ( $groups as $group ){
$up_link = " admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=group_up&id= $group->id " ;
$down_link = " admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=group_down&id= $group->id " ;
$edit_link = " admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=editgroup&groupid= $group->id " ;
echo " <table class='widefat'> " ;
echo " <thead><tr>
< th class = 'check-column' >< input type = 'checkbox' value = '$group->id' name = 'delete_groups[]' /></ th >
< th > " .stripslashes( $group->name ). " < a href = '$edit_link' > " .__( " Modify " , " mingleforum " ). " </ a ></ th >
< th nowrap >< a href = '$up_link' >& #x2191;</a> | <a href='$down_link'>↓</a></th>
< th ></ th >
< th ></ th >
</ tr ></ thead > " ;
$this -> subforums ( $group -> id );
echo " <tr>
< td colspan = '2' align = 'left' >< input type = 'submit' name = 'delete_forum_groups' class = 'button-secondary delete' value = '".__("Delete", "mingleforum")."' /></ td >
< td colspan = '3' align = 'right' >< a href = 'admin.php?page=mfstructure&mingleforum_action=structure&do=addforum&groupid=$group->id' > " .__( " Add forum " , " mingleforum " ). " </ a ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >< br class = 'clear' /> " ;
} // foreach($groups as $group)
echo " </form></div> " ;
function move_up_down (){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$msg = " " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ], $_GET [ 'id' ]) && is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'id' ])){
switch ( $_GET [ 'do' ]){
case " group_down " :
$ginfo = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " , ARRAY_A );
$above = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE sort < ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' ORDER BY sort DESC " , ARRAY_A );
if ( $above [ 'id' ] > 0 ){
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $above [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " );
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . $above [ 'id' ] . " ' " );
$msg = __ ( " Group Moved Down " , " mingleforum " );
break ;
case " forum_down " :
$ginfo = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " , ARRAY_A );
$above = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE parent_id = ' " . $ginfo [ 'parent_id' ] . " ' && sort < ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' ORDER BY sort DESC " , ARRAY_A );
if ( $above [ 'id' ] > 0 ){
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $above [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " );
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . $above [ 'id' ] . " ' " );
$msg = __ ( " Forum Moved Down " , " mingleforum " );
break ;
case " group_up " :
$ginfo = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " , ARRAY_A );
$above = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE sort > ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' ORDER BY sort ASC " , ARRAY_A );
if ( $above [ 'id' ] > 0 ){
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $above [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " );
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . $above [ 'id' ] . " ' " );
$msg = __ ( " Group Moved Up " , " mingleforum " );
break ;
case " forum_up " :
$ginfo = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " , ARRAY_A );
$above = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM { $table_prefix } forum_forums WHERE parent_id = ' " . $ginfo [ 'parent_id' ] . " ' && sort > ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' ORDER BY sort ASC " , ARRAY_A );
if ( $above [ 'id' ] > 0 ){
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $above [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . ( $_GET [ 'id' ] * 1 ) . " ' " );
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE { $table_prefix } forum_forums SET sort = ' " . $ginfo [ 'sort' ] . " ' WHERE id = ' " . $above [ 'id' ] . " ' " );
$msg = __ ( " Forum Moved Up " , " mingleforum " );
break ;
return $msg ;
return false ;
function update_usergroups ( $new_groups , $group_id ){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$new_groups = maybe_serialize ( $new_groups );
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums SET usergroups = ' $new_groups ' WHERE id = $group_id " );
function update_usercanpost ( $new_groups , $group_id ){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$new_groups = maybe_serialize ( $new_groups );
$wpdb -> query ( " UPDATE " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums SET usercanpost = ' $new_groups ' WHERE id = $group_id " );
function get_usersgroups_with_access_to_group ( $groupid ){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$string = $wpdb -> get_var ( " select usergroups from " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums where id = $groupid " );
return maybe_unserialize ( $string );
function get_usersgroups_with_access_to_post ( $groupid ){
global $wpdb , $table_prefix ;
$string = $wpdb -> get_var ( " select usercanpost from " . $table_prefix . " forum_forums where id = $groupid " );
return maybe_unserialize ( $string );
function edit_moderator (){
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'update_mod' ])){
$forums = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'mod_forum_id' ])) ? $_POST [ 'mod_forum_id' ] : array ();
$forums = maybe_unserialize ( $forums );
$global = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'mod_global' ])) ? true : false ;
$user_id = $_POST [ 'update_mod_user_id' ];
if ( $global ){
update_user_meta ( $user_id , " wpf_moderator " , " mod_global " );
update_user_meta ( $user_id , " wpf_moderator " , $forums );
if ( empty ( $forums ))
return __ ( 'Moderator successfully removed.' , 'mingleforum' );
return __ ( 'Moderator successfully saved.' , 'mingleforum' );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'delete_mod' ])){
$user_id = $_POST [ 'update_mod_user_id' ];
if ( delete_user_meta ( $user_id , " wpf_moderator " ))
return __ ( 'Moderator successfully removed.' , 'mingleforum' );
return __ ( 'Moderator NOT removed.' , 'mingleforum' );
return false ;
function add_moderator (){
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_mod_submit' ])){
$user_id = $_POST [ 'addmod_user_id' ];
$forums = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'mod_forum_id' ])) ? $_POST [ 'mod_forum_id' ] : array ();
$forums = maybe_unserialize ( $forums );
$global = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'mod_global' ])) ? true : false ;
if ( $user_id == " add_mod_null " )
return __ ( " You must select a user " , " mingleforum " );
if ( $global ){
update_user_meta ( $user_id , " wpf_moderator " , " mod_global " );
return __ ( " Global Moderator added successfully " , " mingleforum " );
update_user_meta ( $user_id , " wpf_moderator " , $forums );
return __ ( " Moderator added successfully " , " mingleforum " );
return false ;
function moderators (){
global $mingleforum ;
$groups = $mingleforum -> get_forums ();
if ( $msg = $this -> edit_moderator ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
if ( $msg = $this -> add_moderator ())
echo " <div id='message' class='updated fade'><p> $msg </p></div> " ;
echo " <div class='wrap'> " ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'do' ]) && $_GET [ 'do' ] == " add_moderator " ){
include ( 'wpf-moderator.php' );
$mods = $mingleforum -> get_moderators ();
$image = WPFURL . " images/user.png " ;
echo " <h2><img src=' $image ' alt='' /> " . __ ( " Mingle Forum >> Manage Moderators " , " mingleforum " ) . " <a class='button' href='admin.php?page=mfmods&mingleforum_action=moderators&do=add_moderator'>( " . __ ( " add new " , " mingleforum " ) . " )</a></h2> " ;
if ( $mods ){
foreach ( $mods as $mod ){
echo " <form name='update_mod_form- $mod->user_id ' action='admin.php?page=mfmods&mingleforum_action=moderators' method='post'>
< table class = 'widefat' ' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > $mod -> user_login </ th >
< th > " .__( " Currently moderating " , " mingleforum " ). " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tr >
< td >< input type = 'submit' name = 'update_mod' value = '".__("Update", "mingleforum")."' />< br />
< input type = 'submit' name = 'delete_mod' value = '".__("Remove", "mingleforum")."' />
</ td >
< td > " ;
if ( get_user_meta ( $mod -> user_id , " wpf_moderator " , true ) == " mod_global " )
$global_checked = " checked='checked' " ;
$global_checked = " " ;
echo " <p class='wpf-alignright'
>< input type = 'checkbox' onclick = 'invertAll(this, this.form, \"mod_forum_id\");' name = 'mod_global' id = 'mod_global' $global_checked value = 'mod_global' /> < strong > " .__( " Global moderator : ( User can moderate all forums ) " , " mingleforum " ). " </ strong ></ p > " ;
foreach ( $groups as $group ){
$forums = $mingleforum -> get_forums ( $group -> id );
echo " <p class='wpf-bordertop'><strong> " . stripslashes ( $group -> name ) . " </strong></p> " ;
foreach ( $forums as $forum ){
if ( $mingleforum -> is_moderator ( $mod -> user_id , $forum -> id ))
$checked = " checked='checked' " ;
$checked = " " ;
echo " <p class='wpf-indent'><input type='checkbox' onclick='uncheckglobal(this, this.form);' $checked name='mod_forum_id[]' id='mod_forum_id' value=' $forum->id ' /> $forum->name </p>
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'update_mod_user_id' value = '$mod->user_id' /> " ;
echo " </td>
</ tr >
</ form ></ table >< br class = 'clear' /> " ;
echo " <p> " . __ ( " No moderators yet " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p> " ;
echo " </div> " ;
function convert_moderators (){
global $wpdb ;
if ( ! get_option ( 'wpf_mod_option_vers' )){
$mods = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT user_id, user_login, meta_value FROM $wpdb->usermeta
INNER JOIN $wpdb -> users ON $wpdb -> usermeta . user_id = $wpdb -> users . ID WHERE meta_key = 'moderator' AND meta_value <> '' " );
foreach ( $mods as $mod ){
$string = explode ( " , " , substr_replace ( $mod -> meta_value , " " , 0 , 1 ));
update_user_meta ( $mod -> user_id , 'wpf_moderator' , maybe_serialize ( $string ));
update_option ( 'wpf_mod_option_vers' , '2' );
else echo " Moderators updated " ;
function ads (){
global $mingleforum ;
$image = WPFURL . " images/logomain.png " ;
if ( $this -> save_mf_ads ())
< div id = 'message' class = 'updated fade' >< p >< ? php echo __ ( " Ads saved successfully " , " mingleforum " ); ?> </p></div>
< ? php
< div class = " wrap " >
< h2 >< img src = " <?php echo $image ; ?> " alt = " " />< ? php echo __ ( " Mingle Forum Ads >> options " , " mingleforum " ); ?> </h2>
< form method = " post " action = " " >
< h4 >< ? php echo __ ( 'HTML is allowed in all ad areas below' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </h4>
< table class = " widefat " >
< thead >
< tr >
< th width = " 100% " >< ? php echo __ ( 'Ads Option' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </th>
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " mf_ad_above_forum_on " value = " true " < ? php if ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_forum_on' ]){ echo 'checked="checked"' ;} ?> />
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Enable Area Above Forum' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_above_forum_text " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_forum' ]) ?> </textarea><br/>
< small >< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'css-value:' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong> div.mf-ad-above-forum</small>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " mf_ad_below_forum_on " value = " true " < ? php if ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_below_forum_on' ]){ echo 'checked="checked"' ;} ?> />
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Enable Area Below Forum' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_below_forum_text " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_below_forum' ]) ?> </textarea><br/>
< small >< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'css-value:' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong> div.mf-ad-below-forum</small>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " mf_ad_above_branding_on " value = " true " < ? php if ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_branding_on' ]){ echo 'checked="checked"' ;} ?> />
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Enable Area Above Branding' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_above_branding_text " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_branding' ]) ?> </textarea><br/>
< small >< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'css-value:' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong> div.mf-ad-above-branding</small>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " mf_ad_above_info_center_on " value = " true " < ? php if ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_info_center_on' ]){ echo 'checked="checked"' ;} ?> />
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Enable Area Above Info Center' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_above_info_center_text " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_info_center' ]) ?> </textarea><br/>
< small >< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'css-value:' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong> div.mf-ad-above-info-center</small>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs_on " value = " true " < ? php if ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs_on' ]){ echo 'checked="checked"' ;} ?> />
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Enable Area Above Breadcrumbs' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs_text " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs' ]) ?> </textarea><br/>
< small >< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'css-value:' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong> div.mf-ad-above-breadcrumbs</small>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " mf_ad_above_quick_reply_on " value = " true " < ? php if ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_quick_reply_on' ]){ echo 'checked="checked"' ;} ?> />
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Enable Area Above Quick Reply Form' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_above_quick_reply_text " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_above_quick_reply' ]) ?> </textarea><br/>
< small >< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'css-value:' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong> div.mf-ad-above-quick-reply</small>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " mf_ad_below_first_post_on " value = " true " < ? php if ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_below_first_post_on' ]){ echo 'checked="checked"' ;} ?> />
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Enable Area Below First Post' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_below_first_post_text " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_below_first_post' ]) ?> </textarea><br/>
< small >< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'css-value:' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong> div.mf-ad-below-first-post</small>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< strong >< ? php echo __ ( 'Below you can modify/add your own CSS' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </strong><br/>
< small >< ? php echo __ ( 'NOTE: If you do not know what this is for, leave it blank' , 'mingleforum' ); ?> </small><br/>
< textarea name = " mf_ad_custom_css " rows = " 10 " cols = " 60 " >< ? php echo stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> ads_options [ 'mf_ad_custom_css' ]) ?> </textarea>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< span >
< input class = " button " type = " submit " name = " mf_ads_admin_save " value = " <?php echo __('Save Options', 'mingleforum'); ?> " />
</ span >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ form >
</ div >
< ? php
function save_mf_ads () {
global $mingleforum ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'mf_ads_admin_save' ]))
$mingleforum -> ads_options = array ( 'mf_ad_above_forum_on' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_forum_on' ],
'mf_ad_above_forum' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_forum_text' ],
'mf_ad_below_forum_on' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_below_forum_on' ],
'mf_ad_below_forum' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_below_forum_text' ],
'mf_ad_above_branding_on' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_branding_on' ],
'mf_ad_above_branding' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_branding_text' ],
'mf_ad_above_info_center_on' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_info_center_on' ],
'mf_ad_above_info_center' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_info_center_text' ],
'mf_ad_above_quick_reply_on' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_quick_reply_on' ],
'mf_ad_above_quick_reply' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_quick_reply_text' ],
'mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs_on' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs_on' ],
'mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_above_breadcrumbs_text' ],
'mf_ad_below_first_post_on' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_below_first_post_on' ],
'mf_ad_below_first_post' => $_POST [ 'mf_ad_below_first_post_text' ],
'mf_ad_custom_css' => strip_tags ( $_POST [ 'mf_ad_custom_css' ])
update_option ( 'mingleforum_ads_options' , $mingleforum -> ads_options );
return true ;
return false ;
} // End class