2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
< ? php
global $wpdb , $mingleforum , $user_ID ;
$error = false ;
$root = dirname ( dirname ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ))));
require_once ( $root . '/wp-load.php' );
$add_topic_plink = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_topic_plink' ])) ? $_POST [ 'add_topic_plink' ] : '' ;
$mingleforum -> setup_linksdk ( $add_topic_plink );
$options = get_option ( " mingleforum_options " );
//Checking if current categories have been disabled to admin posting only
$the_forum_id = false ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_topic_forumid' ]) && ! empty ( $_POST [ 'add_topic_forumid' ]))
$the_forum_id = $mingleforum -> check_parms ( $_POST [ 'add_topic_forumid' ]);
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_post_forumid' ]) && ! empty ( $_POST [ 'add_post_forumid' ])) {
$the_thread_id = $mingleforum -> check_parms ( $_POST [ 'add_post_forumid' ]);
$the_forum_id = $wpdb -> get_var ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT `parent_id` FROM { $mingleforum -> t_threads } WHERE `id` = %d " , $the_thread_id ));
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'thread_id' ]) && ! empty ( $_POST [ 'thread_id' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'edit_post_submit' ])) {
$the_thread_id = $mingleforum -> check_parms ( $_POST [ 'thread_id' ]);
$the_forum_id = $wpdb -> get_var ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT `parent_id` FROM { $mingleforum -> t_threads } WHERE `id` = %d " , $the_thread_id ));
if ( is_numeric ( $the_forum_id ))
$the_cat_id = $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT `parent_id` FROM { $mingleforum -> t_forums } WHERE `id` = { $the_forum_id } " );
if ( in_array ( $the_cat_id , $options [ 'forum_disabled_cats' ]) && ! is_super_admin ( $user_ID ) && ! $mingleforum -> is_moderator ( $user_ID , $the_forum_id ) && ! $mingleforum -> options [ 'allow_user_replies_locked_cats' ])
wp_die ( __ ( " Oops only Administrators can post in this Forum! " , " mingleforum " ));
//End Check
//Spam time interval check
if ( ! is_super_admin () && ! $mingleforum -> is_moderator ( $user_ID , $the_forum_id ))
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
//We're going to not set a user ID here, I know unconventional, but it's an easy way to account for guests.
$spam_meta_key = " mingle_forum_last_post_time_ " . ip_to_string ();
$last_post_time = $wpdb -> get_var ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT `meta_value` FROM { $wpdb -> usermeta } WHERE `meta_key` = %s " , $spam_meta_key ));
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
if (( time () - ( int ) $last_post_time ) < stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> options [ 'forum_posting_time_limit' ]))
wp_die ( __ ( 'To help prevent spam, we require that you wait' , 'mingleforum' ) . ' ' . ceil ((( int )( stripslashes ( $mingleforum -> options [ 'forum_posting_time_limit' ])) / 60 )) . ' ' . __ ( 'minutes before posting again. Please use your browsers back button to return.' , 'mingleforum' ));
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
if ( $last_post_time !== null )
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " UPDATE { $wpdb -> usermeta } SET `meta_value` = %d WHERE `meta_key` = %s " , time (), $spam_meta_key ));
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO { $wpdb -> usermeta } (`meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (%s, %d) " , $spam_meta_key , time ()));
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
function ip_to_string ()
return preg_replace ( " /[^0-9]/ " , " _ " , $_SERVER [ " REMOTE_ADDR " ]);
//End Spam time interval check
function mf_u_key ()
$pref = " " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i ++ )
$d = rand ( 0 , 1 );
$pref .= $d ? chr ( rand ( 97 , 122 )) : chr ( rand ( 48 , 57 ));
return $pref . " - " ;
function MFAttachImage ( $temp , $name )
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir ();
$path = $upload_dir [ 'path' ] . " / " ;
$url = $upload_dir [ 'url' ] . " / " ;
$u = mf_u_key ();
$name = sanitize_file_name ( $name );
if ( ! empty ( $name ))
move_uploaded_file ( $temp , $path . $u . $name );
return " \n [img] " . $url . $u . $name . " [/img] " ;
function MFGetExt ( $str )
$i = strrpos ( $str , " . " );
if ( ! $i ) { return " " ; }
$l = strlen ( $str ) - $i ;
$ext = substr ( $str , $i + 1 , $l );
return $ext ;
function mf_check_uploaded_images ()
$valid = array ( 'im1' => true , 'im2' => true , 'im3' => true );
if ( ! empty ( $_FILES )) {
if ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " error " ] > 0 && ! empty ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " name " ]))
$valid [ 'im1' ] = false ;
if ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " error " ] > 0 && ! empty ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " name " ]))
$valid [ 'im2' ] = false ;
if ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " error " ] > 0 && ! empty ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " name " ]))
$valid [ 'im3' ] = false ;
if ( ! empty ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " name " ]))
$ext = strtolower ( MFGetExt ( stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " name " ])));
if ( $ext != " jpg " && $ext != " jpeg " && $ext != " bmp " && $ext != " png " && $ext != " gif " )
$valid [ 'im1' ] = false ;
$valid [ 'im1' ] = false ;
if ( ! empty ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " name " ]))
$ext = strtolower ( MFGetExt ( stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " name " ])));
if ( $ext != " jpg " && $ext != " jpeg " && $ext != " bmp " && $ext != " png " && $ext != " gif " )
$valid [ 'im2' ] = false ;
$valid [ 'im2' ] = false ;
if ( ! empty ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " name " ]))
$ext = strtolower ( MFGetExt ( stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " name " ])));
if ( $ext != " jpg " && $ext != " jpeg " && $ext != " bmp " && $ext != " png " && $ext != " gif " )
$valid [ 'im2' ] = false ;
$valid [ 'im3' ] = false ;
return $valid ;
//--weaver-- check if guest filled in form
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'edit_post_submit' ])) {
$errormsg = apply_filters ( 'wpwf_check_guestinfo' , " " );
if ( $errormsg != " " ) {
$error = true ;
wp_die ( $errormsg ); //plugin failed
//--weaver-- end guest form check
if ( $options [ 'forum_captcha' ] == true && ! $user_ID ){
include_once ( WPFPATH . " captcha/shared.php " );
$wpf_code = wpf_str_decrypt ( $_POST [ 'wpf_security_check' ]);
if (( $wpf_code == $_POST [ 'wpf_security_code' ]) && ( ! empty ( $wpf_code ))) {
//It passed
else {
$error = true ;
$msg = __ ( " Security code does not match " , " mingleforum " );
wp_die ( $msg );
$cur_user_ID = apply_filters ( 'wpwf_change_userid' , $user_ID ); // --weaver-- use real id or generated guest ID
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_topic_submit' ])) {
$myReplaceSub = array ( " \\ " );
$subject = str_replace ( $myReplaceSub , " " , $mingleforum -> input_filter ( $_POST [ 'add_topic_subject' ]));
$content = $mingleforum -> input_filter ( $_POST [ 'message' ]);
$forum_id = $mingleforum -> check_parms ( $_POST [ 'add_topic_forumid' ]);
$group_id = $mingleforum -> forum_get_group_id ( $forum_id );
$msg = '' ;
if ( $subject == " " ) {
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$msg .= ( " <div id='error'><p> " . __ ( " You must enter a subject " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " );
$error = true ;
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
elseif ( $content == " " ) {
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$msg .= ( " <div id='error'><p> " . __ ( " You must enter a message " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " );
$error = true ;
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
elseif ( ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $forum_id ) || ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $forum_id , 'post' ) || ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $group_id ) || ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $group_id , 'post' )) {
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$error = true ;
else {
$date = $mingleforum -> wpf_current_time_fixed ( 'mysql' , 0 );
$sql_thread = " INSERT INTO { $mingleforum -> t_threads }
( last_post , subject , parent_id , `date` , status , starter )
( % s , % s , % d , % s , 'open' , % d ) " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( $sql_thread , $date , $subject , $forum_id , $date , $cur_user_ID ));
$id = $wpdb -> insert_id ;
$images = mf_check_uploaded_images ();
if ( $images [ 'im1' ] || $images [ 'im2' ] || $images [ 'im3' ])
if ( $images [ 'im1' ])
$content .= MFAttachImage ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " tmp_name " ], stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " name " ]));
if ( $images [ 'im2' ])
$content .= MFAttachImage ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " tmp_name " ], stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " name " ]));
if ( $images [ 'im3' ])
$content .= MFAttachImage ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " tmp_name " ], stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " name " ]));
$sql_post = " INSERT INTO { $mingleforum -> t_posts }
( text , parent_id , `date` , author_id , subject )
( % s , % d , % s , % d , % s ) " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( $sql_post , $content , $id , $date , $cur_user_ID , $subject ));
$new_post_id = $wpdb -> insert_id ;
if ( ! $error ){
$mingleforum -> notify_forum_subscribers ( $id , $subject , $content , $date , $forum_id );
$mingleforum -> notify_admins ( $id , $subject , $content , $date );
$unused = apply_filters ( 'wpwf_add_guest_sub' , $id ); //--weaver-- Maybe add a subscription
header ( " Location: " . html_entity_decode ( $mingleforum -> get_threadlink ( $id ) . " #postid- " . $new_post_id )); exit ;
wp_die ( $msg );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_post_submit' ])){
$myReplaceSub = array ( " \\ " );
$subject = str_replace ( $myReplaceSub , " " , $mingleforum -> input_filter ( $_POST [ 'add_post_subject' ]));
$content = $mingleforum -> input_filter ( $_POST [ 'message' ]);
$thread = $mingleforum -> check_parms ( $_POST [ 'add_post_forumid' ]);
$forum_id = $mingleforum -> forum_get_forum_from_post ( $thread );
$group_id = $mingleforum -> forum_get_group_from_post ( $thread );
$msg = '' ;
if ( $subject == " " ){
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$msg .= ( " <div id='error'><p> " . __ ( " You must enter a subject " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " );
$error = true ;
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
elseif ( $content == " " ){
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$msg .= ( " <div id='error'><p> " . __ ( " You must enter a message " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " );
$error = true ;
2013-08-20 16:51:23 +02:00
elseif ( ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $forum_id ) || ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $forum_id , 'post' ) || ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $group_id ) || ! $mingleforum -> have_access ( $group_id , 'post' )) {
2013-08-20 13:00:42 +02:00
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$error = true ;
else {
$date = $mingleforum -> wpf_current_time_fixed ( 'mysql' , 0 );
$images = mf_check_uploaded_images ();
if ( $images [ 'im1' ] || $images [ 'im2' ] || $images [ 'im3' ])
if ( $images [ 'im1' ])
$content .= MFAttachImage ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " tmp_name " ], stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage1 " ][ " name " ]));
if ( $images [ 'im2' ])
$content .= MFAttachImage ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " tmp_name " ], stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage2 " ][ " name " ]));
if ( $images [ 'im3' ])
$content .= MFAttachImage ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " tmp_name " ], stripslashes ( $_FILES [ " mfimage3 " ][ " name " ]));
$sql_post = " INSERT INTO { $mingleforum -> t_posts }
( text , parent_id , `date` , author_id , subject )
VALUES ( % s , % d , % s , % d , % s ) " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( $sql_post , $content , $thread , $date , $cur_user_ID , $subject ));
$new_id = $wpdb -> insert_id ;
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " UPDATE { $mingleforum -> t_threads } SET last_post = %s WHERE id = %d " , $date , $thread ));
if ( ! $error ){
$mingleforum -> notify_thread_subscribers ( $thread , $subject , $content , $date );
$mingleforum -> notify_admins ( $thread , $subject , $content , $date );
$unused = apply_filters ( 'wpwf_add_guest_sub' , $thread ); //--weaver-- Maybe add a subscription
header ( " Location: " . html_entity_decode ( $mingleforum -> get_paged_threadlink ( $thread ) . " #postid- " . $new_id )); exit ;
wp_die ( $msg );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'edit_post_submit' ])) {
$myReplaceSub = array ( " \\ " );
$subject = str_replace ( $myReplaceSub , " " , $mingleforum -> input_filter ( $_POST [ 'edit_post_subject' ]));
$content = $mingleforum -> input_filter ( $_POST [ 'message' ]);
$thread = $mingleforum -> check_parms ( $_POST [ 'thread_id' ]);
$edit_post_id = $_POST [ 'edit_post_id' ];
$msg = '' ;
if ( $subject == " " ) {
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$msg .= ( " <div id='error'><p> " . __ ( " You must enter a subject " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " );
$error = true ;
if ( $content == " " ) {
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$msg .= ( " <div id='error'><p> " . __ ( " You must enter a message " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " );
$error = true ;
//Major security check here, prevents hackers from editing the entire forums posts
if ( ! is_super_admin ( $user_ID ) && $user_ID != $mingleforum -> get_post_owner ( $edit_post_id ) && ! $mingleforum -> is_moderator ( $user_ID , $the_forum_id )) {
$msg .= " <h2> " . __ ( " An error occured " , " mingleforum " ) . " </h2> " ;
$msg .= ( " <div id='error'><p> " . __ ( " You do not have permission to edit this post! " , " mingleforum " ) . " </p></div> " );
$error = true ;
if ( $error )
wp_die ( $msg );
$sql = ( " UPDATE { $mingleforum -> t_posts } SET text = %s, subject = %s WHERE id = %d " );
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( $sql , $content , $subject , $edit_post_id ));
$ret = $wpdb -> get_results ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " select id from { $mingleforum -> t_posts } where parent_id = %d order by date asc limit 1 " , $thread ));
if ( $ret [ 0 ] -> id == $edit_post_id ) {
$sql = ( " UPDATE { $mingleforum -> t_threads } set subject = %s where id = %d " );
$wpdb -> query ( $wpdb -> prepare ( $sql , $subject , $thread ));
header ( " Location: " . html_entity_decode ( $mingleforum -> get_paged_threadlink ( $thread ) . " #postid- " . $edit_post_id )); exit ;