Git-Center ========== Automate push and pull from your git remote repositories How to use ? ---------- Copy (not rename) the config.sample.php to config.php and edit the settings to fit with your own servers. What I need to run it ? ---------- Nothing more than a web server with PHP 5 installed. **Your git clients must be in english and at least on version 1.7.10 (or more)** Why ? ---------- We will take an exemple : You have a git repo on your server and you are bored to connect on SSH in it, make a git fetch, then a git pull or git commit / push. I understand that and this is why I create Git Center. What it does ? ---------- Exactly what I said earlier, it connect to your server on SSH with you login and pass or SSH private key and do the usual git commands. License ---------- [MIT-Licensed] Many thanks to / Libraries used ---------- * [Bootstrap] * [phpseclib] [MIT-Licensed]: [Bootstrap]: [phpseclib]: